Wort des Tages: herzzerwärmend
marxling Juliet, on her Android phone, sent Romeo the dizzy face emoji 😵 to express her disillusionment after his killing of Tybalt. Romeo, receiving the emoji on his Apple phone, instead believes Juliet to be dead. And that, my friends, is the tragic reason why Romeo must die. pic.twitter.com/zpSARqxhot
remcoknooi Mijn gebruikelijke vraagwoord voor soorten (i.p.v. standaard-Nederlands “wat voor”) is blijkbaar Heel Erg Raar.
“Hoe zo’n auto hebben jullie?”
“Hoe zo’n pizza wil je hebben?”
“Hoe zo’n meningen hebben jullie hierover?”
NeinQuarterly A gentle reminder from Nietzsche that, yes, you can handle the truth. It’s the mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphisms that should worry you.
tschfflr Working up my courage to call a friend unannounced. (maybe another day or two)
aufheben -> Aufhebens
dissen -> Dissens
@ojahnn * 5 tokens up and down the corridor
PatrickBeuth Mein Kommentar zum unseligen @Europarl_DE-Tweet und zur Entgleisung der #Copyright-Debatte insgesamt: spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzp…
Schiefe Screenshots? Ist das gerade das große neue Ding?
netzpolitik Europaparlament verbreitet einseitiges und irreführendes Video zur Urheberrechtsreform.
Die Pressestelle will sich dazu nicht öffentlich äußern, offenbar ist es ihr unangenehm. Zu recht.
netzpolitik.org/2019/europapar… pic.twitter.com/3SdwUQQ7md
byron_c_wallace Attention weights in NLP are often presented as providing 'explanations' for (neural) model predictions. They don't, at least not consistently. New #naacl2019 paper (w/PhD student Sarthak Jain): arxiv.org/pdf/1902.10186…
ojahnn The professor who got me involved in all sorts of side projects, but then never replied to my mails about those projects twitter.com/MobyDickatSea/…
kj_un Satisfying day: Orange One acknowledges superiority of juche & demonstrates his subservience by coming all the way to Vietnam — a country he had always avoided in the past — to praise me & offer concessions. Victory of mighty DPRK over dogs of capitalism now greater than ever.
berndulrich Erst fördert die Bundesregierung die Überproduktion billiger Lebensmittel und dann moralisiert sie in einer großen Kampagne die Verbraucher an, sie sollen weniger wegschmeißen. Wieder mal Moral statt Politik @akk @JuliaKloeckner @PaulZiemiak #PolitikstattMoral
mmbollmann Friend: "So who are you texting with?"
You: "Oh, it's just my neural network, I'm telling it to increase its learning rate." twitter.com/adbarbaresi/st…
ojahnn bitte nicht mehr "das sparkt joy" sagen, sondern nur noch die korrekte deutsche Übersetzung "das entzündet Frohsinn"
gchrupala What's really annoying about NLP is that every dataset out there is provided in a heavily degraded form, with random "tokenization", lowecasing, "<UNK>" and other junk. Life would be so much easier if people kept that cruft in their code, and provided the original text.
ChrisRouse1212 @DannyBate4 Another sci-fi/linguistics issue which has caused many sleepless nights: in the case of an instant, universal translator like the TARDIS or a babelfish, if an SOV speaker gets cut off 2/3 of the way through a long sentence, what does an SVO listener hear?
zeitcampus Mich interessiert es nicht, wie Leute die Frage gemeint haben, schreibt @_vanessavu #vonhier zeit.de/campus/2019-02…
The idea of cutting was already present in previous work about bread knives, so this raises a question about the novelty of chainsaws. #reviewer2
@perseveresther I hereby pronoun myself I
hllizi Um mein Postfach etwas zu entschlacken, erkläre ich hiermit, daß sämtliche mit meiner Webcam aufgenommenen Videos, die mich beim Pornokonsum zeigen, ohne vorherige Rücksprache mit mir veröffentlicht werden können.
Wort des Tages: Schrottkochen
mdlhx Now available on the arXiv: arxiv.org/abs/1902.09781 and code: github.com/mdelhoneux/uup…. We find that a tree layer does not reliably help a BiLSTM transition-based parser 1/3 twitter.com/mdlhx/status/1…
frachtschaden bin überzeugt kapitalismus geht noch später
raudskjegg @AndrewWrites USB 1.0
USB 2 Fast 2 Furious
USB 2.0
USB 98
USB 3.2 (USB 3.1)
USB IV - A New Hope
USB 7: USB 6
JoshuaSGoodman I no longer read my teaching evaluations.
Instead, I give them to my assistant and ask that s/he sort the comments into three piles:
1) Positive feedback.
2) Constructive criticism.
3) Unconstructive criticism.
alicewetterlund Me, in hell: I was told there would be a “special” place for me?
james_aka_yale The ghosts of technology in today’s language by @mwichary buff.ly/2CQp9I0 pic.twitter.com/3V4KBnffi3
küche gehen keks essen wenn keine mehr da sind alternativ fenster rausstarren
ojahnn insane
in sane
"...insane..." pic.twitter.com/3HUviP3Ykh
perseveresther ach ja? dann promovier du doch
@GLS_Germany 1. Mail (gestern um 21:10):
"Voraussichtliche Zustellung:
zwischen 08:30 und 09:45 Uhr "
2. Mail (heute um 10:11):
"Voraussichtliche Zustellung:
Die Zustellung erfolgt innerhalb der nächsten 1-3 Werktage
zwischen 08:30 und 09:45 Uhr "
Danke für die Nachricht, @GLS_Germany. Kriegt ihr es nächstes Mal vielleicht hin, sie nicht erst *nach* dem angekündigten Zustellfenster zu schicken? War dann doch schon vorher klar, oder? pic.twitter.com/rUeAF0WY1l
"a healthy dose of post-modern self-effacement made reuniting the cast of Seinfeld compatible with also satirizing the idea of reuniting the cast of Seinfeld" uproxx.com/tv/sopranos-br…
bertpsch Meine Lieblingstexte sind immer noch die, in denen kostenfreie Bildung und allgemeine Krankenversicherung linker „Radikalismus“ sind und irgendwie symmetrisch zu Trump und darum „die Mitte schwindet“ 🙏 pic.twitter.com/6vkZLppmcm
ArneKoehn @ojahnn @unihh does the co2 compensation automatically. I.e. if you fly, they will calculate co2 emissions and take the costs from the Kostenstelle (too lazy to translate that...).
tschfflr @ojahnn @StefanMuelller @atmosfair @HumboldtUni I brought this up here as well. I think the DFG should include this in the official reimbursement catalog.
ghostysarah ich könnte niemals psychologe sein ich würde die ganze zeit mood und same sagen
Herr_Rau Magiesysteme für Fantasyrollenspiele sollten eigentlich wie Programmiersprachen funktionieren: Ein paar Anweisungen, ein paar Kontrollstrukturen, daraus dann Unerwartetes schaffen. Manche Sprüche kriegen Namen, "Dijkstras Pfad aus der Finsterniß" etwa.
zeitonline Wir leben über unsere Verhältnisse. Deshalb brauchen wir jemanden, der uns auf die Finger haut. Anders ist die Welt nicht zu retten, sagt unser Autor. bit.ly/2TfqFg4 #Archiv
hels There’s this incredible book called “Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases,” by the late 19thc/early 20th c orator Grenville Kleiser. It’s exactly what it sounds like: an alphabetical list of 15,000 phrases.
simonw I really like these examples of uses for the new Python 3.8 walrus operator python.org/dev/peps/pep-0… pic.twitter.com/m1cShMRZ3m
GebanTuterkoj In dem Wort "Ananassaftmilchschaum" hat die erste Silbe einen Buchstaben, die zweite zwei, die dritte drei, die vierte vier, die fünfte fünf und die sechste sechs.
