climagic dict minging # Look up a definition for the word autonomy in a few online sources. You probably need to install dict for this.
haldaume3 Reading group notes: point/counter-point on "predict models" (new #nlproc blog post:…)
ojahnn Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art soooooo booooooring
Ling Long Pagoda (Beijing 2008): the retro-futurism is strong in this one.…

stporombka Neulich im Planetarium der Liebe.
etzioni AI2 releases its first collection of challenge data sets in science, geometry, paraphrases, co-reference.
InEveryLanguage @DCNLP Know any great students who want to learn about intersection of #NLP & internet of things? We need an intern!…
samuelLBS @Pandamoanimum @MontagueBrench What's so great about that? 1 pound coin and 20 seconds later, the car is free.
hllizi War mal im Second Life. Flog mit dickem, halbnacktem Avatar herum und setzte mich ungefragt zu den Coolen. Stelle mir den Ruhestand so vor.
ZachWeiner Dumb question: Instead of minimum wage, why not minimum income? Second is simpler, and no onus on small businesses.