GoodGermanWords #Götterdämmerung or "Dawn-Of-The-Gods" = End Times
#Göttergatte or "Husband-Of-The-Gods" = Husband (used ironically but still uncool)
#Götterspeise or "Food-Of-The-Gods" = Jello pic.twitter.com/TRkQLio1WB
Autorwesen *Bruce Banner voice* I‘m on a planet that is designed to stress me out
Wär ja schon froh wenn Fußgänger*innen das bei reinen Radwegen machen würden twitter.com/zeitonline/sta…
elhotzo warum kosten vegane Kosmetikartikel mehr als normale "ja Bruder ich habs grad so hinbekommen dass wir da keine Schlachtabfälle mit reinwerfen aber das wird seinen Preis haben mein Freund"

ojahnn just wrote the worst string reversing function pic.twitter.com/9PZXn1CFFc
johnmyleswhite If you care about climate change, I highly recommend caring about the performance of computer programs. If computer hardware collectively uses 10% of the world's energy supply, making most code just 2x more efficient could be a huge victory for humanity: science.time.com/2013/08/14/pow…

Vor meinem geistigen Auge jedes Mal eine dreistöckige Seminarhalle pic.twitter.com/Ct3XG8UuTv
HarryGiles my favourite passive-aggressive move is putting "if it's urgent, feel free to call" in my out-of-office email and not including my phone number.

JelteWicherts Largest experiment of stereotype threat in high schools ever (N=2064) shows no effect of gender stereotypes on math performance (contrary to dozens of previous non-registered small studies in the literature)
tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… pic.twitter.com/bgq9Hqyf4U
QuadratPi Woa, wie ich das Lernen auf Klausuren mag. Vom ganzen Kurs kommen Fragen in die Gruppe, vulgo an mich, sodass ich eigentlich nicht mal extra lernen brauche. Ich kümmere mich nur darum, alle Fragen zu beantworten. 😅🤣
rynchantress OH: "I regret to inform you that that's a load-bearing yak you're trying to shave."
Momentary cold sweat on encountering what I thought was an endnote reference. Great relief as it turned out to be an exponent.
oliviasolon The tech industry's conflation of "want" with "are more likely to click on" is the root of so many of its problems twitter.com/frankrose/stat…
Grumpfdalm TIL: Die Steigerung von "Hummeln im Hintern" ist "Hunnen im Hintern"
complingy Revised my #NLProc course lecture that gives a 75 min. overview of the field of linguistics and some basic concepts. Slides: people.cs.georgetown.edu/cosc572/s19/04…
Note that a few key ideas like ambiguity and Zipfianness were covered in earlier lectures.

GoodGermanWords #Durchaus
Literal: "Throughout"
Actual: "Absolutely"
#Good #German #Words pic.twitter.com/oprHlBcvS2
ojahnn @there_are_two_ @tschfflr @shravanvasishth good points! I did have my students fill out a feedback form after the first third of the semester. Next time I'll be sure to include parts about what the students can do to improve their experience in the class, that sounds really useful.

dieg0 Drängeln mit Dauerbeschallung über 15 min lang. Darauf angesprochen machte @PolizeiSachsen deutlich, dass sie damit weitermacht, bis die #CriticalMass vorbei ist. Ging noch 4 km so. Ist das normal bei euch, dass ihr mit der Sirene versucht, Leute zu verscheuchen? #Albertstraße pic.twitter.com/VCFgAMhHlq
Neoliberalism has conned us into fighting climate change as individuals | Martin Lukacs theguardian.com/environment/tr…
"German pudding is the sauce you get with British pudding."

nlpado Here we are working on character embedding and not even character encoding is properly solved. pic.twitter.com/XlNLyoqSU4
kevinrphd 1/ One of the most shocking things that you learn as a grad student is that faculty are not trained to be mentors and they are not assessed for how good/bad they are, as mentors.
ojahnn @tschfflr @shravanvasishth I asked whether there was any way I could influence the questions on the form, and was told no. So now I get evaluated together with the heater in our room that was broken for 4 months. Would have loved some more interesting, subject-specific prompts.
zehavoc "the paper is well written but the question it addresses doesn't interest anyone anymore", Can't believe people can be so mean.
Dear unknown authors, I swear to Babaju Babaji that I'll defend your paper's right to exist with the last spill of my blood !
AliceAvizandum I think the process of seeing your children irreparably becoming someone else is sometimes called parenting twitter.com/abigailshrier/…

flowingdata Closeness throughout various relationships illustrated with a couple of lines oliviaderecat.com/shop/closeness… pic.twitter.com/hHDL7ZkFuG
‹ Ajoutons que, contrairement à ce qui prévaut dans les esprits français, être élu «Anglicisme de l'année» n'est pas un déshonneur en Allemagne, bien au contraire. › liberation.fr/direct/element…
Fact: if your password contains a Greek letter, it is still secure even if it only has three characters and you say it out loud in front of everyone. #StarTrek
GoogleAI Introducing Transformer-XL, a novel architecture that enables natural language understanding beyond a fixed-length context. You can learn more and find the paper, code, pretrained models and hyperparameters at ↓ goo.gl/25jEEH
phonotactless ok so if your go-to phrase was 'christ on a bike' and you wanted to intensify it, would you go for 'christ on a unicycle' (less wheels, more intense activity) or 'christ on a trike' (more wheels, less intense activity)?
drguidoknapp 1850: Hermann Melvilles Verleger findet "Moby Dick" schon recht "fesselnd", hat aber noch Änderungsvorschläge, um die Verkaufschancen zu erhöhen. Zitat: "Muss es ein Wal sein?" Statt mit dem Tier könnte Kapitän Ahab doch auch mit einer Vorliebe für "sinnliche Jungfrauen" ringen.
honnibal @deliprao Preliminary results for "spacy pretrain" : github.com/honnibal/spacy…
Pretraining used about 10billion words and $25 of compute on gce.
Queen_Europe She’s not really going back to Brussels with a strong and decisive negotiating mandate if you’ve already said you might not be committed to it. We foreigners can read fucking English you know. twitter.com/stevebakerhw/s…
hllizi Man ist ja schon froh, wenn's keine Polizisten waren. twitter.com/WDR/status/109…
"Contrary to what I have skipped, ..."
zehavoc I know some people will call me juvenile but I've never been so happy to write somewhere the "Wall Street Journal portion of the penn treebank" instead of the PTB, just so I can laugh at that arbitrary word limit.
CodepointsNet @lmichelbacher Sorry, I’m not a Mac user. This answer suggests however, that macOS uses UTF-16 and allows you to input astral characters as surrogate pairs (which is kind of cumbersome, though): apple.stackexchange.com/a/183056
berndulrich Nur weil ich die #CSU so mag, hier ein kleine Warnung: Nachdem der Versuch dramatisch gescheitert ist, die #AfD beim Thema #Flüchtlinge durch Verähnlichung zu bekämpfen, versucht die Partei das nun bei der #Ökologie erneut. Nicht so klug #Scheuer #Dobrindt
paniq 1998: this beat kicks ass
2018: this beat slaps
2038: this beat admonishes
Wenn wir Esther nicht hätten, müssten wir sie uns erfinden twitter.com/ojahnn/status/…

