pervocracy Relationships are like computers; ideally they would always just work, but the ones that really last are the ones you can modify and repair.
ojahnn Wie? Ihr erklärt eure Gefühle oder deren Abwesenheit *nicht* unter Zuhilfenahme von Metaphern aus dem Gebiet der Elektrotechnik?!
climagic awk '!a[$0]++' /etc/sysconfig/iptables # Remove duplicate from iptables file without sorting. ($0 means whole line in awk) Thx @lvarin
climagic Nullaphobia - The fear of what might be happening after you start to run a command and don't see output immediately. ie. rm -fr *
climagic convert -size 1280x720 plasma:green-blue background.png # Create a 1280x720 color plasma image. Different each time. Uses ImageMagick
climagic sed "/bang/ s/foo/bar/" # Replace foo with bar only on lines that contain 'bang'. Use in pipeline or with file args. Thanks @Agarri_FR
Wozu sind soziale Netzwerke denn da, wenn man dann trotzdem noch miteinander reden muss?!