Jetzt muss nur noch jemand dieses Zeug herstellen. Ich würde es schon aus linguistischer Faszination trinken.
The deadly truth about a world built for men – from stab vests to car crashes theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2…
KeyanZahedi What’s wrong with the the German science system in one picture. pic.twitter.com/p0dosYnMHo
ojahnn Academics: Even if your institution doesn't have specific regulations for carbon emission compensation, talk to the people in your travel department! There might be a chance to get your donation to e.g. @atmosfair reimbursed. twitter.com/StefanMuelller…
zeitonline Wie wirtschaftsfreundlich sollte die Politik sein? Sehr sogar – sofern sie die Belange von Beschäftigten und Umwelt berücksichtigt. #Wirtschaftspolitik zeit.de/2019/09/wirtsc…
gchrupala Work on multi-task learning for visually-grounded spoken language with myself and @afraalishahi
- Two-year postdoc, combining speech, vision and NLP
- Hosted at @TilburgU in collaboration with the @eScienceCenter
- Apply by March 31: bit.ly/2tCaGKp
ojahnn Geldautomat
Geldautomat pic.twitter.com/PEf6o95VTJ
pfadintegral Dieses schöne Gefühl wenn man langsam anfängt sich zusammenzureimen worüber die Timeline seit zwei Tagen redet
@emilymbender Good point – I'll ask the program chairs.
gchrupala There is a program to compute similarity between Abstract Meaning Representations (AMRs) called smatch (amr.isi.edu/evaluation.html). Has anyone looked into how this metric correlates with human judgments of sentence similarity?
nsaphra I'm still prepping the camera-ready for my @naacl paper, but if people take away one thing, I want it to be that they should be specific in what they mean when they say a representation "encodes" some linguistic property, and to recognize the drawbacks of their definition. pic.twitter.com/VS4FNYKSXQ
@emilymbender Hi, I'm the author of that paper (now accepted to NAACL and withdrawn from IWCS). I focused on direct comparison with similar previous work here, and the choice of languages was mostly dictated by the existing benchmark. Your criticism applies to that, of course.
meganamram Humans give little gold humans out to other humans who pretend to be other humans the best
reinboth "Das Parlament möge beschließen, dass nur noch Fahrzeuge zulässig sind, die sich 35 cm über dem Boden bewegen."
"Es gibt doch aber keine Flugautos!"
"Das Wort Flugauto kommt im Gesetz nicht vor! Fair bleiben!"
"Aber wie...?"
"Das findet sich schon noch. Zur Abstimmung bitte!"
classiclib3ral Oh yeah so you think it will suck if we make the planet uninhabitable for humans? Then what about all these other times when most of the planet was uninhabitable for humans? Checkmate liberals pic.twitter.com/YoR3jHusWm
"We split him into two teams."
Wir setzen die Reihe "Der besonders sinnfreie Social Lede" fort mit twitter.com/zeitonline/sta…
ryandcotterell @adveisner @wittgen_ball @NAACLHLT @ACL2019_Italy You are *no longer* allowed to cite your own work as anonymous. To quote the #naacl2019 sty file "Please do not use anonymous citations and do not include when submitting your papers. Papers that do not
conform to these requirements may be rejected without review."
Much of what is called "bread" in English is called "Toastbrot" in German because it's only tolerable when toasted.
3 of 5 stars to Sandbergs Liebe by Jan Drees goodreads.com/review/show/27…
yeahyeahyens @texttheater the misplaced assignment operator in the condition
good unreliable narrator vs bad unreliable narrator
derhoch @texttheater I'm the semicolon after the closing bracket of the for loop header.
Vilinthril TIL: Ghost populations in human DNA ancestry. stoweboyd.com/post/180374661…
PennyRed ‘The new trophy wife in tech isn’t the hot young model. It’s the most brilliant, accomplished woman you can get to give up her career to have your kids.’ - a woman who works tech told me this two years ago and it still haunts me. #sexism
@spinfocl Die ARD scheint eine zu haben tatort-fundus.de/web/news2017/t…
"Um den Energiesprung abzudecken, müsste ein Beschleuniger mit heutiger Technologie einen Radius ähnlich dem der Milchstraße haben. Dazu sind selbst 20 Milliarden Euro nicht genug." 😂 heise.de/newsticker/mel…
Gibt es irgendwo eine Liste aller bisherigen "Experimentier"-Tatorte? #Tatort
vcheplygina @texttheater @ojahnn Renaming my variables it an attempt to be consistent, then forgetting one instance somewhere
texttheater @ojahnn Zwar kein Emu gesehen, aber Wiesen, Wisente und Enten.
yoavgo @zacharylipton 4/ there are tons of undocumented tricks and know how to get the network to train that are buried in code, or in someone’s experience, or in someone’s “touch”. The same network can work well for someone who knows, and terrible for a newcomer. And there is no place to learn.
LeonDerczynski Congratulations to all the #naacl19 authors. Don't forget, review scores are uncalibrated and high variance, never even start to think that scores alone mean anything. Don't take just my word for it from my PC chairing experience - see cs.jhu.edu/~jason/advice/… #nlproc pic.twitter.com/HRMofiQMah
@ojahnn Zwar kein Emu gesehen, aber Wiesen, Wisente und Enten.
Herr_Rau @kathrinpassig @ojahnn @texttheater I don't want to sound posh or anything, but I'm the one calling an overriding subclass method from a superclass constructor when the subclass hasn't had time to initialise properly, because I fiddle around too much with generalisation.
yrlaNor @texttheater i'm the old comment in the source code that someone forgot to update after replacing the following section with something completely different
kathrinpassig @ojahnn @texttheater I'm the regular expression that will eat all your pizza and your whole kitchen and your house and your planet because you told me to, oh yes you did.
ojahnn Actual plan for today twitter.com/texttheater/st…
ojahnn @texttheater oh, but only with JavaScript arrays. Otherwise, they're race condition
ojahnn @texttheater spouse says they're not storing the return value of an immutable call properly
ojahnn @texttheater I'm overwriting the whole collection in each iteration instead of appending new elements
Which type of bug are you? I'm prematurely returning True from a loop that's supposed to check if a condition holds for ALL elements.
"Le prénom" (2012): Nur der Aufhänger ist originell, der Rest das Übliche: Menschen in bildungsbürgerlicher Scheinidylle sind enttäuscht voneinander. Werde trotzdem irgendwann das deutsche Remake gucken, weil Christoph Maria Herbst <3 und gespannt auf kulturelle Übersetzung.
Spoiler-free episode summary: "The captain faces a difficult decision. A member of the crew engages in an activity."
My friend told me they didn't go into a certain Japanese restaurant because there were lions outside. (They said "lines", actually, but I like the version I heard better. Lions guarding doors are Chinese and therefore not a sign of an authentic Japanese restaurant, I guess.)