*findet* pic.twitter.com/kClgsOSuJY
*googelt ofen sellerie rezepte*
Tagesspiegel Nicer Zug oder böses Framing? Das Wort #Gendersternchen ist als Anglizismus des Jahres ausgezeichnet worden. Auch alle weiteren Preisträger finden sich in diesem Tweet.
"the formalization trap: the desire to nail down a formal specification that can be then optimized. This is a trap because the nature of the formal specification can be contested and evolve from context to context" algorithmicfairness.wordpress.com/2019/01/27/fat… #algorithmicfairness
ojahnn Young Aeon twitter.com/rapnamebot/sta…
ojahnn MC four and a half dollars twitter.com/rapnamebot/sta…
there_are_two_ So many of the unwritten rules of academia assume that all participants are members of the landed gentry doing a bit of intellectual work in their leisure time, free to travel as they like and able to retreat to the country estate when research funding is lean. It's elitist AF.
there_are_two_ I know many senior academics who *expect* junior researchers to move multiple times in their careers, and don’t give a damn how much this:
1) pushes people out,
2) seriously damages people who stay,
and, as ever:
3) disproportionately harms people from underrepresented groups. twitter.com/DynamicEcology…

alBazo Seminar-Tipp fürs Sommersemester: "Abriss Gebäude alte Biologie" pic.twitter.com/6dhQ1d0AXu
zeitonline Natürlich haben auch Querschnittgelähmte Freude am Sex. Doch es ist ein Tabu. Maria-Cristina Hallwachs bricht es. #SprechenwirüberPflege zeit.de/gesellschaft/2…

NeinQuarterly The Age of Mechanical Negation. pic.twitter.com/1SK0WqW1Yi

tallinzen If you ever need to have an LSTM diagram in a LaTeX document, may I suggest you steal (with credit!) this Tikz diagram from Luzi Sennhauser's paper on LSTMs' ability to learn learning Dyck languages arxiv.org/abs/1811.02611 pic.twitter.com/mPKIjfbnpr
Schplock Studi entschuldigt sich für schlechte Anwesenheitsmoral in der VL, das sei auf die Prüfungsordnung zurückzuführen. Was aber, fragt ihr euch, hat die Prüfungsordnung Böses getan?
Ja, genau: Sie sieht keine Leistungsüberprüfung vor und Anwesenheit darf nicht kontrolliert werden.
zeitonline Es gibt bereits ein #Tempolimit. Und das stellt sich regelmäßig von allein ein: Stop-and-go, maximal 10 km/h. Je mehr Mobilität, desto mehr Stillstand, wusste schon Paul Virilio. bit.ly/2G3KkZf
jojus10 @danjus10 RT @ipcress: My son asked me to explain #Brexit...told him to imagine if he & 27 classmates pooled their Lego & built for years. Then one day, one of them wants to leave & would like their Lego back. The blue ones. He immediately grasped how complicated that would be.

hllizi Astrein begründet. pic.twitter.com/wtCUhoiMJo
KateAronoff Neoliberalism rots people's brains into thinking climate policy means sacrificing something. If we do it right climate policy will mean most everyone gets luxurious public goods & a better quality of life as billionaires become millionaires and we shutter the fossil fuel industry
hartmast #ChooseYourOwnAdventure seems to be quite popular again: Books where you have to skim back and forth to read on. In academia that's called #endnotes.
EnglishGibson Me until not so long ago:
“2002 is this side of the year 2000 and therefore contemporary.”
Me since somewhat more recently:
“2002 was practically still the nineties.”
TacoCohen In deep learning, it is acceptable to add an inductive bias to your model, but only if you don't understand why it works. Understanding things via mathematics was already tried by the SVM folks and it didn't work. twitter.com/dileeplearning…
Bevor die FDP, – Vom Fachmann für Kenner titanic-magazin.de/fachmann/2019/…

PGexplaining Und, was macht dein Sohn gerade?«
»Musterprozesse zur Einschränkung von Frauenrechten führen, er hat sich ja zum 18. die Rechtsschutzversicherung gewünscht.«
»Hat er jetzt eine Freundin?«
»Nein, er sagt, die Frauen heute hätten alle sehr merkwürdige Vorstellungen.« pic.twitter.com/Yh7fO4MhL0

German face pic.twitter.com/vRWdfymwi3

simongerman600 Map shows the overnight trains in Europe in 2018. I love travelling by overnight train across Europe. Have dinner, go to bed, arrive in the city center of another metropolis. Pretty great stuff. Source: buff.ly/2WgYdcn pic.twitter.com/ck49uW7P4h

Vilinthril Hab mich im @techniktagebuch-Redaktionschat zu ein bisschen Technik-Schmählyrik hinreißen lassen. pic.twitter.com/mkWfkyrthR
bengoldacre ..this is what it was like to read features articles and news before the internet. "Here is some bizarre information. I decide how much you get to read on the topic. I am the beginning and end of your factual intake. Goodbye." ...

isoglosse @EnglishGibson The earliest reports about this phenomenon I am aware of are from the mid-1980s (see Fónagy 2006 👇). It has indeed been described as ‘dévoisement des voyelles finales’ (= ‘devoicing of final vowels’) and is often transcribed using [ç] – but [mɛʁˈsi͡i̥] etc. may be more accurate. pic.twitter.com/4V1f1ddCFe
PerryFellow Andy, it’s clear she wants to kil martin twitter.com/andyrichter/st…
EnglishGibson That thing in spoken French when a sentence ends on a front vowel and is sustained by a long /h/*, e.g.:
“Il n’a pas réponduhhhhhhhhhh.”
*or is it a /ç/?

rcbregman Inequality is rising and rising and almost nobody in Davos was talking about the most obvious and effective solution: TAXES. Felt like I was at a firefighters conference where no one was allowed to use the word 'WATER'. pic.twitter.com/l3BJ6ew0mT
texttheater "Du hast ein großes Verhältnis von Selbstsicherheit zu Intelligenz." - "Danke!"
dat kitchen <3 twitter.com/NormalComposer…
berndulrich Nein, ich traue jedem und jeder zu, eine Politik zu wählen, die gesetzliche ökologische Maßnahmen ergreift, für die man selbst im Alltag sonst oft nicht die Kraft hat. So ist es auch bei mir. Politik gg den inneren Schweinehund eben twitter.com/yksus__/status…
"Jene aber, welche von seiner Anbetungswürdigkeit zu überzeugen Gott im Laufe ihres Lebens nicht gelungen ist, sollen ewige Höllenstrafen leiden, weil isso."
Who called it "The Disaster Artist" and not "Inside The Room"
hllizi Voller Einsatz trotz verlegter Flügelschuhe twitter.com/Weltregierung/…
StefanLeifert Die Teilnehmer eines Panels zum Klimawandel werden gefragt, wie die Generation in 50 Jahren wohl über die heutige Weltelite urteilen wird. Es folgt: die längste Stille von #Davos...

