CSS-Tests mit background-color: #FF00FF in Production, fuck yeah.
BoingBoing What should the next Aaron Swartz do when the DOJ knocks? boingboing.net/2015/03/12/aar… pic.twitter.com/i671yNAMXO
doctorow DON’T THINK OF IT AS DYING, said Death. JUST THINK OF IT AS LEAVING EARLY TO AVOID THE RUSH.” knitmeapony.tumblr.com/post/113435001… pic.twitter.com/JgZ0cwcP7a
@danieldekok Sounds great! Are you going to open-source it? I'd be quite interested in using/hacking it.
korrekturen Lieblingssatz des Tages: »Besonders das h und die sifttaste macen immer wieder Probleme.« (aus einer Amazon-Rezension zu einer Tastatur)