The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

July 20th, 2021

peterdhintz Vielleicht sollte man sich auch nicht an der Werbung für Bezos’ Flugunternehmen beteiligen und 5-minütige Raketenflüge durch die Erdatmosphäre als Raumfahrt bezeichnen.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:48 PM, Jul 20th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

henscheck Wieviele von euch haben den Kerl im Gorillakostüm bemerkt, der während der Ansprache zwischen Steinmeier und Laschet durchlief?

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 7:00 PM, Jul 20th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

ladida_lisa Ihr Lieben, ich bin immer noch auf der Suche nach Deutschlehrkräften, die an einer kurzen Umfrage zur Relevanz von Sprachgeschichte für den Deutschunterricht teilnehmen. Gerne RT, gern auch außerhalb von Twitter teilen. Danke 🙏…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 6:04 PM, Jul 20th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

Black_Isis Talking with a junior engineer this morning, I realized I've never talked about one of the distributed work superpowers I've developed since starting at Truss outside of mostly one on one conversations, so here it is:

Talk to yourself on Slack.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 6:02 PM, Jul 20th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

mark_e_davis @FakeUnicode @jcukier @rachelbinx A lot of characters from that time came in from legacy character or font encodings and were adopted whole-hog, for compatibility.

There are paper records, but they're in a huge warehouse someplace. They used footage of that warehouse in some movie, I think.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 6:02 PM, Jul 20th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

derwahremawa Was fehlt: eine empirische Definition von „Aufschrei“, die es prüfbar macht, ob es zu einem bestimmten Thema einen Aufschrei gegeben hat oder nicht.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 6:01 PM, Jul 20th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

tagesschau Shorts statt Bikinihose: Strafe für Norwegens Beach-Handballerinnen…

via (retweeted on 4:46 PM, Jul 20th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

texttheater Hier eine Hipsterbierbar, daneben der Hipsterbarbier

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 3:47 PM, Jul 20th, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

CodepointsNet Good idea to have a site to look up many technical terms in this area!

You can contribute, too:……

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 3:47 PM, Jul 20th, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

texttheater *Moorhuhnsterbegeräusch*…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:46 PM, Jul 20th, 2021 via Twitter Web App)

vagina_museum First of all, it's NOT unusual that she has a third nipple - up to 1 in 18 people have an extra nipple or breast tissue - most people go through their lives not knowing about it, because they often look like a mole or darker patch of skin.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 1:20 PM, Jul 20th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

vagina_museum The mammary ridge, or milk lines, forms in all mammals in early embryonic development. It's basically a part of the embryo which says "you can put tiddy here" - for example, on pigs they have lines of nipples along their underside, while cows have udders quite far back along.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 1:19 PM, Jul 20th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

KidsWriteJokes Knock Knock,
Who's there?

via Hootsuite Inc. (retweeted on 11:08 AM, Jul 20th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)

random_walker Dark patterns are beyond parody. But designers aren't stupid... surely they know they're trashing their brands. My guess is there's a principal-agent problem in many co's where execs don't realize they're shooting themselves in the foot by tying incentives to short-term metrics.…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 7:19 AM, Jul 20th, 2021 via Twitter for Android)