ojahnn They asked me to visualize my achievements so far pic.twitter.com/UZNkluaNIl
When you want a tiling window manager *and* GNOME panels: github.com/texttheater/xm…
cdutilhnovaes Profile of the brave @davidmirandario, who will take up the place of J. Wyllys in the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies. He is the husband of @ggreenwald and back in 2014 was unlawfully detained at Heathrow in the context of the Snowden revelations. Go David! out.com/news-opinion/2…
AllThingsLing Semantics and the meaning of life tmblr.co/ZuWOEv2fmobbC
🤔 ← my other spirit emoji
Sciurus opera appropinquat
EnglishGibson I put the Menschen in Mentions.
"This band is going down like a limp biscuit." #epicquotes #fact
derloeffelbein ich: na wie gehts
bon jovi: my heart is like an open highway
ich: das klingt ungesund du solltest zum arzt
bon jovi: like frankie said i did it my way
frankie: das hab ich nie gesagt
ich: aha so so
frankie: das macht er ständig
lynneguist We had to have'em 3x transcribed for accuracy. And so I tire of being told that starting utterances with 'so' is 'distracting'. They're distracting b/c there's a current fad for pointing out that 'so' is distracting. 2/
lynneguist When I was a student, we recorded an entire term's seminars & had them transcribed so we could study our discourse markers. Even tho the experienced transcriber was instructed not to skip the DMs, she did all the time b/c she didn't consciously hear them. 1/
_shrdlu_ I'm really unhappy about how the BERT authors decided to flaunt double-blind peer review. So, I wrote a blog post about it.
"To my mind, discouraging footnotes is as peculiar as discouraging hyperlinks, section headers, appendices, bulleted lists, tables, captions, or italics. These mechanisms were invented to keep text organized and readable." In Defense of Footnotes cs.jhu.edu/~jason/advice/…

UnderpantsAnd Another Art Club with @PerryFellow ✏️✏️ pic.twitter.com/gZBDepubaK
TiniDo Wenn man so am Neckar entlang durch Kilometer an Kilometer Daimler County wandert, kann man sich gar nicht vorstellen, dass diese Welt zuende geht. Wenn man mal durch Rust Belt Cities gewandert ist, weiß man, wie schnell es gehen kann.
TiniDo Interessant ist ja, welchen Leuten ihre Lebensumstände so 'naturwüchsig' vorkommen, dass sie offenbar noch nicht mal ohne Panik denken können, dass sich Lebensstile ändern lassen / geändert werden / können, so dass man zB. ohne Auto mobil ist. Oder vegan lebt. Oder nicht-cishet.
bomelino ich richte grad grüße aus und dann sagt der "grüße zurück" meine fresse redet doch bitte direkt miteinander es gibt zahlreiche methoden der kommunikation und ich bin mit abstand die unzuverlässigste
Wort des Tages: Donauwelle-Puddingteilchen-Dualismus assoziations-blaster.de/info/Puddingte…
Heute nur tiefe Töne!

b0rk ssh tips pic.twitter.com/iLvKv1vdZg
Oh, es ist ja noch heute.
Internet Archive xkcd.com/2102/
meltomene I booked a seat in the quiet zone of this ICE train and the conductor just openly reprimanded a woman loudly talking on the phone. This might be the highlight of my entire trip.
Einmal hat mir ein Luxemburger Luxemburg gezeigt (am Vormittag die Stadt und am Nachmittag den Rest des Landes).

refikanadol Dear friends, we are deeply exploring photographic memories with machine intelligence. We are constantly training a GAN algorithm with hand picked ~2 millilons architecture photography datasets to create new machine hallucination data sculptures. pic.twitter.com/1buO3SSF8M
Verleser: "dreijährigen" twitter.com/zeitonline/sta…
"Eine Amtsführung hat auch geschlechtsneutrale Komponenten."
"Für einen Mann ist es überhaupt kein Problem, hundert Tage hintereinander einen dunkelblauen Anzug zu tragen, aber trage ich innerhalb von zwei Wochen viermal den gleichen Blazer, dann erzeugt das Bürgerpost."
<3 twitter.com/zeitonline/sta…
kathrinpassig @annanasskeks Wenn ich an die Playlistvergleichsoptionen von last.fm zurückdenke, würde das zu sehr vielen ersten Dates führen, bei denen der Mainstream vom Mainstream vom Mainstream läuft. Aber das ist 15 Jahre her, und vielleicht ist der Mainstream ja seitdem ausgestorben.

GoodGermanWords #Debating with #Germans
#Einräumen - "Tidy away" = Concede
#Auspacken - "Unpack" = Tell secrets
#Wegstecken - "Put away" = Take hit
#Zugeben - "Give to" = Admit
#Austeilen - "Hand out" = Attack
Less like talking, more like moving home.
#Good #German #Words pic.twitter.com/WBY4LJtm3r
annanasskeks Idee:
Dating App, die die Musikbibliotheken von beiden durchsucht, eine Playlist aus den Gemeinsamkeiten macht und beim ersten Date spielt.
Das Date darf nur so lange dauern wie die Playlist.

ojahnn The tagging of some of these Threepenny Opera recordings on google music sucks bassatles. #schlubchoral #wiemansichbettersoliegtman #zuhälterbassatle #kanonsong #ertesfinale #eiferuschstduett #balladevonangenehmen #leben pic.twitter.com/FtfDRz8YfZ
zeitonline Unsterblichkeit? Kein Problem, man muss nur rechtzeitig die Ersatzteile austauschen, sagt #aubreydegrey. bit.ly/2DuUkt3 #Archiv
Tired: vegetable, animal, or mineral?
Wired: organization, location, facility, or artifact?
"Lasst den Menschen doch ihre Hölle!" (Papst Knut I.)

@Vilinthril Ah, ich ahne pic.twitter.com/5Kw9oZUiAu
@Vilinthril Man sollte die *Anzahl* der Radwege angeben, dann kommen Städte mit vielen kurzen random Radweglücken besonders gut weg!!1
Aber im Ernst, wie wurde denn hier gelogen?
Grumpfdalm Geschäftsidee: Umverpacktladen, in dem man sich die losen Lebensmittel aus dem Unverpacktladen in bequeme Plastikbehälter einschweißen lassen kann.
The repetitive use of the past continuous tense is especially familiar to me from commit messages. E.g., "Bugfix: TNS-OP nodes were being generated twice"
"I asked the printer to print five copies, and it printed them double-sided, on two and a half sheets. So for practical purposes, it's three copies." #OH
@maw You're looking for segmentation into grapheme clusters (unicode.org/reports/tr29/). AFAIK, Swift and Perl 6 support that out of the box, not sure about .NET.

