The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

February 1st, 2023

aalinger Usende anwesend die hanebüchernen Unsinn mit unfassbarer Vehemenz verbreiten tun

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:49 PM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

TerribleMaps Paper sizes world map

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:48 PM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

mostly_voids Just regular dude, Dag, showing up to the office and suddenly feeling very proud that he's been given an important swallowing job today

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:42 PM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

mostly_voids "And God appointed a huge fish to swallow Jonah" is currently my favourite translation that has come out of my Hebrew reading group

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:41 PM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

Letztens eine Museumsbesucherin belauscht, die, als sie erfuhr, dass wegen »der Aktivisten« keine Handtaschen mehr mit ins Museum genommen werden dürften (was noch nicht einmal stimmte), sofort anhub zu zetern, sie finde diese Leute ja schlimmer als Terroristen, weil sie in (1/2)

via Moa Bridge

Kauf nähmen, dass Menschen stürben. Die schiere Dichte an unzulässigen Gleichsetzungen! (2/2)

via Moa Bridge in reply to texttheater

"No mono" is a slang phrase used at the end of a sentence to assert the statement spoken by the speaker had no intentional monogamous implications.

via Moa Bridge

Verlorenes Liebesμ

via Moa Bridge

Die haben da jetzt in Ozeanien einen neuen Staat gefunden (also, mir war er neu (also, dass er in Ozeanien ist))

via Moa Bridge

I really love that you can bookmark posts with one click/tap in Mastodon Web/Tusky

via Moa Bridge

ilgeneralissimo I was just recently told that we Americans apparently use alot of baseball metaphors and I was like c'mon I can't even think of any. Then I googled a list and there are so many and they're so ingrained I don't even think of many of them as coming from baseball anymore.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:07 PM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

CompetentPoster bro are you seriously using the Wind Crystal to power your airship, you know it shrouds the land in calamity

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 7:06 PM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

M_M_R_21 @mussdassein8 Finde ich sehr schade, das muss dringend geübt werden! ☝️

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 7:02 PM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

Degazonner Wie alt wart ihr als ihr herausgefunden habt dass Franz Ferdinand und Kaiser Chiefs die gleiche Band sind?

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 6:59 PM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

carlosgr_nlp @complingy @shaily99 @annargrs @ransurangika With current scale of work being shared, it would probably make sense to have ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, EACL, AACL and a VACL (virtual) every year, and it would also be better for inclusion. Of course, I'm aware it's easier said than done...

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 6:42 PM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

AuslanderMemes Germans speaking German: ber-LIN

Germans speaking English: BER-lin

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:35 PM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

garicgymro Why do people find this so hard to understand? Many people really like meat but don't eat it for ethical or health-related reasons. I find the assumption that vegetarians must not like meat baffling.…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 6:35 PM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

sociolinguista only linguists can get away with this kind of thing

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 6:33 PM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

M_M_R_21 @KarolinaKusters Ein Problem ist oft, dass die Studis das Fragen an einen Gegenstand stellen, ohne direkt die Antwort zu haben, oft noch nicht aushalten. Ich versuche dafür zu sensibilisieren, dass das zum wiss. Arbeiten dazu gehört. Ich will etwas von meinem Gegenstand /1

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 6:28 PM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

internetofshit “Road is too steep to start the installation” is a brand new sentence…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:12 AM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

Danke für dieses, äh, intelligente Suchergebnis, Google.

via Moa Bridge

Iohnarbeit ich arme kleine frau liege hier geduscht mit meinem kleinen tee in meinem kleinen bett und will einen kleinen film gucken bevor ich schlummer aber alle gottverdammten filme gehen heutzutage 2,5 stunden was ist mit den guten 90 minuten streifen passiert

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:15 AM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

random_walker Forcing people to put probability estimates on things when they have no meaningful way to generate probabilities is a way to put words in their mouth.…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 12:13 AM, Feb 1st, 2023 via Twitter for Android)

Einmal am Tag kurz ohne Handy zur Cafeteria ist genug Digital Detox für mich

via Moa Bridge