akwitney Lead guitarist of the band at the concert playing in Vegas, changing his mind about gun control. twitter.com/calebkeeter/st…
brianstelter Over at @TheOnion, they just publish this story over and over trib.al/7ILqSGa pic.twitter.com/nO3iyQhC7Y
texttheater Super-Serviervorschlag pic.twitter.com/4V2aFZvGPM
umblaetterer »Wir denken nicht, dass Google uns kurz- oder langfristig überholen kann.« heise.de/-3836524
frachtschaden "This assertion by the Referee is plainly wrong" ist einer der befriedigendsten Sätze, die man überhaupt schreiben kann.
oliverburkeman Yes absolutely this thread. twitter.com/JamilesLartey/…
frachtschaden Wenn ihr was über biologische Uhren wissen wollt, könnt ihr auch mal mein Buch lesen. *hust*
Intro Linguistics falseknees.com/22.html
ZakkFlash Reject poverty porn. Organize the working class. Build the new world in the shell of the old. pic.twitter.com/nepwU1NWQ5
SkipsAhoi I've had to walk past this monstrosity every day for the last few weeks and it's really taking a toll. pic.twitter.com/lYQMMIix5D
@ojahnn Oh, I was talking about Düsseldorf being tainted. Bochum I have yet to check out. Looks very promising indeed!
@ojahnn I agree it's ugly. The brutalism has been tainted with modernist additions too much.