SwiftOnSecurity NEW RULE: News hosts reporting on computer hacks have to stand in a datacenter, wearing a parka, and yell over the air conditioning.
Schmidtlepp Heute habe ich übrigens gelernt, dass wir als Parlament jederzeit Feiertage einführen können. Die vier Tage Woche rückt in greifbare Nähe.
awhooker A team of linguists has successfully translated the Voynich manuscript. Turns out, it's about ethics in games journalism.
"I'd like my obituary to hint at a sequel." asofterworld.com/index.php?id=1…
terrimbutler He didn't really knight a prince, did he?
CompSciFact Software reuse is more like an organ transplant than snapping together Lego blocks. ow.ly/FGE4r
plomlompom Eure tollen JavaScript-donotlink·com-SeitenEmbed-Links machen das Web noch ein kleines bisschen unbenutzbarer, vielen Dank!
@StevenWalling @ojahnn Nothing beats Quantum Bogosort, but this does come pretty close. ^^
@danieldekok Rust seems to be catching up.
BoingBoing Google strong-arms indie musicians into accepting brutal, crowdfunding-killing deal for streaming service. boingboing.net/2015/01/26/goo…
hllizi Wat, Google widersetzt sich Durchsuchungsbeschlüssen nicht? Shocking.
for file in *.m4a; do avconv -i "$file" "${file%.m4a}.mp3" & done # strip extensions from file names, transcode in parallel #cheatsheet