climagic for i in {1..65535};do printf "%x\n" $i;done|while read -r u;do printf "\033[38;5;$((16+$((16#$u))%230))m\u$u\033[0m";done #Unicode rainbow
kaffeebeimir TTIP-Verhandlungspapier geleakt: Lobbys bauen sich Aus-Knopf für Demokratie
climagic ssh -R *:8080:localhost:80 remoteserver # Make local webserver available via remoteserver:8080. Req. GatewayPorts yes on sshd
If you ask me a question and don't immediately get an answer, don't worry. It can take me up to 5 minutes to condescend.
This does NOT reflect reality:… As if professors used punctuation!
HackerNewsOnion Latest version of McAfee AntiVirus detects itself as malware
shashj Post-Snowden NSA: "Analysts have gone from being polygraphed once every five years to once every quarter"…
climagic df -i # On Linux and others, display the inodes used per filesystem. Useful for determining how long it takes to backup or search the fs.