Watched "Home Alone" for the first time recently. Impressed by the effort that went into creating the chain of events leading to Kevin's being forgotten at home.
Was gibt es Schöneres als den Anblick noch frischer Speiseabfälle in einem noch mehr als halb leeren Restmüllsack
nlpmattg 2/ This is a paper that tries to take a step back in NLP and ask, "are we really accomplishing our long term goals?" It does some really good analysis and has good discussion. The domain of experiments here isn't super comprehensive, but it's still quite interesting.
Plutonium xkcd.com/2115/
Das Urteil – Vom Fachmann für Kenner titanic-magazin.de/fachmann/2019/…
Sri Siri – Vom Fachmann für Kenner titanic-magazin.de/fachmann/2019/…
Feindschaftspreis – Vom Fachmann für Kenner titanic-magazin.de/fachmann/2019/…
Karriereplan, leider zu spät – Vom Fachmann für Kenner titanic-magazin.de/fachmann/2019/…
Junggesellenabschied – Vom Fachmann für Kenner titanic-magazin.de/fachmann/2019/…
Russtikal – Vom Fachmann für Kenner titanic-magazin.de/fachmann/2019/…
CopeNLU In "A Probabilistic Generative Model of Linguistic Typology", we utilise structural similarities between languages to discover typological features and populate typological knowledge bases
@johannesbjerva @YovaKem @ryandcotterell @IAugenstein #naacl2019
copenlu.github.io/publication/20… pic.twitter.com/Lg2HvUmYGj
Failure visibility policy: an earlier version of the paper was rejected from CoNLL 2018.
Cross-lingual CCG Induction: something I've been thinking about for a long time, now I get to present it at #naacl2019! pic.twitter.com/rT06uyXfJr
abuxolugo @yuvalpi lost another friend after describing how i lost my other friends in a garden path sentence
SorchaGilroy Our paper just got accepted to #naacl19, description by @there_are_two_ below! twitter.com/there_are_two_…
RT @hila_gonen: Our paper "Lipstick on a Pig: Debiasing Methods Cover up Systematic Gender Biases in Word Embeddings But do not Remove Them…
asayeed @zehavoc @nsaphra @anas_ant @wellformedness yep. has happened in previous years too but not as frequently. I am wondering if it's now time just to focus on "good" workshops just to get things "out there" rather than hope one wins the lottery.
kareem_carr As a person of color, whenever I've given a talk, and am professionally dressed, and standing in the front of the room, and setting up my laptop, and having to explain for the 3rd time why I'm there, I like to think it's because they can't imagine someone this hot is also smart.
tallinzen Based on a random sample of tweets from the last couple of hours I estimate that the NAACL acceptance rate this year is between 92% and 95%.
zeitonline Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa, Zetta, Yotta – und dann? Bis 10^24 kommt die Mathematik. Dann aber gehen ihr die Präfixe aus. Das soll sich nun ändern. zeit.de/2019/09/masse-…
nsaphra @wellformedness And honestly my reviewers raised some good points. But the 5 had one more good point than the 4s. pic.twitter.com/LtlMeIP8df
wellformedness paper #1: one reviewer thought the paper was overall good but was disappointed we only looked at 69 languages
@Ozan__Caglayan @ArneKoehn @mdlhx @NAACLHLT I once co-organized a small conference where co-authors would complain about getting "spammed". (???) Maybe the NAACL PCs have a similar traumatic experience?
peterbreuer Beim Nachdenken kommen einem die besten Ideen.
peterbreuer Unter dem Dach einer starken Markenfamilie aus Planeten und diversen Stakeholdern wird die Sonne in Zukunft LIGHT NOW heißen. Für Sie ändert sich nichts – das Tageslicht bleibt gewohnt komfortabel und verfügbar.
shacharmirkin mainsplaining pic.twitter.com/KfnQ5cYRA4
emilymbender If your sentence isn’t ambiguous, it’s either in some programming language or about three words long and only used really low frequency words. But machines notice ambiguity more than most people. twitter.com/bhgreeley/stat…
Autorwesen Ich liebe es Kaktusbesitzer zu sein. Hab ich diesen Monat schon dran gedacht Autsch zu gießen? Nein! Ist das wichtig? Auch nein!
HenningLobin Es ist an der Zeit, Elisabeth Wehling zu verteidigen. Sie ist keine Hochstaplerin, wie es manche Medien insinuieren, sondern eine ausgewiesene Wissenschaftlerin (s. ihre Publ.-Liste unter elisabethwehling.com/resume). Das Problem ist nicht, dass sie eine Leistung anbietet, wie es... pic.twitter.com/a6bZMeLJDF
CodepointsNet A clever idea to get the point... err, ... the dash across. twitter.com/edwinwee/statu…
shakeitoffbot And the lemurs gonna lem, lem, lem, lem, lem
ENG_Jole Hi Twitter! If you're trans, @elinmccready and I would appreciate if you'd take our research survey about chosen names! You can find it at engjole.net/survey/!
texttheater @EnglishGibson For me, the "son" also serves as a barrier between silly product names and what I accept as part of my language.
"Ich hätt' gern son Schoko-Büsch."
"I'd like one of those things you call Schoko-Büsch."
@EnglishGibson For me, the "son" also serves as a barrier between silly product names and what I accept as part of my language.
"Ich hätt' gern son Schoko-Büsch."
"I'd like one of those things you call Schoko-Büsch."
garnettsimonj @EnglishGibson It implies, surely, that the croissant is somehow not something that belongs to one’s standard repertoire of experience, for whatever reason (e.g because croissant is a peculiar French pastry). As in: ‘I’ll have one of those, like, chocolate croissant thingies.’
egrefen If only the ML community cared about proper follow-on work and longitudinal studies even *a small fraction* of how much it cares about truly dumb and pointless stuff like coming up with "novel" models, flag-planting, and cookie-licking. If only...
EnglishGibson “Ich hätt’ gern son Schokocroissant.”
You might think the translation is:
“I’d like one of those chocolate croissants.”
But actually it’s:
“I’d like a chocolate croissant, and not just any chocolate croissant but one of the ones that you sell in your bakery.”
HansHuett Für Hans-Peter Friedrich sind die Schablonen maßgeschneidert. twitter.com/hpfriedrichcsu…
bomelino wenn man heutzutage einen brief mit der hand schreibt muss man dann so affen die sich die augen zuhalten reinmalen oder gibt es da stempelsets
ojahnn Schön, dass Gebäude 23.21 jetzt auch endlich barrierebefreit wird!
reinboth Es ist offenbar mal wieder Zeit für diese eine Aufgabe, die ich in ähnlicher Form schon zu Gesichtserkennung in Bahnhöfen, Überwachung von elektronischer Kommunikation und vielen anderen Themen stellen musste. #Artikel13 #Uploadfilter
Möchte jemand bei der @CDU_CSU_EP lösen? pic.twitter.com/TfWIy4vUVd
perseveresther "They really liked it, for some reason." - "For some reason indeed!"
skglas @gema_news @the_mrjt @_P4t1_ @HelgaTruepel wenn ich dann demnächst einen gewalttätigen Polizei-Einsatz filme und die Einsatzkräfte Chart-Musik spielen und FIFA Bilder hoch halten, wird mich das *kein* soziales Medium je uploaden lassen, richtig?
