The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

December 11th, 2017

@malikibheis @grinningmanLDN @TrafStudios Doing your best to out-grin the grinning man I see ^^

via Twitter for Android in reply to malikibheis

chrmanning Machine Learning just ate Algorithms in one large bite, thx to @tim_kraska, @alexbeutel, @edchi, @JeffDean & Polyzotis at @Google—faster, smaller trees, hashes, bloom filters…

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 5:00 PM, Dec 11th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

Weihnachten rast mit beängstigender Geschwindigkeit heran.

via Twitter Web Client

"Keinesfalls darf ein Kunde das Handyticket im Fahrzeug kaufen. Das gilt auch für Straßenbahnen und Busse, in denen der Kauf von Papierfahrausweisen in vielen Städten seit mehr als 100 Jahren erlaubt ist."…

via Twitter Web Client

frachtschaden Die Deutschen sind Weltmeister darin, antiquierte Technologien damit zu rechtfertigen, dass ihre Nachteile irgendwelche Missstände abfedern.

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 2:17 PM, Dec 11th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

explosion_ai We're proud to finally release Prodigy v1.0 ✨
Thanks to everyone who's been testing it!

Prodigy is a modern annotation tool for training and evaluating machine learning models. It's cloud-free, scriptable and offers powerful active learning workflows.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 PM, Dec 11th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

_dmh I think I've shared this before, but this remains the best resource for learning about colorblindness and how to alter your figures, graphs, and other design elements so that everyone can see the important distinctions:

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:03 AM, Dec 11th, 2017 via Twitter for Android)

_dmh Everyone's PhD work is a delicate balance of bash scripting, Prolog, Java, and Python described in Markdown and LaTeX files, right?

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:01 AM, Dec 11th, 2017 via Twitter for Android)

Wort des Tages: Dampfschreiber/in

via Twitter for Android