aparrish (I run workshops like this a lot! the experiment I'm doing with this iteration is that *all* of the text we'll work with will come from a collective corpus that participants develop during the 1st hour. no big data, no pretrained language models. we'll see how it turns out!)
Der Scheiß-Hitchcock ist fast noch schlimmer
Japan is Japan reddit.com/r/memes/commen…
TheRaDR I refuse to let feminism be taken over by this toxic essentialist garbage. I’ve been making this noise for a couple of decades & I’ll keep making it.
We all get more when we make room for more. Everything expands when we let more people, more ideas, more voices, more joy in.
What part of feminism has a beef with “expanding possibilities for gender and gender expression for everyone”????
With letting people flourish and be joyful? And shine?
KLdivergence So, please, before you proselytize about fair models, please at least understand the bare minimum about your favorite examples of "high stakes decisions" and how a "fair" ML model might make that system better or worse.
KLdivergence The implication is that things would be fair if only the model could fairly allocate who should have to pay bail. But (1) it is-- to me-- morally unacceptable that anyone should have to buy their freedom. And (2), ...
Grumpfdalm Upcoming: Ein Selbstbestimmungsgesetz, bei dem Leni Breymaier selbst bestimmt, welches Geschlecht jemand hat

StudienratFanny Theodor Fontane über erfolgreiche Onlinemeetings. pic.twitter.com/sd9zOozxK8
Isimiez I just eavesdropped on two extroverts who had only met online talk in person for the first time, these people hold terrifying powers
(such as: casually walking over and introducing yourself, making smalltalk, removing yourself gracefully from the convo & moving on with your day)

llegaspacheco “This is fine” pic.twitter.com/N1rQFI8UPf

FabsNavarro Okay folgendes ist passiert: @eliashirschl und ich haben endlich ein gemeinsames Buch gemacht. Wir haben alle Adjektive und Adverbien aus "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften" gesammelt. Das Buch heißt "Die Eigenschaften ohne Mann". pic.twitter.com/m9ao4USrUo
techniktagebuch Oktober 2021 - Das E-Bike ist ein Wegwerfprodukt (derzeit jedenfalls) tmblr.co/ZydXMoayCfMB4a…

Grumpfdalm Immerhin. pic.twitter.com/7RDOse8Dms
Afelia Hat die @Book_Fair hierauf schon reagiert?
Soll ich das Buch, in dem ich über das Jüdischsein in Deutschland erzähle, neben Nazis vorstellen? Die ihre Ideen zu dem Thema kund tun? Ist das diese gelebte Meinungsvielfalt in Deutschland? twitter.com/ebonyplusirony…

sethvanhooland Visualization of evolution through time of META elements (name, property, or itemprop) from news articles in great paper on history of metadata usage - students please read arxiv.org/pdf/2104.04116… #metadata_history pic.twitter.com/eUFj8LYZp7
SPIEGELCaptions Zeugen des Himmelsfeuers: Tragödie am Spielfeldrand
ecpankratz I just wrote "That you know of, has anyone already done X?" and, what!! I guess this relative clause is just not really a relative clause anymore?
DeletedWiki Template: Collapsible Christ
highfrontvowel When I moved to Germany, I found out that, shockingly, birthday wishes for the birthday boy/girl, but directed at *other people* is apparently a Dutch thing? I got very weird looks trying to shake hands with my other friends, wishing our mutual contact a happy birthday.
johnbasil field linguists, please let them know what you want 😀 twitter.com/SashaWilmoth/s…
derwahremawa Ideen für fingierte Sprachnuancen:
– Unterschied zwischen Ziegel und Backstein
– Unterschied zwischen Gesicht und Antlitz
– »strenggenommen gibt es heutzutage gar keine Regale mehr, was wir so nennen, ist eigentlich immer eine Stellage«
ScHuehnerkrisp Für die spezielle Aussprache von Mecklenburg ist das Dehungs-C verantwortlich. Wieder was gelernt.