It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for anyone to create an event as intended with @googlecalendar (Android).
bkeegan My paper with @whatknows about death work on Wikipedia received an honorable mention at #cscw2015! Check it out here!…
NorbertBolz Gilt die Regel "Keine Regel ohne Ausnahme!" ohne Ausnahme? Wenn ja, dann nein; wenn nein, dann ja.
@spinfocl Nein: in relevante Situation geraten, erinnert, gegoogelt, retweetet.
hllizi "Let us now return to the question about parasitic gaps that we raised earlier
without answering" (Pollard & Sag 1994, p. 186)
rogerschank Experts pledge to rein in AI research… except these are not experts in AI and have no idea what they are taking about
spinfocl Ausnahmen beschädigen die Regel.
KarlreMarks #JeSuisDieudonné is a must now, as bigoted as you may find him. This is not about the natural limits of free speech but lack of consistency.
labenzticker Schefflenz, der: Die Arbeit, die man sich weniger macht, wenn der direkte Vorgesetzte in Urlaub ist.
xkcdfeed #xkcd Location Sharing:
learnprolognow Interesting new interactive version of the LPN website (you can run and modify examples right away):...