bylinina reviewing for salt, found a reference to a non-existing paper from early 2010-s that i apparently co-authored with galit sassoon and stephanie solt on some scalarity stuff. could've happened, but never did IN THIS TIMELINE
heli__love hometown glory
jeremy_gibbs I spent all night convinced that my MacBook Air had a hardware failure—random text entry, clicking led to weird behavior, etc. I read console logs, booted into safe mode, performed hardware diagnostics. It turns out my cat was sitting on the wireless keyboard in the other room.
JimmySecUK Is there a German word for making a political decision in the most damaging, self defeating, humiliating way possible?
dickebuerste53 Find’s irgendwie immer faszinierend, wenn Bauten aus der Zeit vor 1945 auch heute noch als hässlich/Schandfleck gelten. Das ist ja seit der Denkmalschutz-Wende der 1970er extreeem selten geworden, alles Alte wird per se als schön empfunden
mccormick_ted It seems as if chatbots are best at academic tasks that are simplified for logistical reasons (short essays for large courses at poorly staffed universities) or where formulaic, buzzword-ridden discourse is prized. If that’s right, the implications have nothing to do with tech.
BurkhardStork Doch, genau das tut er. Sagt jede Studie die es dazu gibt. Weltweit. Aber gefühlte Politik ist halt irgendwie wichtiger...…
SarahTaber_bww So some folks who are in the Effective Altruism movement, & horrified by its recent behavior, wrote a piece about how EA can fix it self.
Reading through it, all I can think is "Ohhhh yeah. I remember this stage of trying to break out of a cult." 🥲…
nsaphra @mmitchell_ai I feel like if you have a million tiny papers as an established researcher, probably the best route is to post them as proposals on ML collective and see if any junior researchers in developing countries bite?
nsaphra Can't be bothered to watch The Way of Water because I've already seen the greatest film James Cameron will ever be involved with: the footage when all of the news cameras zoomed in on his face while his fourth ex-wife won the Best Picture Oscar over Avatar.
complingy People who know about #syntax: consider "We owe it to you to do something special"
1) Is this it-extraposition?
2) Does "to do something special" have a controlled subject?
benwurgaft Working on a “rotisserie” theory of sleep, in which the body must rotate so as to be evenly slept on all sides.
highfrontvowel Wieso fühlt sich die Schreibweise von „Dschungel“ an wie cultural appropriation
Wort des Tages: entdringlifiziert
spinfocl Das ist ein roter Faden seit drei Jahren: #Lauterbach pustet irgendwas raus und ist der Einordnung entweder nicht willens oder nicht fähig. Hatte gedacht, die Amtsübernahme als GM regelt das. Tat es aber null.…
parismarx lmao, what are the three words? wrong answers only
antonrainer @lazycuttlefish @mptv Nee, aber der Kontext sagte: Hauptbahnhof. Und der Hamburger Bahnhof liegt ja am Hauptbahnhof – nur am falschen.