Sonnenwendantwort von Aleks Scholz:… @spinfoCL @Fischblog @astrodicticum
hllizi Ich sollte mich vom Internet fernhalten. Immer öfter kommt es vor, daß ich beim Lesen von Kommentaren "einschläfern!" denke, gar nicht gut.
danieldekok Heh, it seems that MacTeX is not really prepared for an OS X without X11 :). You should see Cmd-Tab ;).
TNG_S8 Picard finds Jane Austen in a victorian cryo-pod, doubts her identity but still dates her. Beverly spies on them from behind a plant.
TNG_S8 The Enterprise is flung into the Delta Quadrant by an alien called the Caretaker. Geordi soups up the warp core and they're home by dinner.