«These definitely look like words that King might scold a writer for attaching adverbs to.» honnibal.github.io/spaCy/
fastml_extra RT @RadimRehurek: "spaCy, industrial strength NLP with Python and Cython: github.com/honnibal/spaCy"
Check if the license suits you, though.
Lotterleben That was literally the first thing that came to my mind and it still haunts me.
Lotterleben A few days ago, a friend & I talked about dream jobs. My priority: “Has my back if some tech dude decides to destroy my life in a hissy fit”
Lotterleben The CRAPL– a license to release you crappy, embarassing (academic) code under. matt.might.net/articles/crapl/

lutzjaekel Klasse: Christian #Ehring: "#Pegida-Anhänger verteidigen religiöse Werte, an die sie selbst nicht glauben" #nopegida pic.twitter.com/ZBGXSGn6p6
MammonMachine Apples to Apples is the most useless priest spell? Fine then, I won't be sharing any of these Honeycrisps I transmuted from Red Delicious.

HayesBrown I have read this Tom Friedman sentence 13 times and now how sense words I spoon pic.twitter.com/2sqf0lWgAt

thedeadauthor Monopoly: Kafka Edition pic.twitter.com/5trQ0cw4Zc

flightradar24 1700 private jets expected to Davos in Switzerland to discuss climate change at World Economic Forum pic.twitter.com/RUbMDYYksT