Wer so Lampen hat mit gebogenen Metallrohren, an deren Enden kegelförmige Holzstücke sitzen, hat die Kontrolle über sein Leben verloren.
@GabrielBerlin *legt dich in Hotelketten*
GabrielBerlin Den Klopapiermarkt aufrollen
adorrego_r Check out this preprint where we present ANN, a tool to annotate scientific articles! That was a great teamwork with @lubianat @DelwenFranzen @Vix_Gabi @arupgsh @ines_hojas @multilingual_s @labdrafts zenodo.org/record/4279611
Herr_Rau Heute drei Fachsitzungen und eine Vorlesung per Telko gehabt. Puh. - Herausstellt sich: Neue Englisch-Kollegen haben im Seminar so richtig beigebracht gekriegt, unsägliches Ministerialschreiben vom letzten Jahr ernst zu nehmen. LA-Ausbildung, quo vadis?
emilymbender Making a prediction, based on a conversation with Ari Holtzman @ybisk and @_jessethomason_ at #emnlp2020: At #acl2040nlp there will be a track on ineffability.
ScHuehnerkrisp Traum: Kompositionsauftrag für das Werbejingle von Caffee Hag Decaf
@mjpost I've always found it sad about language as an object of study that it doesn't visualize well.
whedonesque Just in case you can't make out the flavours
Xander - Chocolate and Caramel
Buffy - Dark Chocolate and Raspberry Creme
Spike - Chocolate and Crispies
Willow - Chocolate and Peanut Butter pic.twitter.com/vpIVW9zsTl
EmmaSManning @ojahnn @soldni Don't forget to simplify!
You are viewing Luca Soldaini e's/im screen pic.twitter.com/osYhNM9APs
ethayarajh Best part of #EMNLP2020 was being handheld and walked to my poster session by @annargrs and @emilymbender after getting lost in Gather.
Nothing has better simulated the real-world conference experience.
KidsWriteJokes what do you call a rabbit and a deer?
a raindeer
get it? R-A-I-N-D-E-E-R?
ReicherStephen Important work which echoes the @IndependentSage report on Universities: the assumption that in person teaching is better than online teaching is not supported by the evidence. twitter.com/mattsclancy/st…
FiboKowalsky 🆒 to see #NLProc applied to our paper abstracts: tldr.semanticscholar.org. Error analysis: I verified 10 TLDRs of my papers and this is what I found out:
1️⃣ 6/10 TLDRs are exact copies of a single sentence (3x1st, 2x2nd, 1x3rd sentence) twitter.com/SemanticSchola…
cactus_chef 1. Ganze Früchte verwenden
2. Zu viel Puddingpulver einrühren
3. Mit der Suppe den Netflix-Account teilen
4. Das Huhn nicht rupfen
5. Bei der Zubereitung vergessen, andalusische Volkslieder zu singen pic.twitter.com/DbDqpvk6c2
Dunkelmagier Unsere Dozentin hat uns erklärt dass die linguistische Fachbezeichnung für Schimpfworte Malediktion ist und ich finde das ein ganz wunderschönes Wort
emilymbender I really appreciate this clarification about semantic compositionality from Janet Pierrehumbert for the #NLProc audience at #emnlp2020 pic.twitter.com/KiJM7NmlT1
ch000ch coffee prices are out of control pic.twitter.com/gEiQlqzbPm
tschfflr @annargrs Just funny is all - no human has trouble understanding it, I think. Shows you something about antecedent availability in event anaphora. Also, potentially something about "this" vs "it"? Cool stuff.
rad_milk referring to all the characters in star wars as astronauts
FiboKowalsky At #EMNLP2020 I find grouping QA sessions of several papers much better than paper-specific QAs at #ACL2020. Chairing QA sessions is also an improvement. I remember at #ACL2020 joining some QAs felt like hijacking private conversations :), that's not the case anymore.
adequateGF For Sale: Baby Trebuchet, Never Used pic.twitter.com/IhTykdk48b
KidsWriteJokes why is coal black
it is made of death
intersprech @wortwicht @han_man1927 @personaldebatte @dickebuerste53 @pfinzent @JSevincBasad Mein Doktorvater hat mich vor Begeisterung adoptiert, jetzt ist er mein richtiger Vater und ich sage Papi zu ihm!
BVG_Kampagne Bus- und Betttag. pic.twitter.com/4qHNVVhoe0
verbundpflaster Frage mich, wie viele Fehlentscheidungen jeden Tag getroffen werden, weil wieder irgendjemand glaubt, dass zwischen 99,99% und 99,999% (kontextunabhängig) fast kein Unterschied besteht.
nadia_z Das Geschäftsmodell eines Menschen, der 4 Stunden / Woche arbeitet:
Fast eine halbe Million 'free-to-use' Fotos hochladen (viele billig von Gig-Workern aufgenommen), via Bilderkennung die Foto-Nutzung scannen und automatisiert Rechnungen schicken bei kleinsten Nachweis-Fehlern. twitter.com/chadocl/status…
yedoye_ 17 yr old me was a bitch he'll be proud of wtf I tell him to be proud of twitter.com/antinouns/stat…
harlanhaskins @causal_agent @jckarter i love computers pic.twitter.com/apwKM0fm9D
brynguist I finally eked out a tiny bit of time for my favorite task on my to-do list: working on my long-neglected manuscript, "The title should be in sentence case" (featuring such well-thought sections as "1.1 Second-level headings in boldface" & "1.1.1 Third-level headings in italics") pic.twitter.com/XkujeVKYnr
JasonCDaniels @WynneCluster @thesamwisest Having had to get familiar with the Unicode spec, I have to say that a lot of the screen readers aren't being implemented correctly. There are transformations listed in the spec that pull a lot of these higher unicode characters down into the screen-reader compatible range -ASCII
33% done with The End of Everything, by Katie Mack goodreads.com/user_status/sh…
Dunkelmagier "Ein dungeon ist auch nur ein reverse escape room" - @disastertieflng