pamelafox Much props to Google for letting me filter images by CC license.
bjorn_fb Most computer science papers' evaluation sections look like this.… /thanks @muratdemirbas
primawesome Wait what do you mean Jesus loves me? Did he say something to you? OMG I'm freaking out right now tell me his exact words.
trochee @stephenroller @jasonbaldridge monogram, bigram, trigram, tetragram, pentagram.
only 2,3gram DON'T have double meaning!
ArrantPedantry Today's blog search terms:
what should be grammatically put on with everyone?
grammar: why not the people?
Excellent questions.
ThatsLiff Cleeve Prior (n) The type of celebrity whose death shocks you, mainly because you thought they had died years ago.
FaberDigital @ThatsLiff good to see this; we'll be using the many-meanings feature in our forthcoming Liff app …
I found the @LastPass UX horrible in practically all aspects. Much prefer a combination of pwgen, copy+paste and Firefox Sync.
astefanowitsch Die @Schplock, die @skeptikantin und ich erforschen gerade die Nachsilbe "gate". Wenn ihr mal kurz aufhören könntet, neue Gates zu erfinden?
scottywrotem You say potato,
I say podado,
You say tomato,
I say tobado.
Potato, podado, tomato, tobado,
I think I've got a cold coming on actually.
YorkshireLiff Irton (n.) The faint suspicion that one's entrance into a room has coincided with a sudden change in the topic of conversation.
skeptikantin Geh scheißen, Arschloch.… MT @Der_Oberlehrer: Tippfehler - 'lizensiert' schreibt man doch 'lizenziert', oder?
liamstack The @guardian wins news graphics today for this illustration of tiny London apartments
What, seriously?
spinfocl Martenstein in die Auflistung aufzunehmen ist der @zeitonline nicht eingefallen?…
Lotterleben Gestern gründlich zum Obst gemacht, Neues gelernt und zur Belohnung heute Muskelkater in *einer* Arschbacke. Success! #lottelerntlongboardrn