VikOlliver @emckean @Danjite @aparrish And I have an answer: try "dasher"
emckean "What is the theremin of text composition?" BEST QUESTION EVER from @aparrish at #strangeloop
Shiny1jux In der Vorlesung ertönt plötzlich das Wort "Klausurrelevant".
*alle erwachen aus ihrem Tiefschlaf*
*200 Kulis klick……
GabrielBerlin Ekeltrick

Wenn sie aromatisch eckig wären, würden sie auch nicht in den Padhalter passen.
"the collective good, and the comparatively high taxation (…) not as a sacrifice, but as a fundamental component of…://
Lin_Manuel Probly quit twitter, honestly.
Ya don't add syllables to the haiku, or limerick, or sestina.
The fun is what you c……