penelopetrunk My son with Asperger's says his social skills coach is boring and has a weird nose. I'm happy he has social skills to tell me and not her.
snifty Happy to see the new dev tools in Firefox 10. They're way better than Firebug.
SteinbachErika Kurt Schumacher 1930:"Kommunisten,die nur rotlackierte Doppelausgaben der Nationalsozialisten sind" bitte alle aufregen und SPD-Ausschluss
Way to put /tmp into a partition of less than 1 GB. #grftjxl
“Most linguistis aren’t grammar nazis. Think of us as language hippies.”
SteinbachErika @Telegehirn @titusluca Irrtum. Die NAZIS waren eine linke Partei. Vergessen? NationalSOZIALISTISCHE deutsche ARBEITERPARTEI.....
The joys of being a whitehat: touch%20/tmp/IWASHERE