The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

April 28th, 2021

horatiorama @Chaosfux @texttheater Stelle mir vor, dass das Video von Menschen synchronisiert ist.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:35 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

midsomerplots A mansplainer is found dead from horrendous Twitter burns...

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:23 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

anna_pryslopska A few years ago made a joke about Palmer being green-brown and was told how terribly wrong I am to imply such horrid things. I think my comment aged like wine 🍷

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 10:19 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

mathbabedotorg Whenever I come across a new technology I ask myself, for whom does this fail?…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:59 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

ewindisch JetBlue announces that they will now broadcast trans people’s legal names to their seatmates as if that doesn’t have any emotional or safety issues at all.…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:59 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

Lucretiel I've always been amused by how the shrug emoji, 🤷, is very clearly trying to be the shruggie, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, but because it has like a fifth of the available width, the emotional payload isn't really there

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:56 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

MatteHaari Im sassanidenreich wäre ich für so ein video wohl geblendet worden

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:55 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

Chaosfux Liebe Schafe weil sie immer klingen wie jemand der Schafe nachmacht

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:53 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

AriannaBisazza I notice that I’ve started using myself quite a few of her lexical creations or (worse) over-regular inflected forms (“toglio”, “sveglio”) Considering most of my Italian input comes from her it actually makes sense ... Or am I a linguistic oddity? 😅

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:53 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

osoHQ We just released early access to our new roles library, plus Oso 0.12.1. The roles library gives you a standard interface for configuration, data modeling and enforcement of role-based access control (RBAC) based on all our best practices. Read the post:…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:38 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

frachtschaden deutsche schauspieler wenn die kamera läuft: ACHTUNG ICH SCHAUSPIELERE JETZT

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:18 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

adimit Wie soll man auf "!p || (p && q)" im Code Review eigentlich noch mit Takt reagieren?

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 5:32 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

VQuaschning Lieber @peteraltmaier: Jetzt wo sich herausgestellt hat, dass die vermeintlich hohen -Werte bei Rechenfehler Ihrer Behörde waren, sollten Sie auch die 1000 m Mindestabstand zu Windkraftanlagen korrigieren!

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 5:15 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

Eilenbrat jetzt langts ich geh Rügenwalder veganes Mühlen Hack in den Dieselrüssel stopfen drüben bei der Esso

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 4:13 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

zeitweise Puh! Ich habe letztes Jahr telefonieren gelernt und es ist echt erstaunlich, was sich für eine Welt auftut, wenn man nicht jedes mögliche Telefonat vermeidet oder vor sich herschiebt.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:25 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

caroverbeek Blue and triangular scents? I made a synaesthetic scent wheel based on historical literature that will help you to describe scents…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:25 PM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

ecpankratz I want to live in a world with this kind of subtitling…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 7:54 AM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

mjpost It took me a long time to figure out what “single stairs” meant. It means you have no hotel-style corridor with rooms left and right, but instead have apartments that have windows both front (onto the street) and back (onto the courtyard).…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 7:50 AM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

Wort des Tages: Lebertisch (typischerweise niedriger Tisch mit leberförmiger Platte, vgl. Nierentisch)

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Wort des Tages: Nichtauftauchgebühr

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Modernen -Architekturen ist oft ein Worthäcksler vorgeschalten.

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ryandcotterell This year, the @NAACLHLT publication chairs worked hard to improve the ACL infrastructure regarding the proper formatting of our community's papers. We're developing a package "acl_pubcheck" that automatically detects author formatting errors, margin violations inter alia... 🧵

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 12:27 AM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

sjmielke Does this sound like a fun problem to you? 😎

Why not join @sigmorphon's shared task 0.2 on "Cognitively Plausible Morphological Inflection" of nonce words! 🤩


via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:24 AM, Apr 28th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)