The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

September 18th, 2012

In den USA wird die Meinungsfreiheit ernst genommen - im Gegensatz zu Deutschland.…

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"Es ist legal, zu behaupten, Präsident Obama stamme von Affen ab."…

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"Ich erinnere mich gern an das erste Mal, als ich eine Botschaft in Brand stecken wollte."…

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Riy Have decided to run team meetings like this: If it has an Internet connection, it goes into the pile.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:24 PM, Sep 18th, 2012 via Twitter for Android)

jasonbaldridge There are times when I feel like my classpath has become a warpath.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 5:22 PM, Sep 18th, 2012 via Twitter for Android)

This paper would be controversial if traditional syntax trees were unordered.…

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sogrady all the planes currently in the air over North America. now afraid of flying:

via web (retweeted on 11:23 AM, Sep 18th, 2012 via TweetDeck)

jamesiry I feel bad for you son / I've got 99 problems but a floating point ain't 1.0000000000000009

via web (retweeted on 11:22 AM, Sep 18th, 2012 via TweetDeck)

labenzticker Taschenmais, der: Popcornreste, die man in einer Jackentasche vorfindet, in die man seit der
letzten Kirmes nicht meh…

via Labenzticker (retweeted on 11:11 AM, Sep 18th, 2012 via web)