JamieJBartlett ‘You’re millionaires paid by billionaires’ - Rutger Bregman lays it on Fox News presenters. pic.twitter.com/lXCg6gZTo1
perseveresther "So is that a good sign or a bad sign?" - "I don't know, but it's definitely a sign!"
spinfocl Mein Bayes-Klassifikator sagt: Parodie-Tweet. twitter.com/gema_news/stat…
spinfocl Dietrologie: Ital. für die Wissenschaft der Dinge, die hinter etwas stecken. (euphemistische Übersetzung)
HaticeAkyuen Ich nehme gern ein Fahrrad als Prämie. Am liebsten eins mit eingebautem Radweg. #zukunft #berlin #sichereradwege #autofreiestadt pic.twitter.com/Mnru4QUkuM
skglas Eigentlich ist es Grimm gegenüber einer ganzen Industrie. "Hier, kauft unsere U-Boote. Übrigens, wenn ihr nicht ersaufen wollt, --wir verkaufen Euch auch gern noch einen Abdichtungs-Service."
skglas Zum Abschluss des Abends muss ich nochmal meinen GRIMM ggü Microsoft loswerden --erst lobbyieren, um der Politik ihre SW zu verkaufen und dann noch wie FRECH wegen der UNSICHERHEIT ihre eigene SICHERHEITSdienstleistungen extra zu verkaufen. Argh.
Wort des Tages: Handgranagel
Schplock Zu Hülf! Wir wollen für eine wissenschaftliche Studie etwas über eure sprachliche Intuition erfahren. Es kommen ziemlich viele Vornamen vor. Hier gehts zum Fragebogen, freuen uns riesig über alle, die mitmachen und/oder retweeten. (Dauert ca. 20 Minuten.)
wellformedness And this probably applies more to industrial work than stuff like the massively multilingual CoNLL tasks. Anf which are why those tasks are so important: they let us get at *internal* factors that make some languages harder to model than others.
wellformedness While it is certainly the case that many NLP technologies treat isolating languages as the default, a huge reason for degraded performance in ¬English is economics.
Senficon Nach dem Ja der Bundesregierung im EU-Rat ist es jetzt wichtiger denn je, dass wir gegen #Uploadfilter und #Leistungsschutzrecht auf die Straße gehen! Wir können das im Europaparlament noch kippen! Folgt @uploadfilter für alle Infos zu den Demos! #SaveYourInternet #Artikel13Demo
SKleinedler I left my doctoral program at U of Chicago 20 years ago ABD, and still have no regrets. I loved and valued highly my coursework, quals, and exams - my professors were top-notch. But I didn’t have a topic I was passionate about and it didn’t make sense to spin my wheels.
'Dank Duolingo kann ich, wie sich herausstellt, niederländische Voicemaillabyrinthe jetzt einwandfrei verstehen (abgesehen von “druk op hekje”, aber das lässt sich ja erraten).' twitter.com/techniktagebuc…
HansZauner Ludwig Boltzmann (geboren heute vor 175 Jahren) war ein wenig nervös vor seiner Vortragsreihe in die USA. pic.twitter.com/uErLohCwgz
PhDemetri @BaileyDeBarmore Your thesis is not your magnum opus. Write it down, move on.
#tbt 2011, als ich schockiert feststellte, dass die Niederlande eine nördliche Hälfte haben
Das ist lustig, weil Doppelsinn reflexive Verbvariante vs. reflexiv verwendetes Verb twitter.com/skglas/status/…
Gute Arbeitsteilung zwischen mir und Zukunftskilian: Ich trage das Fahrrad in den Keller, er ölt es und trägt es wieder rauf.
unwahr scheinlich
Schplock "Ein junges Paar soll die Eltern des Mannes ermordet [...] haben. Wer war die treibende Kraft hinter der Tat?"
Könnte es eventuell sein, dass uns die FAZ in der Überschrift "Schwiegereltern ermordet und eingemauert?" schon einen klitzekleinen Hinweis ...?
skglas Vielleicht sollte man künftig von "Citizen-generated Content" sprechen; der mündige Staatsbürger, der sich Schreibzugriffe in den kollektiven Aufmerksamkeitsraum erlaubt, haha
tesseralis “You’re nothing like my Firebolt!” Harry screamed. “You’re just a Muggle machine.”
“Silly boy,” said the robot. It projected the word “ROOMBA” in ghostly letters. “Let me show you who I truly am.”
The letters rearranged themselves to read... “A BROOM”.
“No!” cried Harry.
frank_opitz Bitte jeder nur eine Eilmeldung pro Tweet.
peterbreuer Pute mit Rind – was ist das für ein seltsames Wurstkonzept der Dr. Oetker Jubiläumspizza? Komodowaran mit Ziege oder Löwe mit Gazelle hätte ich besser verstanden. pic.twitter.com/SjbL7IvbHv
Ich warte noch auf "sine qua non" als Slang für "unbedingt". "Ey, sine qua non, Alter!"
(Enya voice) abstract away, abstract away, abstract away
Grumpfdalm Endlich Frühling, endlich versuchen die Bäume wieder, sich mit meiner Nasenschleimhaut zu paaren. 2/10 would not recommend.
MeaningBank The evaluation period (25.02-11.03) of the first shared task on Discourse Representation Structure (DRS) parsing is approaching bit.ly/drs_parsing pic.twitter.com/REY04KZtI1
nlpnoah My class notes evolved into a "contextual history" for contextual word vectors. The main ideas behind ELMo and friends, for not-yet-experts in NLP. arxiv.org/abs/1902.06006
cdrrazan Choosing OS the best way!! .@nixcraft #linux #OS pic.twitter.com/2BuQCNI5En
🎵 Die Liebe ist ein wildes Tier / In die Pfanne haut se dir 🎶
TatumCreative I really love encoding my data structures into ascii art. It makes documentation and testing so much easier. pic.twitter.com/eNYL2PTEf9
skglas Ich glaube, ich habe noch nie Begriffe stummgeschaltet hier auf TW. Wenn man Fehlkonzepte oder Fehlterminologien blöd findet, sollte man, finde ich, das in Schmunzelenergie umwandeln.
NeinQuarterly The #PresidentsDay you’ve been waiting for. pic.twitter.com/bacJdRGVFa
jluan how i think of the gpt-2 language model: pic.twitter.com/SdQyMJGPPQ
@perseveresther ok ok ok
berndulrich Schon toll unser Helmut #Schmidt, fasst auch als Denkmal noch mit an pic.twitter.com/jTmCfflSdh
Infinitiv Konjunktiv: "Sein könnten tut das schon."
annacle_science People on Twitter have talked about this for a long time. Reimbursements are unfair and a pain. bit.ly/2TRQ0JO #conferences #ECRchat
ojahnn My spouse is wearing a shirt that says "Clean code, dirty mind", so I asked if that was true. Their response: "It's a completely accurate description of me. My code is clean, but my mind is badly commented and redundant and in need of some serious refactoring."
4 of 5 stars to The Fabric of Reality by David Deutsch goodreads.com/review/show/23…
greveler "Haben Sie keine Sorge, dass bei einer zu schnellen Digitalisierung der Verwaltung ältere Bürger von den Dienstleistungen abgehängt werden?" -
"Ich kann mir auch mit viel Phantasie keine zu schnelle Verwaltungsdigitalisierung in Deutschland vorstellen."
