hwc001 You can do whatever you want in the classroom so long as you undertake not to learn from it.
hwc001 I need ethics approval to use a new teaching approach with half of my students, but not if I want to use it with *all* of my students
Die Gesangbüchersammlung meines Vaters sieht aus wie eine Installation von Reinhard Mucha. pic.twitter.com/CV9s7xIhSS
_Jordan “Are,” @nytimes. The word you’re looking for is “are.” You know, the one we use with singular “you” as well? pic.twitter.com/WbSSQ3u72K
Tiefkühl #schlechtübersetztefilmtitel
Fúrcht und Háss in Lás Vegás #schlechtübersetztefilmtitel
Dreckstanz #schlechtübersetztefilmtitel
soumithchintala Hilarious new post from @fhuszar
"Everything that Works Works Because it's Bayesian: Why Deep Nets Generalize?"… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
dlowd 2006: Layer-wise pretraining!
2010: Nevermind.
2011: Adagrad!
2017: Nevermind. twitter.com/alexk_z/status…
EpicLPer When you're so poor in real life that even shadow rendering is set to low pic.twitter.com/fVFwrvtTel
zeynep "Terrorism is mass murder with a media strategy; it’s time to disrupt it." I wrote about covering terrorism sensibl… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
labenzticker Ritzgerode, das: Versuch, mit einer Laubsäge eine hundertjährige Eiche zu fällen. labenz.texttheater.net/Ritzgerode