DemetriMartin The difference between a row of motorcycles and dominoes depends on how nearby the motorcycles owners are.
alienated well played, 1930s futurist - well played.
connolly_s RT @icecrime: Benchmarks.
climagic echo test | rev | cut -c 2- | rev # Use rev twice to get around limitation of cut not being able to truncate end of a string.
Bram_VDP Welke stemtest past het best bij jou? Doe de stemtest-test. #vk14
m_rinck ah, no, rather so etwas wie: characterisky
GrMeaningBank @cbrew Two corresponding readings in the GMB for "French": pos=JJ|ne=GPE|lemma=france|rel=from; and pos=NNP|ne=ART|lemma=french|rel=in
jasonbaldridge OH (8yo girl): "I made this hopscotch go up to 13. That way, it will ward off people with triskaidekaphobia."
MariaBoedeker art history
skeptikantin Fahrgast-TV: „Berliner Giftnotruf wird immer beliebter.“
meltomene Introducing the Chinese Conference Process: People sitting at the very side of the hall so that everyone arriving after can't take a seat.
JGoschler "DER DROP, DER HEUTE KOMMEN SOLLTE, KOMMT MIT DEM PULL MORGEN!!!" Ein Glück. Das Großraumabteil atmet auf. #zugtelefonate
youngestneil There are no automatic doors, just polite ghosts
Iearnsomething This is what a long exposure photo of fireflies looks like.