"Ausland liegt auf dem Äquator und erstreckt sich über 149 Millionen Quadratkilometer. Amtssprache ist Ausländisch, ein für Deutsche nur schwer verständliches Kauderwelsch." twitter.com/Der_Postillon/…
The limits of my programming language are the limits of my refactoring ambition.
zeitonline Am heutigen Tag der grundlosen Nettigkeiten zeigen wir Ihnen noch einmal die Schattenseiten der Freundlichkeit: bit.ly/2SGzu2L #Archiv
Python 🤷♂️ twitter.com/hardmaru/statu…
ojahnn The reason for the second one is that I don't want anyone to believe I'm doubting my own research. So I usually go with "I'm working on X" or "I'm looking for ways to do Y", instead of "I'm trying to do Z".
Quintessential thread win twitter.com/EvpokPadding/s…
zacharylipton Reading the paper, its impossible to conceive that any decision by OpenAI to release or not to release the code could have any impact on the technology available to the public on a scale of more than days/weeks.
Wow, #TheOrville is on fire this week
boredyannlecun Just trained a ConvNet so deep it gets 200% ImageNet accuracy. BUT, the weights are so big, in your clown novices hands they would form a singularity & devour the planet. So I'm gonna keep that shit locked up & just Tweet/blog about it. #torched #convolutionalclowning
"ein Schwall paarweise widersprüchlicher Sätze"
texttheater "Mir gefältt dein Ton nicht." - "Er gefiele dir aber besser."
BucarLiz My institution has been hiring a ton, which means I've attended over 20 job talks in the last 12 months. It occurred to me a thread about DOs and DON'Ts might be helpful, so here goes:
RT @nlpmattg: @yoavgo Yes, I agree, it's shockingly coherent long-form generation. I am very impressed. I was just thinking of the PR-hype-…
yoavgo @haldaume3 @boydgraber btw, when i interviewed at FAIR last year they told me (intended as a selling point) that "whatever you will publish will get 100x amplification compared to acqdemia, regardless of its relative quality".
was actually quite a turn-off.
nsaphra If you are a woman, consider trying this out, it is way more fun than organizing events. If you are a man, consider performing some of the social labor that you enjoy consuming!
nsaphra Today I realized almost every social activity, including professional events, is organized by the fifth of this department that is women. So instead of taking on yet another obligation, I spent the same amount of time press ganging men into it.
@Herr_Rau So ein tolles Wort würde ich auch so oft wie möglich sagen.
Vor Frühjahrsmüdizität ist meine derivationöse Morphologik ganz durcheinander.
itatiVCS Academia is literally just another politically motivated, economically driven, and conservative (as in, status quo maintaining) tool to maintain social stratification. Why else is it so hard for URMs and first-generation folks to make it in the academy?
pfadintegral Bei der FAZ können auch fünf Männer allein unter drei Frauen sein pic.twitter.com/fisLQJqYuk
zeitweise Erben ja, aber nur mit Bedürftigkeitsprüfung.
PDFs mit Archiv-Vorsatzblättern, wo dann bei doppelseitigem Druck ungerade Seiten links sind??? Ich kann so nicht arbeiten.
#nlproc/#dighum project idea: tweet viewer that automatically finds the right context (news articles, other tweets...). Important for future (and present?) historians. twitter.com/Conorpope/stat…
@Vilinthril Ich bin Ravenclaw, Aszendent unklar
Autorwesen I spent way too much time on this pic.twitter.com/XF24Wa3muS
Slytherin, Aszendent Ravenclaw
texttheater Things, eh.
ojahnn When reading old articles with bad kerning, it is crucial to imagine the text being read to you by an old, white-haired person over a bad radio connection. pic.twitter.com/Krd9TNFaGW
NeinQuarterly Bitter schön. pic.twitter.com/Idrw4wBoxG
alethioguy Addendum 1: if anyone tells you that linguistics training is useless, prove them wrong. We need to seriously assess the internal workings of NLP systems as they become more pervasive, and no one is better equipped to do that than a linguist.
alethioguy Testing for bias in Google Translate: a thread. 1/13
ojahnn Lots of good arguments for and against this, thanks everyone! Consensus seems to be this:
If you build on related work (e.g. extend their system), mention it in intro or right after intro.
If you focus on the difference between your approach and prev papers, put RW at the end.
Senficon Breaking: The text of #Article13 and the EU Copyright Directive has just been finalised. Upload filters are in. Here's how we got here and what you can still do to #SaveYourInternet: juliareda.eu/2019/02/eu-cop… pic.twitter.com/bNmVwLJXUp
BecomingDataSci You're the Signal in the Noise, Sweetheart
#DataScienceValentines #awwwwww
@ojahnn @mdlhx @there_are_two_ @emilymbender @evanmiltenburg For me, that doesn't depend on where the section is placed, but on how it is written.
@evanmiltenburg @emilymbender @ojahnn @there_are_two_ That's one very good reason, I think.
@ojahnn @there_are_two_ Having this section does not mean purging all citations from the rest of the paper!
@ojahnn @there_are_two_ I like to put related work that is immediately relevant to understanding my paper into Introduction, possibly Background, and Results (for comparison). For everything else that should be mentioned, I think the "Related Work" Section right before the Conclusion is great.
fermatslibrary Here’s a cool instance of the Banach fixed-point theorem pic.twitter.com/jRaZhyiNcM
pfadintegral Fragt sich anhand des Satzes „vor die Gesichter der drei Schauspieler wurden Balken montiert, um Probleme mit dem Urheberrecht zu vermeiden“ ob es Forschung zu gefühltem Recht gibt, analog zu intuitive physics
ojahnn Ich bin sowas von bereits fürs nächste "your last text is the motto of your political campaign" meme. pic.twitter.com/EpuwIQ07gu
there_are_two_ If done correctly, any science outreach event about AI should be in the comedy-horror genre.
PerlenDL Wenn zwei sich streiten, fliegen die Dritten. #PerlenDL pic.twitter.com/RG80Hwa1dd
NirantK For those getting started with #NLP or @spacy_io, this is still a good intro on how you can get creative with linguistics.
In this @kaggle kernel, we use @spacy_io's Dependency Parsing to convert a sentence => question & answer pair:
drguidoknapp 1899: New York bekommt ein Heine-Denkmal. Eigentlich sollte es in Düsseldorf errichtet werden – aber deutsche Antisemiten hatten dies verhindert.
Quelle: bit.ly/29u2zbb pic.twitter.com/b3fnHyBezc
"the assertion that we just need better C programmers goes way farther than that. It’s not just a question of whether people can catch problems in code that they write. It’s also expecting people to be capable of re-contextualizing every invariant in any code they interact with" twitter.com/rustlang/statu…
kathrinpassig @emilymbender @TweetDeck @Twitter With women, Tweetdeck frequently shows the breasts instead of the face – I have a collection of examples somewhere. But to give them the benefit of the doubt: it might be just a decision to show the middle third of images in portrait orientation.