Grumpfdalm multi purr pose device pic.twitter.com/dUk9QtYcpA
hllizi Krieg uld Frieden twitter.com/wasmitbuechern…
@CodepointsNet The term is "grapheme clusters", right? unicode.org/reports/tr29/ AFAIK some programming languages have native support for it (e.g., Swift, Perl 6), but others deliberately don't (e.g., Rust) because the rules are complex and may change from Unicode release to release.
ojahnn Thought I had a meeting involving the Problematic Postdoc today, but my Protective Professor changed the schedule - I'm glad I'm under her Patronage. Although I specifically brought the Happy Socks I was given by a Pleasant Postdoc, to give me some extra Powerful Protection. what
perseveresther Beware of underinteraction: / Please be heard, not merely seen! / Words (which foster my attraction) / from you are few and far between. twitter.com/ojahnn/status/…
spinfocl Eine Abstimmung zum sofortigen Wiedereintritt nach dem #Brexit würde wirklich ein paar Legitimationsprobleme umgehen. Warum ist da noch niemand drauf gekommen? spiegel.de/politik/auslan…

what tense is that pic.twitter.com/iWFfYyEWEc
barbara_plank We have a 2 year postdoc opening @ITUkbh on transfer learning (MTL, cross-lingual learning, domain adaptation) for Natural Language Processing w/ @zeljkoagic: goo.gl/qCsn8k - Please contact us if interested and spread the word! #NLProc
Never say 🚫”I don’t need a 🎤, I’m loud enough”🚫 Talking loud emphasizes vowels, not consonants. You can’t make f/s/th as loud as ah/oo/ee
#HardOfHearing people need 🎤 for #accessibility #a11y
#ThingsDisabledPeopleKnow #PhDlife
AdamCSchembri I'm a #signlanguage linguist. You know me from my greatest hits, including 'ah, no, sign language is not universal', 'no, sign languages are not based on spoken languages' and 'oh wait, have you ever wondered how it is you managed to believe both those things AT THE SAME TIME?!'. twitter.com/GretchenAMcC/s…
vagina_museum that's their answer to everything twitter.com/TheMERL/status…
vagina_museum The pattern has arrived! It costs only £3 (the price of a coffee!) and all the profits goes to supporting building the world's first bricks and mortar museum about the gynaecological anatomy.
pfadintegral „Wir haben Teil drei ausgelassen, so hatten wir mehr Zeit für Teil eins und zwei“ - ein Framing für Workshopzusammenfassungen das ich mir merken werde.

GoodGermanWords #MitgehenLassen
I love this euphemism for shoplifting. It's so very detached. In Germany, the goods basically steal themselves.
"When Udo worked at Karstadt, at the end of every shift, he let a three-pack of Maxell XLII 90s come with."
#Good #German #Words pic.twitter.com/uIH8eqLzDr
4 of 5 stars to Das Millenial-Manifest by Bianca Jankovska goodreads.com/review/show/26…
timpritlove Ich brech zusammen: als "Alois Moosbrecher" von der "Aktionsgemeinschaft der Freunde der Diktatur" (AfD!) zeigt Didi Hallervorden schon 1999 (?) im WDR wie die Medien es nicht schaffen, gegenüber Demokratiefeinden Position zu beziehen. youtube.com/watch?v=6mZzCC… Coming up: "IkAF".
haekelschwein „Ich HELFE ja im Haushalt.“ – „Hilfst du deiner Frau auch beim Sex oder macht ihr den gemeinsam?“
ojahnn I did in fact do another 80% on Monday. The paper is now pre-submitted, so I have another couple of days to take care of the remaining 80%. twitter.com/ojahnn/status/…
HPS_Vanessa 'The pope', or rather the traditional Catholic church's doctrine did cone in to it, but only against a much broader cultural background that had strong opinions about what women's bodies were for & his they should 'perform'. Menstruation was central.
MelissaCole Professor Guillebaud added: “How could it be that for 60 years, we have been taking the pill in a sub-optimal way because of this desire to please the Pope?”
Ooh, ooh! I know! I know! 🙋♀️🙄
hllizi "zugegangen" LOL.
Kann ich so schreiben, ohne zu wissen, was er gesagt hat, und Recht werde ich haben.
Ist mir klar, daß mich die FAZ jetzt unbedingt wird haben wollen, ich jedoch bin zu Höherem berufen. twitter.com/FAZ_Politik/st…

johncarlosbaez Leibniz had the opposite view, saying
"I am so in favor of actual infinity."
He sounds like a Valley girl in this translation. pic.twitter.com/orMS6HNeMS

johncarlosbaez Gauss wrote:
"I protest against the use of infinite magnitude as something completed, which is never permissible in mathematics. Infinity is merely a way of speaking, the true meaning being a limit..." pic.twitter.com/meCKJYxfO3
Bloodyromcom Woman yells "Aber bitte ohne Salat!" as man heads to buy kebabs and I think I've just found inspiration for a chart-topping Schlager.
Habe Vampirgeschichte gelesen und ihr solltet das auch 🔥💀🦇👻🏳️🌈😈☕❄️⚔️💯 twitter.com/Autorwesen/sta…
EnglishGibson In a language with no expression for “Guten Appetit” you can forget about expressing “Guten Appetit zu Hause“ to people ordering food to take away.

EaterNY A woman read 20,000 Yelp reviews as part of her master’s studies. Her finding? Reviewers’ obsession with "authenticity" is white supremacy in action ny.eater.com/2019/1/18/1818… pic.twitter.com/D87Pze3hbV

Peacharu_ Turns out getting pissed off at inanimate objects refusing to work properly is a feeling that extends into the animal kingdom pic.twitter.com/dA9Kde0M9f
FlorianGallwitz Die allgemeine Überraschung hat wohl auch mit dem Mythos von den "selbstlernenden Systemen" zu tun. Da ist immer ganz viel Handarbeit im Hintergrund. Die Systeme lernen gar nichts von selbst. twitter.com/floriangallwit…
emilymbender @microth It seems to me it’s just as like to be enabling the bad habit, by aligning a post-deadline crash with a weekend. A Monday deadline at least raises the issue and causes people to think about it. >>
ch000ch i never wear red underwear in case there's a bull nearby wearing x-ray glasses
GriefBison Not just ham, BLACK FOREST ham. That exotic pigmeat on your Subway sandwich had something done to it in Germany's darkest wilderness.
haldaume3 Some of us generally think of stereotypes and other biases as undesirable in NLP systems....
We also generally think of common sense reasoning as a good thing...
But is there a difference between these two things?
(inspired by talks at wikipedia day per recent tweet)
Senficon BREAKING: Council has failed to find an agreement on its #copyright position today. This doesn’t mean that #Article11 and #Article13 are dead, but their adoption has just become a lot less likely. Let’s keep up the pressure now! twitter.com/LauKaya/status… #SaveYourInternet
@microth Just pretend the deadline is Friday
ojahnn I made the most promising breakthrough today after 5pm. This margin is too small to contain it but let me just say it involves dotted lines #phdchat
NemaVeze After you all participated in this poll, I gave a similar one to my students. Get ready for some #pairedtexts. 1/6 twitter.com/NemaVeze/statu…
barbcore Marie Condo: „What‘s this?“
Me: „A boomerang.“
Marie Condo: „Does it spark joy?“
Me: „No.“
Marie Condo: „Throw it away.“
Me: [throws]
Marie Condo: „What‘s this?“
Me: „A boomerang.“
Marie Condo: „Does it spark joy?“
Me: „No.“
Marie Condo: „Throw it away.“
Me: [throws]
Marie Condo:
@DiagnosticChick Nice garden path sentence! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garden-pa…
DiagnosticChick i think most non-academics underestimate how much research projects are driven by sheer annoyance with how wrong everybody else is
VerbingNouns Precarity isn't just about the mental health and stability of the precarious. It's about making science and scholarship *better*. How can we contribute and push the field forward when we're locked out of these opportunities?
RobDrummond Young people - If you need linguistic ammunition against an older person who criticizes your 'overuse' of 'meaningless' *like*, then simply start counting their own use of *kind of*, *basically*, or *obviously*.
uerdinger idee:
züge dünner und länger machen so dass niemand mehr neben irgendwem sitzen muss

