spinfocl Ich möchte die wenigsten der veröffentlichten Texte und Tweets lesen, aber hey, das hier ist kein Ponyhof. twitter.com/antonrainer/st…
Unvollständige Liste deutschsprachiger Filme, in denen die Dialogzeile „Sag mal, spinnst du?“ vorkommt.
Toni Erdmann
Fucking Berlin
Mein Bruder heißt Robert und ist ein Idiot („Sag mal, spinnst… mff“)
The Trouble with Being Born („Sag amoi, spinnst?“)
zeitweise So jetzt Hot Take:
Jede gute Spiel-, Buch-, Filmkritik braucht auch einen ausführlichen Spoilerteil.
hllizi (see below the above the above for the above)
GabrielBerlin BREAKING: German chancellor Merkel to have Farbfilm vergessen at her very own zap strike
frank_opitz Wir schicken die Bundeswehr nächstes Jahr zum ESC.
beispielwiese Selbstbild als Bruttoregistertonne.
formschub Ich kann übrigens gleichzeitig für Meinungsfreiheit sein und in meiner Fantasie trotzdem den geheimen Wunsch hegen, einigen medial überpräsenten Pandemietreibern die Fresse zuzutackern,
MLKessel Not only is today's date a palindrome, it's also an ambigram. You can read it left to right, right to left, and also upside down #nerdalert pic.twitter.com/qX43dIUHoI
hllizi zweimal kurz kanzler
Laserhedvig Glottolog editors Harald Hammarström & @xrotwang have written a paper explaining how glottocodes work and their history. essential information to anyone doing cross-linguistic work!
NYTScience This simulation provides an unprecedented glimpse at how the coronavirus survives in the open air as it spreads to a new host nyti.ms/3DaQrVx
NewsfromScience Since South African scientists announced that they had identified an unsettling new variant of #SARSCoV2, many are wondering where and how the #OmicronVariant evolved—and what lessons its emergence holds for avoiding future dangerous variants. fcld.ly/g13qzuo pic.twitter.com/vvFGbrzXTe
washingtonpost Google fired star AI researcher Timnit Gebru one year ago. Now she’s launching her own institute. wapo.st/31nhHD0
Wort des Tages: Gehörfindungsstrategie
Eine nicht ganz so fatale, aber verwandte Design-Unart: die Bedienknöpfe von Küchenwaagen in die Wägefläche zu integrieren.
“Oddly specific remark, must have been a reviewer question.”
@matthiaskrgr1 Es kommt vor, dass es funktioniert, während letzteres nicht funktioniert. Andersrum ist aber häufiger.
sleepinyourhat Not really. It's important that we build a clear consensus on what kind of progress we are and aren't making in NLP. That means avoiding hype, but it also means acknowledging the progress that we do make.
sleepinyourhat I even put together a silly #benderrule inspired rule of thumb: pic.twitter.com/UBeEWTt1mH
sleepinyourhat The argument in this paper is simple: The stakes are getting higher for what we do. We should be careful about the claims we make. Putting a sloppy or unjustified claim in a paper is a problem whether that claim is about what we can do or what we can't.
sleepinyourhat That kind of claim masks the huge difference between the small trained-from-scratch LSTMs of 2017 and newer models like GPT-3 or FLAN that barely use labeled training data at all. Newer systems are far less brittle, and they're not brittle in the same ways.
sleepinyourhat I see a lot of authors in NLP lately who seem to be going far out of their way to write that current systems don't really work well.
sleepinyourhat This often means saying that today's models don't work but only citing evidence for much older models. Or setting up adversarial evaluations that any system would fail, no matter how good it is. This paper goes through a bunch of examples of what this looks like.
sleepinyourhat I don't think that we're close to any of that. I don't know how we'd get there. But if you draw out our current rate of progress for fifteen or twenty-five or fifty years, this kind of really transformative impact really does seem possible.
sleepinyourhat You'll sometimes see the meme that NLP is solved. That's hype, and it's doing harm in the real world. But it's worth thinking about what it'd look like to actually achieve what we're aiming for. (📄 paper, thread 🧵)
cims.nyu.edu/~sbowman/bowma… pic.twitter.com/B1HtciDLqe
Hitz_zentroa Ez galdu bihar Sam Bowman-en hitzaldia, 15:00ean!
