thingskatedid 🧵 Thread where I explain the pros and cons of writing alt-text for the things you post
peterbreuer 2 EL Mehl
Verleser: "der stylishen Brille Nietzsches" statt "der stilistischen Brillanz Nietzsches"
texttheater “Stop being so prefrontal!”
johl Now they have a video that shows that Trump uses the phrase "law and order" a lot. Is this Digital Humanities?
nsaphra This irritation turned into a whole rant in my pydata Amsterdam keynote. If you think you work in "adaptive tech" but your system is a statistical blackbox that lives on a server farm and you make all the design decisions, you don't work on adaptive tech.…
skeptikantin That's what I'm gonna show my corp ling students to illustrate the difference between "can use query syntax" and "meaningful operationalisation of research question"
On page 38 of 396 of Feuer der Freiheit, by Wolfram Eilenberger: "Mit den Entwicklungen ...…
ndrew_lawrence @UrbanAchievr Conservative: I have been censored for my conservative views
Me: Holy shit! You were censored for wanting lower taxes?
Con: LOL not those views
Me: So....deregulation?
Con: Haha no not those views either
Me: Which views, exactly?
Con: Oh, you know the ones
weird_hist Same place, same memory, 58 years later.
GabrielBerlin Berater:innen sind gefragter denn je – aber sind sie auch antwortender denn je?
GabrielBerlin Fakt: Ein M&A-Berater unterstützt das Management mit seiner Expertise in Möhrchen und Aprikosen
MisterABK How every Film Noir ends:
skglas "Markteintrittsbarriere" im Innovations-Management, hier: Software-Funktionen nachbilden (nicht so ultra-schwierig, wenn man schon groß ist & Größenprobleme gelöst hat):…
derwahremawa Einer der besten Threads…
FeelingFisky sorry for the late response, I’ve lost my grasp on the flow of time and the days have all blended into a singular, continuous numbing blur
Jacob_deNobel This review of Popeye is my favorite piece of writing on Letterboxd
kramski Heterosexuelle Pärchen sind die SUVs der Gehwege
Heiteres Typenraten mit Python
# Python Comprehensions, aber als Poesie
box_prop_map = {
c[0]: c[3]
for f in fragments
for c in f
if len(c) == 4
and c[1:3] == ('proposition', '"n.01"')
nodrama_de “Tech in Women” - ein Podcast über Transhumanismuspionierinnen.
ojahnn It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single verb in possession of a good semantic frame, must be in want of a buncha arguments #mobydiss
wiase [Random dude on the internet springt im flatternden Dudecape ins Bild.]
"Meine nicht näher benannten Quellen bestätigen das, aber ich habe auch keine Belege, aber es stimmt alles!"
Ja, scho' recht, verhedder' Dich nicht in Deinem Cape beim Rausgehen.
5ega5aturn5tan germans when you call it a robot and not das bëpen-böpenmann
RottenInDenmark "Dictatorship? Bitch please, I don’t even want a relationship."…
AndrewBeatty More pix of @naomiosaka and the butterfly from @AFP's Dave Gray and Paul Crock at the #AusOpen in Melbourne.
frz. sacré bleu
dt. sakralblau
MartinWinkler8 Wort des Tages:
Rumsteherli, das: unnĂĽtzes dekoratives Wohn-Accessoire, das einfach nur sinnlos rumsteht. #Sprachschmankerl
ImogenBits @LAK132 @thingskatedid might not be available for whatever browser so use, but for chrome there's a great addon that just disabled the send tweet button until you add alt text
ZuDunkelmagier drawing porn really does make you better at anatomy............