In Cinemas on Now
War korrekt übersetzt! pic.twitter.com/2j9XhvqLHJ
zeitonline Viele Unternehmen fürchten, in Zeiten des Fachkräftemangels für hochkarätige Bewerber nicht mehr attraktiv zu sein, wenn sie neben Gehalt nicht auch noch einen Sinn und Zweck anbieten. So funktioniert die "purpose economy": zeit.de/campus/2019/01…
lingulate brief demo that what get called "pronouns" are syntactically different—adjectives occur before personal pronouns, after indefinite pronouns, and in the middle of reflexive pronouns:
[stupid me] didn't behave
[someone stupid] didn't behave
I didn't behave [my stupid self]
DRMacIver "Pandas is what happened when someone concluded that the problem with Python was that it wasn't enough like R, so built an R clone on top of numpy, the library that was written when someone concluded that the problem with Python was that it wasn't enough like matlab."
ojahnn 🚨 Attention computational linguists: If you are employed *outside academia* right now and would be willing and able to come to a career fair in Düsseldorf to present your job, could you send me a message? We pay a small sum for the talk and reimburse travel expenses. Thanks! 🚨
zeitonline Erstmals veröffentlichen Forscher einen Speiseplan, der Menschen und Umwelt gemeinsam schützen will. Er enthält: viel Gemüse, viel Nüsse und wenig Fleisch. #Ernährung bit.ly/2FGbW6D
asallime "...most white people continue to conceptualize racism as isolated and individual acts of intentional meanness." amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
zeitonline Nennen wir sie Brexzentriker: Seltsame Geschöpfe wie Boris Johnson und Jacob Rees-Mogg, Parodien ihrer selbst, stilisieren sich als Retter der gefährdeten englischen Eigentümlichkeit. #Brexit
#Abo bit.ly/2FDnvLO
zeitweise Suche den Namen eines Artsy-Computerspiels von vor ein paar Jahren: Man spielt den Tagesablauf einer alte Dame, der das Leben von Tag zu Tag schwerer fällt. Abends muss man sich entscheiden, ob man überhaupt weitermachen will.
kamaubobb got pulled over by the police today....
What's this about @code preserving unsaved changes across restarts, then just overwriting changes made by other programs on save? #wtf

FizzBuzz pic.twitter.com/YCkqCqvvvQ
Theophite throw away whichever data points don't spark joy
Missal of Silos xkcd.com/2099/
perseveresther ☝ Habseligkeiten sind nicht immer Brauchseligkeiten ❗
@jorges @RichardDawkins @Ayaan Not always
@RichardDawkins @jorges @Ayaan I don't think they are in competition with each other. More of one does not mean less of the other.
Wort des Tages: Raffhilfe
Ich bin sehr textbasiert.
tschfflr In my last class, my students asked me whether the deep learning wave in computational linguistics will ever abate and whether CL conferences will be distinguishable from general ML venues again when they're ready to publish. #thekidsareallright
miriamkp Curious: What do you do when a couple of students dominate class discussion? Talk to them one-on-one? Something else? (NOT an issue with my current students; just curious!)
fantasai Getting confused bug reports about unicode-bidi...
1. If you can figure out the language, use dir=rtl/dir=ltr.
2. If you can't, use dir=auto. Beware it's pretty dumb.
3. Never use CSS direction or unicode-bidi properties to control text. NEVER. Only use the HTML dir attribute.
dlfnova !!!!KORREKTUR!!!!
Es gibt keine Zombierobbe in der Ostsee!
Wir wiederholen:
Es gibt KEINE Zombierobbe in der Ostsee! twitter.com/dlfnova/status…

saladinahmed ok who let the octopus write its own wikipedia entry pic.twitter.com/8mq1Ct46FR
perseveresther isn't it a noble, an enlightened way of spending our brief time in the sun, to work at understanding the jerk and how we have come to be shouted at by him,
Starfleet's legal system is sooo weird #TNG_S02E09
eucopresident If a deal is impossible, and no one wants no deal, then who will finally have the courage to say what the only positive solution is?
wellformedness Conlangs have an opportunity cost, I guess you could say. twitter.com/SaraQDavid/sta…
For those moments of the day when one despairs of one’s work, luckily there are reviewing assignments, and other people’s work to criticize instead.
auract next thing you know it's gonna move twitter.com/goodfellow_ian…
#Fakt: Die Picard-Serie wird "Die Picards" heißen und in Picards Wohnzimmer spielen. Er hat eine sarkastische Frau und ein altkluges Kind und es gibt Lacher vom Band.

gneubig 2019 edition of CMU "Neural Networks for NLP" is starting tomorrow! We'll post slides/lecture videos, feel free to follow along phontron.com/class/nn4nlp20…
2019 brings new classes on contextualized word representations (ELMo/BERT) and model interpretation; PyTorch/DyNet code examples pic.twitter.com/xyG7YJBcnU
kareem_carr Consider this. Bad causal inference is both ubiquitous, and physically, psychologically and financially deleterious to women and people of color. In this context, causal inference research is a revolutionary act of social justice. #statistics #epitwitter #datascience #econtwitter
zirkuspony Ich weiß gar nicht was ich am neuen Fitnessstudio schlimmer finde: dass es überall nach Molecule 01 riecht, alle aussehen wie Instagram, der grüne Protein-Smoothie 9 Euro kostet oder die Tatsache, dass ich von außen betrachtet sehr gut dort reinpasse.
alienelf Hey ML researchers. How do you stay focused?
I spend more time getting distracted by new research & how to incorporate it into my work, than actually making progress. As if I'm continuously searching for a better idea than the one I'm busy working on.
#DeepLearning #Research
latentexistence Locations given for IP addresses are a dangerous fiction gizmodo.com/how-cartograph…
ajmooch The Count of Monte Carlo: a wrongly imprisoned man sets to exacting elaborate revenge on random people, expecting that he'll eventually get the right people if he does so for long enough.
skglas Lieblings-Radio-Werbespot (Radiowerbung für Radiowerbung) nach dem Muster einer missglückten Manual- Übersetzung -- "Wir reden dann über ihre fehlerhafte Existenz" -- radiozentrale.de/fileadmin/mnt_…
*schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen*
"Die Menschen, denen Marie Kondo so nett auf Netflix hilft, sind nicht einmal klassische Kaufsüchtige. Sie sind vom ganz normalen Besitzstand des westlichen Mittelstands überfordert." twitter.com/szmagazin/stat…
5% done with The Confusion, by Neal Stephenson: "He wanted her for what lay at either en... goodreads.com/user_status/sh…

sistersome this show is good pic.twitter.com/ufY5IRY5NJ

jamesdotcuff :(){:|:&};:
#unixinpictures pic.twitter.com/ZItgnnhv2s

jamesdotcuff sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
#unixinpictures pic.twitter.com/XISLikuEj3
Schplock Ich habe jetzt lärmreduzierende Kopfhörer, aber statt dass mich das gelassener machen würde, ist der Hass auf die Mitreisenden, die die Anschaffung nötig gemacht haben, ins Unermessliche gestiegen. Hoffen wir, dass das nur ne Erstverschlimmerung ist ...