That raw concrete wall would look better with a coat of paint. twitter.com/bellegenerico_…
skglas We all should write more programs in C and encourage our next generation to do so twitter.com/bellegenerico_…
andrewheiss There's a question on StackOverflow that describes how someone sorts all their variables in descending order, independently of each other, because it makes the models stronger, and I think about it almost every day.
zeitonline Monatelang hatte der #McJesus in Haifa unbemerkt im Museum gehangen. Jetzt debattiert Israel über künstlerische Freiheit. #Israel #Kunst bit.ly/2DzOZz7
emilymbender Hey @TweetDeck and @Twitter -- until you get a face recognition system that actually works for non-light-skinned people, how about defaulting to the top third of photos in the little preview? pic.twitter.com/nc4M1R9NsH
ojahnn cool how it represents the feelings one is likely to experience when looking at it! ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ twitter.com/VerbingNouns/s…
ojahnn Using Verb Subcategorization for Word Sense Disambiguation for Subcategorization Acquisition using Word Sense Disambiguation using Verb Subcategorization pic.twitter.com/MtISN8m5vh
FrauKrone Alle wollen saubere Luft, lebenswerte Städte und komfortable Mobilität. Aber das Auto-Land 🇩🇪 macht keinen Platz für Alternativen.
Jetzt reicht‘s! Der @FahrradClub startet seine große Mitmachkampagne #MehrPlatzFürsRad!
In Kürze mehr auf mehrplatzfuersrad.adfc.de pic.twitter.com/qM13ywhsMs
@gchrupala forest. I've never used tikz-qtree, but forest seems more actively maintained and also harnesses the power of TikZ.
creamspeak Mafiaboss: *dreht sich im Sessel zu mir*
„Ich habe ein Angebot dass du nicht ablehnen kannst“
Ich: „ist es 1Kilo putenbrust für 5,99€ bei Rewe?“
Mafiaboss: *legt panisch 1 Kilo putenbrust 6,99€ bei Penny Prospekt beiseite* „nein...?“
peterbreuer ...und übertüncht den Geruch der halbierten Zuschauer mit Fichtennadelspray. pic.twitter.com/kfHcsJEykm
I decree that when an appointment is made definite, it shall henceforth be said to be "inked in".
Selig sind die geistig Dahen
Unordentlicher Orden "Kurmeliten"
neosorbista gerade "militärischer Abschminkdienst" gelesen, können wir das bitte so beibehalten.
@peterbreuer Hast du mal hinter dem Rücken des Sugababes nachgeguckt?
A: It's easy, just follow the poles to the summit.
Me: So you and Sonia lead the way?
A: …
Me: …
A: I had not thought you capable pic.twitter.com/UdBoaBlcaq
Error Bars xkcd.com/2110/
gchaslot YouTube announced they will stop recommending some conspiracy theories such as flat earth.
I worked on the AI that promoted them by the *billions*.
Here is why it’s a historic victory. Thread. 1/
Hugo der Blob
reinboth Schüler gehen nicht zum Unterricht: Es gibt Regeln! Autokonzerne halten die Grenzwerte nicht ein: Können wir die Regeln nicht ändern? Rentner haben Angst vor Flüchtlingen: Müssen wir ernst nehmen. Kinder haben Angst vor Umweltzerstörung: Die haben doch keine Ahnung. Frustrierend.
Hausmeister: "Ich laber deiner Nachbarin grad n Kotelett an die Backe, du kennst das ja." <3
nsaphra You are a Jewish lefty organization. Congratulations! Pick one of the following to repeat forever:
- "Real antisemitism exists on the left, but this case is a smear!"
- "Disingenuous claims of antisemitism exist on the left, but this case is real!"
Choose wisely!
spinfocl Einfallsreiche Korpusauswahl der Studierenden für die #DeepLearning #Textgeneration-Aufgabe: Goethe, Filmkritik, Austen, Rilke, Historische Abrisse, Chefkock-Rezepte - alles dabei.
spinfocl 200 Epochen Chefkoch und ich weiß nicht, wie das schmecken wird. "Nach belieben nodeln aus den knoblauch schälen" #DeepRecipe pic.twitter.com/ibR6jpHqpU
Wort des Tages: fachwerkumflauscht
EnglishGibson Lehrgang at work today. Dreading the Vorstellungsrunde, obviously, but when it’s my turn, I’ll keep it kurz und knapp and avoid saying “…ja…” in the Überlegungspausen.
yoavgo yes! behind every simple NLP problem there is a lurking AI-complete wormhole if you want to do it well.
consider for example "go over this set of historical letters, and plot all mentioned locations on a map".
Now consider "Dear friend, I am writing from your favourite city." twitter.com/dmimno/status/…
pickledpuffin "Let's really stick it to the rich elite."
"We could smash up a bus stop"
"Yeah, just wait till those posh bastards try n catch a bus on Monday" pic.twitter.com/wFDK07iwZb
Verleser des Tages: "Zeit ist wertvoll, also verbringe sie nicht mit Menschen" statt "Zeit ist wertvoll, also verbringe sie mit den richtigen Menschen."
"Das trägt man jetzt mit Fassung."
"Trägt man das jetzt ironisch?"
EgoThorsten Diese 16jährigen, denen man heute offenbar nur allzu gerne jedes Recht auf eine eigene politische Meinung abspricht, dürfen übrigens bei der nächsten Bundestagswahl alle wählen.
ramez The #GreenNewDeal does talk (vaguely) about decarbonizing agriculture & industry. That's better than nothing. Though it's one and only proposed solution - local ag- is a non-solution. Eating local is, usually, worse for the planet. Eat food from where it grows best. 15/
ramez In industry, despite progress in recycling steel, *primary* steel production is still incredibly carbon intensive. As is cement. As is much of manufacturing. We haven't reached the "solar cheaper than coal" or "EVs cheaper than gasoline" tipping points there. We need to. 14/
ramez We do NOT have momentum in reducing carbon emissions of agriculture or manufacturing.
In agriculture, livestock methane emissions + deforestation to graze livestock are biggest problems. And meat consumption is doubling in next 40 yrs. This should scare you more than coal. 13/ pic.twitter.com/t3XxZO5HzO
ramez So the key here is that, if Germany had the power to make a new clean tech cheaper for the whole world, than the US (much larger) certainly does. And that is our most powerful lever in having an impact on global emissions and global climate change. 9/
ramez Solar & wind are now cheaper in many parts of the world than new coal or gas. That happened *because Germany subsidized them when they were young and expensive*. And because China did a bit later. Like cheap solar in California & Nevada? Thank German & Chinese policy makers. 8/
singareddynm Lissajous curve table - the ratio of frequencies between two sinusoidal movements. pic.twitter.com/yU3fStu6du
EnglishGibson stop = bitte nicht mehr twitter.com/mutablejoe/sta…
EnglishGibson Anyone who finds “what…for…” in that context unusual and knows about my interest in Germanisms in American English will understand. I’ll add this item to the list when I reopen my blog.
EnglishGibson “You guys need to follow some of the boys out in the pit and see what they’re using for pay phones.”
“You guys need to get up on those rooftops today, see what these mopes are using for phones.”
EnglishGibson Here’s some interesting American English usage I noticed on season 1, episode 8 of The Wire (2002), which is set in Baltimore:
ArrantPedantry Actually, "fewer" is a hypercorrection. twitter.com/AdamMKaufman/s…
hllizi Erinnert sich jemand? War es bei der Einführung der Mülltrennung ein großes Freiheitsthema, seinen Müll jederzeit dort hinwerfen können zu müssen, wo man selbst ihn gerade hinzuwerfen wünscht?
13adh13 asking a PhD student when they’re graduating twitter.com/offsetyrn/stat…
I'd NEVER allow this to happen xkcd.com/2109/
Gucke z.Zt. zum ersten Mal "Enterprise".
