Tower Bridge, das Neuschwanstein Londons
Etyma1010 Semantic bleaching…
adegeler Just to put it out there.
I'm a trained 🇺🇦 freelance journalist currently located in the west of Ukraine. I've got decent audio gear on me (Zoom H4n, SM58) and can file radio and/or print/online stories from the region for English-language media.
Le mot du jour : sousprise…
derwahremawa Quelle sousprise…
JeremyCliffe tl;dr Germany’s foreign policy sacred cows are now a steaming pot of Rindergulasch
carlosgr_nlp @ReviewAcl @naaclmeeting Can we commit a paper to NAACL, and at the same time submit a revised version to ARR? seems to say yes ("a combination of these is also possible") but… seems to say no, so I'm rather lost.
@mostly_voids The same agency that named "the athlete's foot" and "Acne Studios"? 🤔
nsaphra Amazing to see all these European leaders admitting their asylum infrastructure has been hugely inadequate all along.
"Du machst mich ratend!"
derwahremawa Ich verstehe ja vieles nicht, aber dass der Spiegel offensichtlich einfach alles, was Sibylle Berg und Thomas Fischer im Rahmen ihrer Verträge für ihn schreiben, unlektoriert durchwinkt, verstehe ich am wenigstens
labenzticker schweicheln (V.): Eine Verschmutzung mit Farbe überpinseln, statt sie zu entfernen.
rtsarfaty #nlproc #nlppoet
Imagine there's no word-hood
It's easy if u try
No boundaries to look for
Just clauses passing by
Imagine all the features realised all the way..
You may say we r dreamers
But we're not the only ones
We hope someday u will join us
For a shared task to be one 🎶…
"we propose to view morphology as a clause-level phenomenon, rather than word-level"…
CodepointsNet It’s the year 22022 and you need to help the @unicode consortium to implement UTF-∞ with as little code as possible:…
Are you up to the task?
"for more industrial scale applications a 520 byte version is provided too"…
derwahremawa Nach fast einer ganzen Woche Schockstarre ist Deutschtwitter heute morgen schlagartig wieder im Normalmodus aus klebrigem Pathos, Edginess, Besserwisserei und Anordnungsrhetorik angekommen. Nature is healing
fernsehchat Im Gegensatz dazu erklärt Annalena Baerbock ganz klar und für alle verständlich das Problem mit Nordstream 2. #MSCdebate
alqaeda I wouldn’t normally take sides, but in this case I want to see the Ukrainians win.
Because I want to live in a world where the Emperor of All the Russias got his ass handed to him by the Voice of Paddington Bear.
LaurenWalshArt Gonna need some aloe vera for that burn.