TheLawPanda "Don't throw hands if you're not gonna finish it, Janice." pic.twitter.com/F8r0b01q4X
wellformedness it's just totally consistent with all that. SJWs from the decadent west who don't understand computers as good as we do are preventing us from satisfying our curiosity! you might think we're authoritarians but we couldn't possibly be, we haven't even kissed any cops on the mouth!
Shoutout an die @zeitonline-Paywall, die mir seit einiger Zeit die Arbeit des Martenstein-Ignorierens abnimmt.

SiyandaWrites You might need to see this today: pic.twitter.com/IjgLBwOQjS
Warum kommt eigentlich in JEDEM deutschen Film die Dialogzeile "Sag mal, spinnst du?" vor? Ich kann's nicht mehr hören.
nsaphra never give me context for this twitter.com/eli_mendoza__/…
there_are_two_ Congratulations to Dr. @SorchaGilroy, who passed her PhD viva today for her thesis on Probabilistic Graph Formalisms for Meaning Representations. It makes a daunting field accessible to a new audience and presents some cool new technical results. twitter.com/EdinburghNLP/s…
berndulrich Ich nehme es mit Demut und Heiterkeit, dass mir nach 35 Jahren Kampf gegen den #Klimawandel heute von 35jährigen gesagt wird, es müsse jetzt bitteschön erstmal gründlich diskutiert werden, bevor allzu hektische Maßnahmen getroffen werden können
ojahnn [poll] what kind of document layout makes space-hacking easier
online_shawn Last night I went to a hardware store with my dad and a lady was leaving the store with a shovel and my dad yelled UH OH SHOVEL TIME at her
bomelino - du
- du sag mal
- ghostest du mich
- nee quatsch
- puh ok
"When our greatest commodity is attention, one way to conceive of societal payment is for an abuser to simply refrain from calling attention to himself; to give us the time to not think of him at all." nyti.ms/2wuvMMx
Da ich die Datei schon hatte, konnte ich heute in einer Antwort auf eine E-Mail die Fiktion der nicht vergessenen Anlage einfach aufrechterhalten.
annanasskeks *versteckt sich im Wandschrank vor Mörder*
*versucht leise eine Tüte Chips zu öffnen*
zeitweise Es droht ein 2. Brexit-Referendum.
Seehofer droht mit Rücktritt.
Es drohen Dieselfahrverbote und Nutellabrote.
Klare Luft und schnelles Internet.
Hammelsprung und Nazis raus!
Es droht, dass nicht verhungert, wer nicht arbeitet.
Die Sprache verdroht.
Wie das Ende dieses Tweets.
Herr_Rau Stellt sich heraus: Die sagen, die haben das so beigebracht gekriegt. Nicht alles auf einmal, damit die nächsten SuS auch noch etwas haben.
Herr_Rau Mich stört im Oberstufenunterricht, wenn ich als (einfache) Frage stelle: "Welche Merkmale" (wobei im ersten Absatz 4 drin sind), und es kommt immer nur 1 Merkmal auf einmal. Könnten die SuS nicht gleich souverän alle 4 aufzählen?
MelodyRules_ @Nicole_Cliffe Starting a new high school & didn’t have the uniform yet so Dad wrote a note excusing me. I copied it in my handwriting, the school checked it by calling him, & it went on file to prevent against forgeries. For years if I didn’t want to do something, I just wrote myself a note 💅
"Klickeradoms", die "Geburt der Venus" unter den Lautgemälden
lisa_b_davidson Linguists, any tweets abt weatherman Jeremy Kappell yet? I suppose he could have intentionally inserted a racist slur, but the speech error he claims (King+Junior = c**n [kun]) is a classic anticipatory blending error. His explanation is 100% plausible. IMO he shouldn't be fired. twitter.com/DandC/status/1…

medickinson You can only see this optical illusion if you shake your head (I’m serious) 😂 pic.twitter.com/WhtZ1b0r4t
zeitonline Vor 20 Jahren lief in den USA die bahnbrechende Fernsehserie "The Sopranos" an. Im Zentrum stand der Antiheld Tony Soprano. Was macht ihn als Mann heute aktuell? zeit.de/kultur/film/20…
zirkuspony sollte ich jemals einen hund haben, wird er OMA heißen und jetzt überlegt euch mal anhand von ein paar beispielsätzen, warum.
berndulrich Nein, das sind Klischees des 20. Jhrd. Der Staat wird heute durch international agierendes Finanzkapital und die Internetriesen geradezu rumgeschubst; und wenn die Staaten nicht ökologisch engagierter werden, geraten sie mehr und mehr ins Desastermanagement twitter.com/alains1991/sta…
@sarefo YYYY-MM-DD is not exactly controversial, but not as widespread as it should be.
YYYY-MM-DD FTW twitter.com/nsaphra/status…
kathrinpassig #wasfehlt: Eine gemeinsame Crowd-Korrekturplattform der Verlage (so ähnlich wie pgdp.net, nur schöner), damit die eingescannten E-Books aus der Backlist nlcht irnrner cliese lastigen Fehbr enthatten.
skyglowberlin Germans, help me out. I have a bibliography with the names Hänel and Hale. Which comes first? Do you treat all ä's as later than all a's, or do you treat ä as ae?
(Thanks a lot @andhaenel and @jamesdavidhale, I'm never citing you both at the same time again...)
annanasskeks "Achja. Sie dürfen heute keine schweren Maschinen mehr bedienen!"
Verdammt, wie soll ich denn jetzt meinen Schaufelradbagger umparken?

stephanbartosch Die #NÖGKK hat eine eher eigenwillige Definition von Vielfalt #justNÖthings pic.twitter.com/nTDxhgppU7

yoavgo BERT totally fails, btw 😛: pic.twitter.com/y3fuj8LcWf
5 of 5 stars to The Book of Why by Judea Pearl goodreads.com/review/show/24…
Wilbulm Hesch

rveenewman A 3D printed light projected animation. Proof that there's always new ways to animate everything. #3dprint #animation pic.twitter.com/ULFTf8gIto
mdlhx Some very nice work! I hope they will try to publish some of this stuff! One very nice outcome of these projects is that UUParser can now be used with ELMo, see github.com/jgontrum/uupar… by @gntrm! It works reaaally well!! 🙂 twitter.com/uppsala_nlp/st…
Steampunk-Hackerstory, in der man für automatisierte Berechnungen nicht "Compute" braucht, sondern "Uhrwerk". Bsp.: "Um den Code zu knacken, brauchen wir mehr Uhrwerk."; "In Sachen Uhrwerk können wir es nicht mit ihnen aufnehmen, aber wir haben den smarteren Algorithmus."
tiger_food Gute Gelegenheit, mal wieder zu üben, dass es „aufs“ (und nicht „auf‘s“) und „Schärfste“ (und nicht „schärfste“) heißt. #Dings
@Autorwesen Sehr gern! 🙏
@Autorwesen Gibt's die öffentlich? Wenn ja, wo? Wenn nein, darf ich lesen? :D
@adimit FWIW both are instances of laminar flow.
_starsem The First Call for Papers is now out! Submission deadline - March 6, 2019. Check out the details at: starsem.org/2019/#cfp