1) WTF, das lief schon 2001 an??
2) Lustig, dass Neelix (als Arzt) und Seven of Nine wieder dabei sind.
@EnglishGibson Auch: genau (gar) nicht(s), genau (gar) kein/e/r/s
EnglishGibson Konzentrationsfehler – Thread ruiniert pic.twitter.com/C1BPwL9xiS
peterbreuer Natürlich finde ich es schade, dass die Elbphilharmonie nun wegen ihrer Akustikprobleme abgerissen werden muss, aber ich kann es ja auch nicht ändern – dann ist es halt so.
@frachtschaden Ein Kollege, als er einmal dafür verspottet wurde, dass er immer denselben Talk gibt: "You don't write 'Midnight Train to Georgia' and play it only once."
SophiePassmann Wo sind eigentlich die Freiheitsfreaks in der Abtreibungsdebatte? Stau?
@MMugnaia Auf diesen Raumschiffen dürfen alle überall hin und alle Informationen über alle aus dem Computer abrufen. Es ist ein bisschen wie im frühen Internet.
Wort des Tages: Klingonen-GZSZ twitter.com/MMugnaia/statu…
@wickedchicken This is awesome. On the Ra{d,t} example, you don't need a bad phone line - these are pronounced the same anyway due to final devoicing.
wickedchicken hey, I put together some thoughts on learning German from a programmer's perspective. I hope it's helpful!
@oaostrik I'd love to read those one day.
Word of the day: dissemination device
@oaostrik 🖤
Grumpfdalm I miss Venomous Virility and Guyolence. twitter.com/ErynnBrook/sta…
zeitonline Klimaökonomen sind sich einig: Ein #CO2-Preis wäre gut für den #Klimaschutz. Ihn einzuführen ist politisch heikel. Aber andere Länder zeigen, wie es gehen könnte. zeit.de/wirtschaft/201…
saschalobo Wenn Ihr Euch fragt, wann die "Neuen Medien" endlich nicht mehr "neu" genannt werden, habe ich eine schlechte Nachricht für Euch. Amerika wird nach über 500 Jahren immer noch "Neue Welt" genannt.
@kweenys In dem Fall BMVdI
Who called it Swift for TensorFlow and not Switf
B.: I still need to get the data out of that Chomskyan paper.
@ojahnn (without missing a beat): There isn't any.
gchrupala Just got a call from some scammers trying to convince me that they are handling my travel and accommodation arrangements in Florence for ACL. Probably found my name mentioned somewhere on the ACL website.
Beware. #ACL2019 #acl2019nlp
Grumpfdalm FAKT: Da der menschliche Körper zu 70% aus Wasser besteht, besteht Wasser zu 143% aus menschlichen Körpern.
buechereiwien "Ich suche 'Homo Faber' von Thomas Mann."
"Das ist von Max Frisch."
Der Unterricht heutzutage ist halt eher auf kritisches Hinterfragen als auf stures Faktenwissen ausgerichtet.
mdlhx @nlpado As a junior researcher and a woman, I could not disagree more. Anonymous discussion is less intimidating. I am sure I have a pretty good idea of who knows better than me by reading the reviews. And even if someone knows better than me, I might still spot something that they miss
Who called it list.reverse() and not list.upend()
cdutilhnovaes At the train station now, and there are hordes of kids on their way to The Hague to protest against climate change. If it’s not too late, at least the Earth will be in better hands with this generation! volkskrant.nl/mensen/met-dit…
yuvalpi Convolution coffee anyone? pic.twitter.com/F5boa8S6AF
ojahnn How to have a diverse network:
1. Have a non-diverse network
2. Stay in touch as people change over time
3. Profit
jasonbaldridge The ACL Anthology is a hugely valuable resource to our #nlproc community, and there is a new focused effort to improve it over the next few years. This is a great opportunity for service -- please consider helping! aclanthology.info/volunteer
perseveresther tuppence, thruppence, fuppence, fippence, sippence
staci_stasis hallo leute bitte denkt dran dass es für dieses zwischending wenn mans bei akuten sachen nicht mehr zum arzt schafft aber auch keinen rettungswagen benötigt den kassenärztlichen bereitschaftsdienst gibt, der wenn nötig auch zu euch kommen kann. telefon 116117 deutschlandweit
Wer nannte es Biathlon und nicht Skißen
DavidKlion Capitalism as we know it today doesn't drive innovation, it cannibalizes innovation. It takes modestly profitable businesses that serve an actual function and degrades them in order to enrich a tiny class of plunderers. It's why every website you've ever liked keeps getting worse twitter.com/FoldableHuman/…
emilymbender Q for #linguistics #lazytwitter -- does anyone know of analyses of English forms like "passer outer" and "picker upper"?
"IEX's main innovation is a 38-mile (61 km) coil of optical fiber placed in front of its trading engine. This (...) adds a round-trip delay of 0.0007 seconds and is designed to negate the certain speed advantages utilized by some high-frequency traders." en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEX
deliprao Eugene Charniak’s #DeepLearning book gives an insight into why many highly respected #NLProc researchers held back from joining the 3rd NN party that started circa 2008. pic.twitter.com/N1CfrruczX
nsaphra Language modeling seems like an artificial task to outsiders, but sequential word prediction is pretty essential to how humans understand language as well. You'll still get confused if I say a banana you weren't expecting.
Word of the day: quote-unquote operator
Kollege skizziert Papertitel: "Bla bla bla: bla bla and problems"
chordbug 🌶️ HOT JAVASCRIPT TIP: 🌶️
to increment some counter on the page,
node.innerText += 1
doesn't work (0 → 01 → 011 → ⋯), but
node.innerText -= -1
works fine (0 → 1 → 2 → ⋯)
ojahnn neat trick for avoiding page breaks in TeX when you really really don't want them twitter.com/hmemcpy/status…
hmemcpy Current status pic.twitter.com/0e5vIfbti7
RespectableLaw Respect to Pelosi. Circumstance demanded she clap, so she invented this weird walrus clap that was mocking, aggressive, and delightfully surreal all at the same time. Nobody has ever has clapped like this. He didn't know what to make of it. twitter.com/jowrotethis/st…
kweenys #Hochdruck (in der asynchronen Timeline) pic.twitter.com/0mEsYAFSZS
FirefoxDevTools DevTools tip:
The Font inspector in @FirefoxDevTools can highlight runs of text rendered by particular fonts.
Very useful when fallback fonts are used to render particular characters.
--@patrickbrosset pic.twitter.com/dWjmKokSvN
Bitte nicht mehr "mit Hochdruck" an irgendetwas arbeiten
JayCogi to avoid being in this situation for excessive amounts of time, just make sure to throw your phone charger in before you go shopping so it's under all the groceries. twitter.com/JayCogi/status…
wallingf "So I did what any programmer would do in the face of an intractable social problem: I wrote code in the vain hope of solving things without needing to talk to anyone." github.com/searls/todo_or…
hllizi Idee nach Lektüre diese Tweets: "Wet Brexit". Den Kanal umbenennen in "Brexit" und Artikel 50 canceln. Das ist der billigste denkbare Brexit und sollte eigentlich alle zufriedenstellen. twitter.com/FAZ_Politik/st…
@ojahnn Inspo: wiki.c2.com/?QuantumBogoSo…
@ojahnn I'm afraid random.sample and [::-1] are probably O(n). We'd also need true instead of pseudorandomness. On the upside, you can do the checking part asynchronously, for if it fails, it doesn't matter! 😊👍
ojahnn thought the person next to me on the train was knitting but when I glanced over they were just untangling their headphones very serenely
haekelschwein @OomenBerlin @cwergHB @Tagesspiegel Ja, vor der Stadtgrenze das Auto stehen zu lassen muss genauso zum guten Benehmen gehören wie beim Betreten einer Wohnung die Schuhe auszuziehen.
