b_grossmann For my owl friends! "@DrScienceCat: This is how owls are weighed pic.twitter.com/FCKA5imiaW"
skeptikantin freq.class.floor <- apply(freqs, 2, FUN=function(x) floor(0.5-log(x/x[1],2)))
Oder, wie ich zu sagen pflege: Weltherrschaft.
notepadconf "Animation with Notepad and Symbola.ttf!" @WilliamOckhamTx notepadconf.com
Vorbeifahrende Autos sind die kleinen Seufzer der Welt, LKWs die richtig tiefen.
ChrisBucholz Just got a sneak peak at the hot new memes for the fall season: A horse taking a furious piss. Hexting. Big Bird smells a fart. Sex Loaf.