hipsterhacker I don't think IBM knows this is satire:
"#Mercury is like #Prolog and #Haskell had a baby, and it's a really beautiful baby." youtube.com/watch?v=G_eYTc…
"Code is data therefore tools" #Prolog youtube.com/watch?v=G_eYTc…
"#Prolog makes me smile more often than any other language." youtube.com/watch?v=G_eYTc…
"Because #Prolog is homoiconic, you sort of get closures for free." youtube.com/watch?v=G_eYTc…
Awesome whirlwind tour of #Prolog by Michael Hendricks at @strangeloop_stl youtube.com/watch?v=G_eYTc…
plomlompom s$s/Flüchtlings/Asylbewerber/$s/Asylbewerber/Flüchtlings/$ @Lapizistik
amazinmaps More English speakers in NL than anywhere continental Europe.. almost as many as UK pic.twitter.com/nEfGjjaQLk
theevocater i don’t believe in “don’t complain; propose a solution”. this is like p=np. lots of problems are easy to verify and hard to solve
stporombka Mein Angebot für Studenten, die den Bachelor direkt in der Sprechstunde machen wollen: Neurolinguistisches Studieren. pic.twitter.com/bW81oCgP1p
ChPietsch As Colombia signed a free trade agreement with US, this grad student might go to jail eff.org/deeplinks/2014… act.eff.org/action/let-s-s… #ttip
strangeloop_stl "Distributed SWI-Prolog Development" by Anne Ogborn: youtu.be/JmOHV5IlPyU?a via @YouTube
strangeloop_stl "Production Prolog" by Michael Hendricks: youtu.be/G_eYTctGZw8?a via @YouTube
Heute in der Reihe "Praktische Anwendungen der Leipogrammatik": In der Bibliothek halbwegs sozialverträglich, also ohne Frikative, flüstern.
@ojahnn Einspruch! Die kann auch so etwas bedeuten wie: "Der dauert ein Weilchen, gell?"
Grumpfdalm @ojahnn Ich hab jetzt ne Minute überlegt, was ein Belfinger ist. Dann kam die Kapierkur.