GrumpyMerkel Der #ESC2017 steht für eine Vision von Europa, wo man so viel Scheiße bauen kann, wie man will, und trotzdem gewinnen die Nazis nicht.
SPIEGELCaptions Untergewichtige Velásquez, Freundinnen: Alle wollten sich mit ihr schmücken
GeekJulieta @kensinterlude "You're beautiful"
'you're welcome'
- (glottalizing) You're cu'!
- The genius inventor or the omnipotent being?
- No, CUTE!
- But it's cooler to be Q than to be cute!
The Dutch like to live by the water. What kind of water doesn't matter so much.
jonathanchait This is a very shrewd piece by @petridishes on the Republican psychology toward Trump…
_Oded_ @MasteringVim That got to be the most accidentally accessed feature in Vim
ashleymcnamara I don't know about you guys, but I'm really loving the whole conference sock trend.
DawgBelly A small joy in my life is tht my sis is dating a guy w/ the same name as her cat & human Nigel hates tht we all call him human Nigel.
Pixelfish Arts and crafts: make your own Sean Spicer garden element.