GeriatricGamer This is BRILLIANT. Scary how quick AI is learning.
Draw something here, and the page’s AI will try to correct it for you based on what it predicts you drew.
If it’s wrong, shake the screen.
Superb. And scary…
Subtle protest:
ojahnn When I chat to my boss about her long and successful academic career twitter.com/MobyDickatSea/…
mozhacks Firefox 66 will block auto-playing non-muted video by default (a change currently in preview in Beta & Nightly, slated for landing in stable on March 19).
What you need to know:
@AndreasJechow @tschfflr @skyglowberlin @salvabara @SchroerSibylle @_scs What did you expect them to say? :D
nilsreiter Klausuraufgaben in denen Student*innen Beispiele geben müssen machen die Korrektur deutlich unterhaltsamer. #semesterende
peterbreuer Nichts für schnelle Schnappschüsse aus der Hand – das neue Canon EF 12.000mm 1:4 L IS II USM Tele. Inkl. Stativschelle und Objektivdeckel. pic.twitter.com/psQzWAcbEJ
asayeed Just saw "outcallen" as a German verb with "out" as separable particle. e.g., "outgecallt zu werden". I think it needs strengthening à la @texttheater "outcallen/cällst out/caule out/outgecallen".
texttheater @ojahnn from bidi.algorithm import get_display
def bidi_reverse(input_string):
"""Reverse input_string, abusing a layout algorithm for bidirectional text.
Left as an exercise: preserve control characters.
return get_display('\u200e' + input_string)
zeitonline Tirili, tirilo, tirila: Was vor 40 Jahren als bissige #Satire und subtiles Rockkabarett galt, firmiert heute als Hit-Sanatorium für Faschingsfeste. @SpitzerThomas von der #EAV hat die Schnauze voll. zeit.to/2DRAGHz
@ojahnn from bidi.algorithm import get_display
def bidi_reverse(input_string):
"""Reverse input_string, abusing a layout algorithm for bidirectional text.
Left as an exercise: preserve control characters.
return get_display('\u200e' + input_string)
kweenys @texttheater @ojahnn Take a synchronous context-free grammar (V,Σ,R,S) where
V = {S}
Σ = {c | c is a Unicode codepoint}
R = {S -> ⟨c,c⟩, S -> ⟨c X₁, X₁ c⟩[X₁ / S] | c ∈ Σ}
The induced string transduction reverses the input.
texttheater @ojahnn Take a CFG (V, Σ, R, S) where
V = {S}
Σ = {c|c is a Unicode codepoint}
R = {S → c c, S → c S c | c ∈ Σ}
Use a left-corner parser to scan the input, then generate from the topmost prediction – the right half of the result is your output.
@ojahnn Take a CFG (V, Σ, R, S) where
V = {S}
Σ = {c|c is a Unicode codepoint}
R = {S → c c, S → c S c | c ∈ Σ}
Use a left-corner parser to scan the input, then generate from the topmost prediction – the right half of the result is your output.
ojahnn my spouse said I should do one that generates a pdf and you have to print it and cut out the letters and sort them yourself - I decided to make it easier by numbering each letter on the other side of the page pic.twitter.com/h7fHHhzS9i
ginasue We called BS on AI.
Here's a thread of what we learned.
(1/15) pic.twitter.com/sSFfsTfXex
DeJongeAkademie Nu op NRC.nl: onze reactie op #wetenschapsbrief. Pleidooi voor meer kansen voor meer wetenschappers (dus minder nadruk op #supersterren), goede koppeling onderzoek en onderwijs op universiteiten, en lagere #werkdruk nrc.nl/nieuws/2019/02…
danieldekok Last week we released version 0.3.0 of our finalfrontier @rustlang create for training word embeddings: github.com/danieldk/final… Changes include: update to ndarray 0.12, fix a bug in negative sampling for the structgram model, addition of the ff-accuracy evaluation utility.
zeitweise TIL was TIL heißt.
greg_p_kennedy @ojahnn Good idea... I ended up rendering each character individually, in the same sequence, but turning them around backwards first. Now it's correct!
This took 48 seconds on my old PC, but it's also in 1080p Full HD, which is not something most string reversal algorithms can boast. pic.twitter.com/TFjJC48ldw
NeinQuarterly Just another #SuperbOwl. Getting ready for kick-off. pic.twitter.com/KEpzJZ0n7o
AshHardell Stay warm this week, especially if you’re attracted to more than one gender! We don’t want any bicicles out there!
Emmraj7 The NLP group at Stanford University @Stanford has released a #python package called StanfordNLP. Comes with pretrained neural models for 53 human languages! I think that's the most number of pretrained models in any popular #NLP package. @stanfordnlp #AI
skglas Haltet den Föderalismus hoch, wir könnten ihn noch brauchen.
SophsWills Youngest just pointed a nerf gun at me and said "Freeze! It's the FYI!" and now I want to write a story about a bunch of crack mansplainers who storm in and hand out unwanted advice.
Message from my friend who's a TA pic.twitter.com/dh30U21yhV
Bloodyromcom Incidentally, local tip: If you ever want to cross Hermannplatz diagonally (say, northwest corner to southeast), it's often faster to get bus to Tegel, fly short haul, get return flight to Schönefeld, then board bus back to Hermannplatz.
doctorow An audacious design for a sysadmin-centered subnotebook computer where function is everything
boingboing.net/2019/02/02/fun… pic.twitter.com/6zz51zU1p7
BBCNewsGraphics Over the past year the BBC's data journalists have fundamentally changed the way we produce graphics. Now we’ve open-sourced the tools we use for making production-ready visuals with #rstats and #ggplot.
Find out more here: bit.ly/2D1xbg7
Autorwesen *approaching a random couple* So which one of you kills people and which one gets rid of the bodies?
mikefossey friend: it would behoove us to bring a gift to the party
me: yeah dude... that would be so hoovous
metapgmr The principal programming paradigms info.ucl.ac.be/~pvr/paradigms… pic.twitter.com/ocVxbkU888
onzetaal - Glij niet uit! --> tikje informele gebiedende wijs
- Glijd niet uit! --> vrij zakelijke gebiedende wijs
- Glijdt niet uit! --> verouderde gebiedende wijs meervoud
Zie(t) ook onzetaal.nl/taaladvies/hou… en onzetaal.nl/taaladvies/red…
stanfordnlp Out now: our new Python #NLProc package. StanfordNLP provides native, neural (PyTorch) tokenization, POS tagging and dependency parsing for 53 languages based on UD v2—and a Python CoreNLP interface. stanfordnlp.github.io/stanfordnlp/ PyPI: pypi.org/project/stanfo… – pip install stanfordnlp
EnglishGibson Endlich wurde die Idee in die Tat umgesetzt... pic.twitter.com/4buC3UZrtb