ChezSpecter Last night I learnt from a pregnant pal that there is a Tinder for baby names, called (and I'm SO glad I asked) Kinder. You and your partner, if you have one, both set up an account and then you 'match' on the names you both like. Genius
amykaycannon I know people think it's goofy to announce birth weight and length—but I find it very charming that we're excited about a new person, but there's not too much we can politely ask about, and not too much to know. So we want to know: it is a BIG baby? Is it a LONG baby?
KamerynJW I'm not like other STEM people—I'm humanities-passing
El_Giesemann Dank @HonkHase konnten wir klären, was bei uns bei @maik_aussendorf wirklich kritische Infrastruktur ist. ☕
RobDrummond This NHS quiz reads like an EFL text book exercise on idioms 😂
hrtgn Ich biete hiermit an, beim „Stern“ die Chefredaktion zu übernehmen und das Blatt bis Jahresende zu „sanieren“ (Pleite)…
mccormick_ted It’s odd to me (yet common enough) to insist one is discussing something “in good faith” when one has elected not to look at factual information relevant to the topic, preferring to “debate” as if it doesn’t exist. This is one reason I think “faith” discussions are a distraction.
caithuls Can someone figure out an amazing tv show I can watch? Needs to have at least one full season and be life altering in the exact way I want it to be which I will not describe. Thanks!
KulturGeschwtz @glasspateldruck Wir können im Religionsunterricht nicht inhaltlich arbeiten, wenn grundlegende Arbeitsmethoden nicht beherrscht werden - mit der Bibel kann man nicht arbeiten und also nicht über sie sprechen, wenn man sich in ihr nicht zurechtfindet, weil man "1. Kor 2,14" nicht versteht.
bapp bapp bapp…
paulg One possible solution to having less time to work after having kids: work on harder things. The hardest kinds of work can't be done for more than 4 or 5 hours a day anyway.
Johannes42 Erst hat man kein Geld, dann keine Zeit, dann ist man tot.
nearcyan AI startups actually have a very strong moat
we simply refer to it as "python virtual environment" and "cuda version"
most of your competitors will give up before they get past this step