I don't even "@ismail_kupeli: Stv. Schulleiterin, die "Belästigungsteams" gegen Schülerinnen aufsstellen wollte ... todayszaman.com/national_vice-…"
TanteMaud Die A-Mannschaft des Roller Derby Teams aus Toulouse heißt 'Nothing Toulouse'.
Ich lache seit ca 10 Minuten.
Lotterleben And, especially, remembering the things which are obvious to you now but weren't back when you tried to understand $thing
Lotterleben Being good at explaining $thing means being able to recount how hard and confusing it was to learn $thing when you did.
frachtschaden Kunst oder/und/im/als Biomüll pic.twitter.com/zujpFcHQPa
ioerror A fantastic Vogue article about a modern day hero, my friend and journalistic colleague in exile, Sarah Harrison: vogue.com/11122973/sarah…
Krinkle8 Someone pointed out that "oh my god, becky, look at her butt" passes the bechdel test and I haven't stopped laughing for a week
Nacktmagazin "Einen Döner."
"Mit Alles?"
"Nach Hegelscher Dialektik führt ein Allseinsbegriff qua seiner Exegese die Fragestellung ad absurdum, aber ja."