The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

October 14th, 2014

jasonbaldridge PSA: Conference papers do not need a "this paper is organized as follows" paragraph in the intro.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:40 PM, Oct 14th, 2014 via Twitter for Android)

dridde Ich habe mir letzte Nacht mal ein paar Gedanken von der Seele geschrieben.…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 6:24 PM, Oct 14th, 2014 via TweetDeck)

Herr_Rau Die einen nennen es fallende Handlung/retardierendes Moment, die anderen Doppelte Erzählmaus. Didaktische Unterschiede in der Oberstufe.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 6:22 PM, Oct 14th, 2014 via TweetDeck)

ojahnn Das Schönste, was ich heute erlebt habe, war das Anlegen des Moodle-Accounts "Testher Seyffarth".

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 6:22 PM, Oct 14th, 2014 via TweetDeck)

rjek Today is World Standards Day. Except in the US, which celebrates it on the 23rd.…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 6:21 PM, Oct 14th, 2014 via TweetDeck)

pdfcrop -bbox "$(grep -Po '(?<=/MediaBox\[).*(?=\])' paper.pdf)" paper.pdf paper-fixed.pdf # solves font issues, see

via TweetDeck

pdftk proceedings.pdf cat 25-28 output paper.pdf # extract pages 25-28 from a PDF. Weird CLI.

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