The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

September 5th, 2021

derwahremawa Ich finde ja, Deutschland hat mit dieser ganzen E-Auto-Sache wieder mehr Glück, als es verdient hat. Aber wenn‘s läuft, soll man es nicht aufhalten. Arbeitsplätze am Erfurter Kreuz für grummelige Thüringer Industriemenschen, da bin ich immer voll dabei.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:11 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

wayfu (engl.) bad hair day = (öst.) Schiach Matt

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:42 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

nichtschubsen ich hätte gern so taubenspikes für sämtliche horizontalen flächen in meiner wohnung damit ich aufhöre dinge abzulegen und nie wieder aufräumen muss

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:39 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

Tomis, hier kommt der Verdruss

-- Ovid

via Twitter for Android

xkcd A glory is a neat optical phenomenon which is much weirder and more complex than a regular rainbow. Check out this thread from an optics professor to learn more!…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:51 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

wiase Als ob man beim kandierten Apfel bis zu den Vitaminen essen würde.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 5:24 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

likethemagician When your dialect has both nonrhoticity and the cot-caught merger

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:20 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

lovinurbanism Ich frage mich langsam wirklich, wie die CDU ihr Wahlkampfversprechen umsetzen möchte, dass wir mit der SPD den Kommunismus bekommen.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 5:13 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

formschub In welche Richtung ist die Beschriftung eines hebräisch bedruckten Buchrückens auf einem senkrecht stehenden Buch gedreht? Weiß jemand, ob es da eine übliche Orientierung im/gegen den Uhrzeigersinn gibt? ⟲⟳

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 5:08 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

mmbollmann How do people write to internet strangers about something they care about, receive a dismissive reply, and NOT be emotionally stressed about it for the rest of the day? Like, internet trolls exist, how do they do it? Asking for a friend.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 5:07 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

anna_pryslopska People who deny the pandemic will love the game of peekaboo: you hide your face and you're truly gone, then all of a sudden, with one swift move BAM! you're in existence again.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 4:33 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

DeletedWiki Partial Unbirthing Fetishism

via (retweeted on 2:34 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

@KatherineAMunro There's quite a bit going on. Check the proceedings of the workshop on Designing Meaning Representations. Interesting new formalisms are e.g., UCCA, UMR.

via Twitter for Android in reply to KatherineAMunro

formschub Das Balkonfrühstück.
Die Sonne.
Der schwitzende Aufschnitt.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:30 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

DeletedWiki Naughty bear: panic in paradise

via (retweeted on 2:13 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

jschauma Here’s why we use h, j, k, l as motion keys in vi and vim: Bill Joy used an ADM-3A terminal, which (besides a 80x24 screen) had a keyboard that looked like this:

This is also where the “~” shortcut for “$HOME” comes from.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:13 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

SPIEGELCaptions IT-Beauftragte Rogall-Grothe: Befreite, die ihre Befreier verfluchen

via SPIEGELCaptions (retweeted on 2:13 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

DeletedWiki List of sitcoms which feature actors holding the Nintendo 64 controller wrong

via (retweeted on 12:53 PM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

LilithWittmann Bitte drucken Sie meine Tweets der Umwelt zuliebe nicht im Darkmode aus. Das gilt auch in wichtigen Ermittlungsverfahren und bei der CYBER PoLizEi.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:08 AM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

mostly_voids Also I called non-Paralympic volleyball "standing volleyball" yesterday and I think I'll keep that up

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:08 AM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

molily Colorants, odorants, glycerine, aloe vera gel, gums and the like won’t make it much better.
Or is the goal that people with sticky hands that smell like toilet cleaner hesitate to touch their face?

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 2:24 AM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

wayfu Warum heißt es Longdrink und nicht Stretchlimo

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:22 AM, Sep 5th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

"Ich bin jetzt Zahnhalsmodel."

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