ScHuehnerkrisp Ich glaube, ich würde mich mehr für Fußball interessieren, wenn die Mannschaftsaufstellung so festgelegt wäre wie die Besetzung bei Bands, also ein Club über mehrere Jahrzehnte unverändert mit denselben Spielern aufläuft, bis ins hohe Alter.
spinfocl Heute ging die Sonne etwas später unter als gestern. Der Trend wir sich jetzt eine Weile fortsetzen, und das ist doch schon mal was :) #twoff
hllizi @ojahnn Editing is the worst horror of all. I think the horror of the empty page is just a derivative of the horror of having to edit if anything goes wrong.
ojahnn Yesterday we focused on producing raw text with no filter at all, then we were supposed to edit that into something useful. I learned that writing bad text and having to edit it is a worse block for me than the supposedly-scary empty page is.
ScHuehnerkrisp Und Ostkreuz Bahnsteig A natürlich
ScHuehnerkrisp Auf welchen Plattformen, die es nicht mehr gibt, "wart" ihr?
Bei mir: Posterous und Orkut
bundesandler Sachmal ey
One definite and immediate improvement thanks to ARR: reviewer quality of life, compared to START.
@LingMuelller @_l17r_ Vorschlag zur Güte: Wenn der ganze Titel protected ist, wird er in sPoNgEbOb CaSe gesetzt.
jvcasill My main takeaways: doing a replication study with a class takes a lot of work, but is worth it, it's good for science, and it's good for grad students. 10/10 would repeat. 👊🏽
jvcasill Looking back on the whole process now, I am extremely happy with how everything worked out 👍🏽. I am planning on doing a replication study like this every time I teach this grad class.
jvcasill The project lives on OSF so data, code, and Rmd files are available here:
jvcasill In the meantime we presented at the two national conferences. For some of my co-authors this was the first conference presentation for their CVs. The slides were HTML documents prepared using #xaringan in #Rmarkdown (ht @xieyihui)
jvcasill It was a bit tight, but we finished the manuscript by the end of the semester and submitted it for publication on the last day of class 😅 We also submitted abstracts to two conferences.
srhwrchhld Amazing project! I wish I'd had a course like this in my master's too.✨…
jvcasill Together we went through the previous lit and then drafted a pre-registration using #github and #OSF.
It was an ideal opportunity to learn the basics of #Git as well as some ins and outs of scientific collaboration. 🤗
LingMuelller This is not what capitalization protection is for!!!111!!! #bibtex
floydophone Reminds me a lot of this…
johl Hating on programming languages is not a very mature thing to do, but Java has some features that don't make it easy to be a reasonable adult.…
Word of the day: testerical…
highfrontvowel Werkgevers willen dat ik nog verder naar links radicaliseer…
Wenn jemand seinen eigenen Vornamen ohne, aber den Nachnamen mit Diakritika einträgt.
anna_pryslopska I refuse to believe this isn't satire.…
Grumpfdalm Jetzt nehmen wir alle noch eine Ibu während die Woche bootet und dann kann's losgehen.
tiger_food 3. Um ideologisch Verbohrte, die anderen Missionseifer und Opportunismus unterstellen, zu trollen…
emilymbender PSA to instructors, this assignment is not only valuable for students, but a real boost for the instructor come end-term grading time!…
And that goes double for classes on #ethNLP / #AIethics including students currently working in industry :)