ZonePhysics When water flows so smoothly it looks solid. This effect is called Laminar flow pic.twitter.com/2QtUYcQcxb
in vivo - in vitro - in silico - ex cathedra
immer noch bestes katzenvideo
Pigeon outsmarts cat youtu.be/ah2mHjwv7DM via @YouTube
@Grumpfdalm @Autorwesen? :D
Grumpfdalm Wer malt mir das? twitter.com/Grumpfdalm/sta…
iamaghostnow <einsame hütte im wald>
░ [hackt holz]
[wagen fährt vor] [zwielichtige person steigt aus]
░ – was willst du
zp – wir brauchen dich
░ – bin nicht mehr im biz das weißt du
zp – ein letzter job
░ – verdammt
░ [hat ein wurstkostüm an tanzt] ♫ bocki bocki bocki bockwurst b
EnglishGibson Deliberately mistranslated for the amusement* of my wife.
*eye-rolling resignation
MillennialProf_ Semester "icebreaker" Tip:
Ask your students to share the kindest thing any teacher has ever said to them.
It's my favorite way to start a semester -- curating a community bonded by kindness.
jack_kelly I left Google DeepMind to build a non-profit research lab focused on helping to fix climate change ASAP. Very open and collaborative. Everything open-source. Focus on practical, scalable interventions, starting with forecasting solar PV. jack-kelly.com/blog/2019-01-0…
EnglishGibson Zusammengeschrieben twitter.com/byagoda/status…
nsaphra Ah, this one is really good! Write better reviews! twitter.com/nlpmattg/statu…
Sinneswandlerin Das ist nicht mein Antifaschismus. twitter.com/Joerg_Meuthen/…
toddwords Currently looking for WordHack presenters for 2019! Calling all poets, programmers, artists, linguists, gamemakers, botmakers and researchers working at the intersection of language + technology to come give a 10-15 minute talk/performance at @Babycastles!
MatthiasKalle Nazis raus.
tschfflr Klingons do not procrastinate! It is a tactical delay.
krismicinski someone pointed out that if you read the book "Coders at Work," all the top coders interviewed there use printf-style debugging. Really makes you think about how we could increase productivity: could we have better strong but dead-simple APIs for debugging built into language?
Grumpfdalm This world uses bodies to improve user experience. [accept] [opt out]

ScHuehnerkrisp Hustet nicht Würfel, pic.twitter.com/IrU688inwI
bmih_bund Wir werden einen Gesetzesentwurf zum Verbot von Hackerangriffen vorlegen. Dieses Internet darf kein Rechtsfreier Raum sein!
Außerdem werden wir zugewanderte Hacker schnellstmöglich abschieben und eine Obergrenze für Datenlecks festlegen.
hllizi Obstsalat mit Speckwürfeln aus Angst vor Veganismus.

Sequence mapping pic.twitter.com/8uGShqlP5S

_he_art 『COLD/HOT』
#アンビグラム #ambigram pic.twitter.com/PQaauso91R
hllizi If they explain to me how reducing the efficiency of agriculture is going to help feed 8+ billions of people while reducing CO2 emissions, then I'm all in. twitter.com/TheEconomist/s…
annanasskeks Beautyprodukte.
Für Typen:
Das hier kann als Shampoo, Zahnpasta, Sonnencreme, Motoröl oder Wandspachtel benutzt werden
Für Frauen:
Wir haben diese Feuchtigkeitscreme extra für Ihren linken kleinen Zeh entworfen
zirkuspony JETZT WIRD ZURÜCKGETWI hm zu müde
TomNamako "Airports struggling with manpower issues could also opt to loosen standards for checked baggage based on a theory that people would not bring a bomb onto their own flights because the explosion would kill them, too. Known as positive passenger bag match"
@EnglishGibson It could be said of "Komm schon", though
@EnglishGibson I don't think the same could be said of "Komm, wir..."
EnglishGibson Komm, wir… [+present tense]
Hey, let’s… [+infinitive without ‘to’]
I know, let’s… [+infinitive without ‘to’]
alter war die letzte folge schlecht, bin geschockt
wellformedness There's nothing linguistically interesting about it either except that, like half the nominees, it's a euphemism.
wellformedness I can honestly say I've never heard the WOTY and think it's not-very-clever take on actual creeping fascism so I'm going to pass. #woty2018
kirbyconrod Conference tip: set aside some time to just sort of sit somewhere visible with your nametag showing and wait for people to come to you! I call it my NPC hour
1) Haha, "Bernd"
2) Vorstellungen zu einem "Airbag fürs Internet" bleiben sehr vage
3) Gurtpflicht seit 1999?? twitter.com/zeitonline/sta…
mueslikind Hauptmann Offensichtlich.
MeaningBank For those who could not attend EMNLP: vimeo.com/306143088
bomelino Verstehe nicht warum man Gewichte kaufen kann. Alles andere hat doch auch ein Gewicht und noch ne Extrafunktion (z.B. Hund).
RebekahBaglini The linguistics/NLP divide reflected in questions. “What’s your task?” vs. “What’s your question?” Cf. engineering vs. scientific mindset. #LSA2019 #SCiL2019
liekegelderloos Interesting panel discussion at "what linguists should know about #NLProc ". @nlpnoah proposes a linguists + NLP start-up: Natural Language Misunderstanding. A system that misunderstands you just like your mother. #SCiL2019 #LSA2019
skglas Ich lese dejure.org/gesetze/BDSG/4… Abs.2 und frage mich, wann gehackte Informationen als "öffentlich zugänglich" gelten müssen (nur weil sie illegal auf Downloadportalen stehen?) Und wenn das sich-verschaffen Zeitungen verkauft, liegt doch ein "sich bereichern" vor, oder, BILD?
@adimit Oder auch nur Komoot. Kool.
@adimit cycle.travel/map → in Komoot importieren wirkt für meine Zwecke vielversprechend. Demnächst mal ausprobieren. Danke!
@adimit Ja, kommt vor.

ojahnn I'm presenting my work on verb alternation identification in English at the #lsa2019 #scil2019 poster session at 10:45-11:45! Stop by to find out how to teach a computer that "open" can be causative or inchoative, but "sleep" can't! Full-size poster is at user.phil.hhu.de/~seyffarth/pre… pic.twitter.com/QxvWyAdriS

GretchenAMcC But first! A challenge for the #lsa2019 audience: explain something about linguistics to your hypothetical 15 year old nephew, using play-doh
My contribution: pic.twitter.com/Q5vZYMip9Q

