willie_agnew Almost all of these words are *contextual*: they can be offensive, or they can be part of normal and respectful communication. For example, the @QueerinAI website is excluded from this dataset for having the word "sex" in relation to human bodies sites.google.com/view/queer-in-…
mmitchell_ai Hi world! I'm delegating! Has anyone else made a collection of all notable public statements, news, and tweets abt @timnitGebru 's firing so far? Or even just the ones that you've liked or hated, faves, etc. You can directly email it to gebru.firing@gmail.com. Thanks!!
drphilhammond The overwhelming lesson of the pandemic is that countries who have kept coronavirus at the lowest possible level have done far better than those who have tried to keep it at ‘a manageable level’. With exponential growth, manageable very soon becomes unmanageable, as we have found
Nachrichten, aber als Appellationsverfahren
johl Oh wow, echt nicht schlecht gemacht für eine offizielle Seite der Bundesregierung impfdashboard.de
JocAPhotography A Tufted Titmouse making a tough decision of a sunflower seed or a peanut. pic.twitter.com/jDNOfqIcZO
huntthesnark I am the very model of a Very Stable Genius.
I have a mighty button and no problems with my penius.
I have no time for television, golf, or social media
Since my brain is way way better than the best encyclopedia.
Wie findet ihr Kreuzung aus Mango und Mangold "Mangold"
MaartenvSmeden How to become a SUCCESSFUL academic: a guide 1/n
qikipedia The Moon moves nearly 4cm further away from Earth each year, about the same speed our fingernails grow.
wjb_mattingly First video in new series on Named Entity Recognition (#NER) for #DH in #Python live! Here, we work with @explosion_ai 's #spacy #nlp library and Gensim. We learn key NER methods & how to generate custom NER models with custom word vectors.
Video: youtu.be/E9h8qVm2uNY pic.twitter.com/bGn1TwN210
LucianaBenotti My nephew wrote a short story on some of the limitations of #NLProc. A friend of mine turned it into a bilingual colouring book for children. And it was accepted at the #NeurIPS2020
Workshop @ResistanceAI!
I share here one of the pages, I will share more after #emnlp2020. 1/n twitter.com/LucianaBenotti… pic.twitter.com/Ordqlw40cI
_inesmontani I shared some of my thoughts on 2020's trends in AI, data science & ML, and predictions for 2021 for @kdnuggets 🔮
tl;dr: While we've seen many exciting advancements in the field, the most important developments have been about consolidation rather than revolution. twitter.com/kdnuggets/stat… pic.twitter.com/eN9dv56Qvc
YasharMehdad Check out our recently #EACL2021 accepted paper MTOP: arxiv.org/abs/2008.09335 in which we release a large multilingual task-oriented semantic parsing benchmark with 100k utterances in 6 languages across 11 domains. with @AimeeLiS A. Arora, S. Chen, A. Gupta & S. Gupta
Afelia Die Rechte fordert, dass ihr euch in der Mitte trefft.
Du machst einen Schritt auf sie zu.
Sie macht einen Schritt zurück.
Die Rechte fordert, dass ihr euch in der Mitte trefft.
_noujoum "Das kaninchensichere Wohnzimmer ist kein Zustand sondern ein kontinuierlicher Prozess." twitter.com/_noujoum/statu…
derwahremawa »the world‘s highest and least useful academic degree« (@hanno_sauer) twitter.com/rob_heinze/sta…
@LibDemLaura @jonworth @green_fed AR-mean
wiase AHAHAHA! "Eine Stimme für die AfD ist eine halbe Stimme für Rot-Rot-Grün." Herrlich.
Ein Apfel pro Tag ist ein halbes Steak in der Nacht.
skglas und ihr fragt euch warum schwule sozialisation schon in jugend jahren dick pic aufbewahrung, weitergabe, komplimentierung, archivierung beinhaltet twitter.com/vonDobrowolski…
IdhTweets Neue Podcast-Folge: @seppl96 im Gespräch mit @spinfocl zu @auto_chirp und der DH-Welt. open.spotify.com/episode/1oLJ8G…
jonworth I'll make a full new CDU diagram later, but for now I have taken the one from earlier in the week and highlighted in green what actually happened - and greyed out what now will not happen #CDUVorsitz pic.twitter.com/pwYc87mjPG
gumarten Runde Bierdeckel haben im deutschsprachigen Raum standardmäßig einen Durchmesser von 107 Millimeter. Daran wird sich also auch in naher Zukunft wohl nichts ändern. images.app.goo.gl/Fuh7eymnER2M5E…
etwas mit der Buttermilch aufsaugen
peterbreuer Er wird es wieder nicht.
Verleser: Kriegsgeschäftsstelle statt Kreisgeschäftsstelle #cdubpt21
eveningoflight Still though pic.twitter.com/ey2AISyBdK
fMRI_guy I've come to notice that there was never any merit to the argument of "yes, he's a massive jerk, but he's by far the most competent in his field" because one inherent feature of massive jerks is that they push everyone out of their field who is more competent than they are.
intelligencer Donald Trump is not only losing his job but quite possibly everything else. @jonathanchait writes nym.ag/38P1WGe
@wellformedness Oh but ger dut gre wel geo fre ice rum are ISO 639-2(B). The ISO 639-3 codes are deu nld ell cym kat fra isl ron.
On page 168 of 416 of Die Bienen und das Unsichtbare, by Clemens J. Setz goodreads.com/user_status/sh…