constatinstant @astefanowitsch @Schplock Mich stört sehr, dass mein Handy zwar mittlerweile 6GB RAM hat, die Keyboard-App aber wed……
My favorite example of Emoji fonts failing to be universal.
“It’s clear because the position of the hour hand corresponds to the spoken form.” Yes, IN SOME LANGUAGES, you geniuses.
“Clock Face *-Thirty” Emoji: Apple, Samsung, LG, HTC, Facebook, Messenger, Twitter and Mozilla really screwed this up.
Wrote a Prolog pretty-printing predicate today. No alliteration intended.
Jfarrers For all my cynicism, this is still one of my favourite gifs ever
matthew_d_green So is a law against gravity.…
ojahnn It's my first time using @feeltraincoop's Supermute today! \o/
CTRLe_istbesser Was
Friedemann Schulz von Thun
wenn Sie sich selbst retweeten:
paul_haine Fascinated at how crossing a Corgi with any other dog breed results in what is basically a Corgi in disguise as the……
amyquispe bug crawling on my bed. tried to get it to crawl onto my badge so i could move it. and it checked out my badge, noped out, crawled away.
"I might have to moonwalk on my word."
Zur Beendigung des Gesprächs den Gesprächspartner in den Papierkorb ziehen
Kommunizieren mit Hilfe einer GIF-ORGEL
Pre-sleep nap
HamdanAzhar "the great thing about nonsense : because it has no utility you only build it bc it brings you joy" LOVE this line……