"We were just on our way to get our chinhorns waxed." #epicquotes #TheOrville
SPIEGELCaptions Entgleiste Nachtexpress-Lok in Brühl: Geräuschloser Absprung
This series is basically TNG plus some irreverend humor. For all who miss classic Star Trek. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Orvil…
mrkocnnll “Latte socialist” is such a sick burn, it really nails the hypocrisy of people who want both coffee with steamed mi… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…
AlexanderLasch @KonstanzeMarx @texttheater Dann hat "sich gesundgammeln" als Beispiel für armchair linguistics aber auch noch Platz.^^
@L3viathan2142 @pietaetskirsche On the first point: not sure partial familiarity is an advantage. It can lead to false friends.
@L3viathan2142 @pietaetskirsche Can you give an example of how IPA is more internally consistent than SAMPA?