Einfache Regel: Jeder chinesische Satz endet mit 了, es sei denn, man erwartet es.
AnotherLinguist @chasing_ling But Chomsky & Hutch only investigated the abstract competence of criminals not their actual performance of crimes.
A musical masterpiece. Moorhuhn 2 Theme Song: youtu.be/a9AHItUDcwo via @YouTube
edwinbrady I think the technical meaning of “straightforward” must be “I haven’t considered this for long enough to work out what the problem is”
@Nachtvogel Und du so ganz lässig: "Da hast du ein 'then' vergessen."
@Schplock Interessant, gibt es das zu der Zeit oft?
thegoreycabinet @ungewinster now where did I leave my automaton? #thegoreycabinet #thewoundedcarnival pic.twitter.com/xqvUpGpvuH
Lotterleben So, um, apparently this is really happening. #thethreemeshketeers pic.twitter.com/HmFrep57KE