GretchenAMcC Here bright and early for the high school linguistics panel at #LSA2019 and it looks like we'll be getting to do some kind of interactive activity! pic.twitter.com/EdR4hL53mO
Google Maps ist ein viel größerer Fan der B8 als ich. 🚲
spinfocl Ein bisschen lustig ist das schon. #Thread twitter.com/knallkultur/st…
On page 38 of 432 of The Book of Why, by Judea Pearl: "Searle's challenge has only one f... goodreads.com/user_status/sh…

marteimer Wenn sich betrunkene Flüchtlinge prügeln: Tagelang Dauererregung, "Kriminelle Ausländer raus"-Stimmung, Infragestellung diverser Grundrechte
Wenn ein Weißer eine Frau fast totschlägt: Ach, der Arme, er war halt frustriert, weil er so tollpatschig ist beim flirten, der Racker pic.twitter.com/1R48f76c6M
hllizi Stattdessen brav das auf den Umschlag gebürgert und zurück in den Kasten: "Falsch zugestellt, Empfängerin ist an dieser Adresse seit fast vier Jahren nicht mehr wohnhaft. Postboten bitte alphabetisieren."
bundesamtfvs Ja hier: Gibt es denn schon irgendwelche Hinweise auf ein politisches Motiv? twitter.com/Billstein/stat…
ojahnn How do I get elected into a conference organization committee for the specific task of being in charge of the layout of the room for poster sessions?
We just wanted to measure the outrage howtogeek.com/fyi/mozilla-sa…

harvardnlp "Tensor Considered Harmful" (nlp.seas.harvard.edu/NamedTensor).
A polemic against numpy / pytorch and a proposal for a named tensor (github.com/harvardnlp/nam…). (New year's goal, be more troublesome.) pic.twitter.com/R8FURzzINS
sjmielke Now sitting in: "Enhancing communication between international instructors and U.S. undergraduate students" (Okim Kang) #LSA2019 #SCiL2019
The problem: studies show that asian TAs are rated lower by US undergrads, even when audio is the same as other video of a Caucasian!
ojahnn Example: Someone complimenting a person by saying "I like the hair", instead of "I like your hair". These effects are rooted in pragmatic competition between the phrases, there is some rationality in the choice of one variant over the other.
ojahnn First talk: Michael Moortgat - Modes of composition. Linguistic expressions are multidimensional (phonology, syntax, semantics, ...) Composition in each of these dimensions behaves in a specific way, and Richard Oehrle's ideas revolve around composition across the dimensions.

rctatman Since I'm always on about "using the best tool for the job" when it comes to data science software & libraries, I've put together a handy flow chart that includes Lots of Opinions about what the best tools are for various jobs. pic.twitter.com/vgoiOu5vQV
nsaphra Linguists all know WALS already so they don't think of it, and it shows up rarely enough in NLP papers that a lot of ML-background people aren't aware of it. But if you are interested in data on how languages differ, it really is essential. wals.info/languoid
kuebra Betreff: Rass. Angriffe in Essen/Bottrop
Liebe Redaktionen,
wenn ihr 2019 noch immer nicht um die Macht v Sprache wisst ("Fremdenfeindlichkeit", really?) und nicht gg Rassismus sensibilisiert seid (es gibt Workshops!), dann bleibt nur zu sagen:
Auch das ist eine Positionierung.

marga_owski wenn du denkst du kennst schon alle Friseurwortspiele und dann doch nicht pic.twitter.com/Tgpet4dLiV
letzte staffel tatortreiniger bingen
SharkDancing Cyclists with Ipods (headphones) hear the same as motorists in cars with the windows up listening to nothing. #BikesarenottheSameasCars. bikebiz.com/business/cycli…

classiclib3ral The two funniest ways of starting a tweet I have ever seen pic.twitter.com/ilOlybGNp7
"[Meine Mutter] sagte mir, dass das nicht richtig sei. Niemand sei verpflichtet, einen anderen Menschen zu lieben. Wenn du also mehr Liebe brauchst, als ich dir gebe, dann musst du mich dazu verführen!" twitter.com/zeitonline/sta…
Wort des Tages: weitwinkelobjektiv twitter.com/spinfocl/statu…
hllizi Bund und Reich twitter.com/Tobias_WTM/sta…
AnimaAnandkumar 3) He has pledged to change his behavior and took feedback without fighting back. #meToo is not a witchhunt. It is a dialogue to let men know that their behavior is having a huge negative impact. It is about changing learnt social conditioning of patriarchy.
in Coolitäten geraten
zirkuspony geisteszustand: beim friseur angerufen und "hallo ich brauch haare ab" gesagt
Evertype It’s official. @BabelStone and @Evertype have dibs on proposing #Voynich for encoding in #Unicode Hat tip to @zenodotus and @BeineckeLibrary
RadishHarmers The careful doctor must distinguish "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" from "Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo". The latter string of complete gibberish can be a patient's first sign of stroke.
zeitonline Ein Knacks an der Psyche ist manchmal nicht viel anders als ein verstauchter Knöchel, schreibt @JaSimmank. Warum es helfen kann, auch einfach mal über seine Gefühlslage zu schweigen zeit.to/2F3ZXiH #Archiv
Leider doch nicht nur mit Audio: Bei meinem T450s muss ich gerade schon zum dritten Mal die Garantie in Anspruch nehmen wegen Displayfehlern (einzelnen hellen, verschwommenen Flecken).
@vagina_museum Awesome! Is there a reason you gave the title in Dutch? :D
GretchenAMcC My latest Wired column:
Both kids and adults like faces, but kids don't use faces that convey a note of irony, such as tears of joy 😂, loudly sobbing 😭, or thinking face 🤔. Instead, kids prefer faces with the tongue stuck out 😛 or blowing a kiss 😗.
texttheater Herpfklotzen
"Katharsis. Abspann." twitter.com/zeitonline/sta…
random_walker Smart contracts are really cool, but they're neither smart nor contracts. freedom-to-tinker.com/2017/02/20/sma…
The fact that they are being proposed as replacements for legal contracts with a straight face is emblematic of the category errors that are rampant in the blockchain space.
random_walker Another area where blockchain projects have faltered is in how they govern themselves. Decentralized doesn’t mean structureless — structureless groups don’t exist. jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny…
You can reject governments but you can’t opt out of governance.
random_walker Openness and decentralization matter to _developers_. To succeed, decentralized platforms must attract developers and foster an ecosystem of services that build on each other and gradually improve in functionality and quality. That’s how the Internet beat Compuserve and AOL.
random_walker Open platforms can’t win by directly appealing to users on philosophical grounds, or even cost (see Linux on the desktop). Mainstream users have no good reason to directly interact with blockchain technology—or any piece of code—without intermediaries involved.
random_walker There’s a widespread belief in the blockchain world that centralization results from government regulation and/or monopolistic rent-seeking. The truth is more mundane: centralization emerges naturally in a free market due to economies of scale and other efficiencies.
tallinzen One of my favorite things about Twitter is how people started signaling that a tweet is the first one in a thread after it became unfashionable to just say "(thread)". Let me explain.