Do not miss tomorrow Sam Bowman's (@sleepinyourhat) talk at 15:00 CET!
#NLProc pic.twitter.com/R8ynkPllxa
(4) ist heute mal wieder relevant 😡 twitter.com/texttheater/st…
DopplerTixon Let me just say that seeing everybody’s listening habits of the last year has me “Spotify Rapt”!
That moment during an upgrade from one Ubuntu version to another when the desktop background changes <3 pic.twitter.com/q5SuiZWOhZ
tallinzen Seems silly to have work-life balance sessions at conferences while at the same time sending the very explicit message that it's absolutely critical people drop everything to review papers in a short time frame just so authors can have the conference's stamp of approval.
@MeaningBank @evanmiltenburg @srchvrs @zehavoc @nasrinmmm @stanfordnlp @rikvannoord @Ginger_in_AI Classic Boxer is also much more transparent/explainable than neural approaches (although I'm working on trying to change that :)).
BudrinoPolitics Neoliberalism in a nutshell pic.twitter.com/F2o0b4MouT
stefanowitsch (2) it is aimed at the avoidance of slurs (which degrade people based on their group membership), while euphemisms are aimed at the avoidance of vulgarisms (which offend middle-class sensitivities concerning bodily functions, death and other such things).
stefanowitsch “Pollitically correct” language is often equated with the euphemistic avoidance of taboo words. In this paper, I show that this equation is unwarranted, as (1) politically correct language is not euphemistic, but semantically neutral, and
@vagina_museum Product idea: coloured vulvas drawings SHOWER CURTAIN
_l17r_ Ja, klar, der Mann mit dem Charisma irgendwo zwischen abgelaufener Mayonnaise und progredienter Kiefersperre wird die ÖVP in eine glorreiche Zukunft führen. twitter.com/florianklenk/s…
FattButcher and word for word these are the same bullshit tropes that are being used to attack trans people at the moment.
And this is why our fights are the same fights - not because sexuality and gender identity are the same - but because they are policed and demonised in the same ways. twitter.com/labour_history…
@evanmiltenburg @srchvrs @zehavoc @nasrinmmm @stanfordnlp BTW @MeaningBank, are there plans for open-sourcing more recent versions of Boxer? I believe it has come a long way since then...
@evanmiltenburg @srchvrs @zehavoc @nasrinmmm @stanfordnlp DRT = discourse representation theory
DRS = discourse representation structure (the meaning representations of DRT)
SDRT = segmented DRT
PDRT = projective DRT
nasrinmmm I'm sick of opening my NLU talks with the same exact classic motivating example for 10 years now!! (and I am sure others are too). Someone at @stanfordnlp should just fix this one-off so that I can't use it anymore and we can all assume the state has changed!😄 pic.twitter.com/yVP2wCHfFU
formschub Ich weiß noch nicht, welche Schlagzeile ich glauben soll. pic.twitter.com/QDrm17oNH2
labenzticker Fünfleiten, die (Pl.): Abgeschlossene Zyklen von wieder zum ursprünglichen Stichwort zurückführenden Querverweisen, während derer man sich von einem Artikel zum nächsten gehangelt hat, ohne einen Schimmer davon zu bekommen, worum es bei dem Ding, das man… labenz.neutsch.org/F%C3%BCnfleiten
texttheater @gchrupala It basically means go fsck yourself.
@gchrupala It basically means go fsck yourself.
ovoss Mit der #DeMail wollte der Bund Porto sparen. Hat nicht ganz geklappt: Letztlich kostete jede verschickte DeMail 1083,33 EUR background.tagesspiegel.de/digitalisierun…
dosnostalgic "TuiCss is a library focused to create web applications using an interface based on ASCII table, like the old MS-DOS applications."
github.com/vinibiavatti1/… pic.twitter.com/ywDQ6pIVeP