iamjohnoliver Dear Reddit, excellent work. Attn: r/pics — have at it...
the_transit_guy So does someone windex The Bean? pic.twitter.com/2TgGzYRen9
EuanYours It’s actually legitimately interesting the way the right are trying to assimilate ‘LGB’ people into Straightness twitter.com/brokebackusa/s…
rsnous i want 'programmers looking down on spreadsheets' discourse but like the opposite, like spreadsheet people looking down on programmers
'how can programmers stand not seeing the concrete data they're operating on' 'how can programmers tolerate not being able to live edit code'
zachsilberberg cant believe it was this fucking meme twitter.com/BiggestttHater… pic.twitter.com/FSzkbjgf2U
matt_meeta [taxifahrer ausbildung erste vorlesung]
man muss die leute da abholen wo sie stehen