vagina_museum Notes for our lovely US based followers: we're British so:
-fanny means vagina/vulva
-twat rhymes with hat
-snail trail is the hair between the belly button and pubes
-"cunt" is quite rude but nowhere near as rude (or gendered) as it is over there
Stullenladen „Schmierwut“
ScHuehnerkrisp Schade daß es kein Adventslied namens "Nun komm, o teurer Bube" gibt. Das könnte man sonst NKOTB abkürzen
tschfflr StuTS und TaCoS - tolle Studierendentagung Sprachwissenschaft. Welche Studis möchten dort vortragen?…
mjpost America’s best hardware store now selling Germany’s best Christmas tree stand
CC: @AceHardware
KatherineAMunro "Lacking capability will kill an idea now; lacking maintainability will kill capability in the long run."
Nice quote from our #ML stack engineer on the importance of maintainable everything.
derLampenputzer Fact: Es wird nie ein #Anno Spiel geben, das im 20. Jahrhundert spielt, da dort die Quersumme der Jahreszahl nicht 9 ergeben kann.
Kongduino Via Quora.
Love it!
astefanowitsch deutsche fusion cuisine
hauck_elias Na gut, pünktlich zum ersten Advent meine alljährliche Weihnachtsgeschichte für euch (Thread)
Mein Vermieter war gerade da:
*Ding Dong*
»Herr Hauck, wat hamsen da fürn Sack zum Fenster raus zu hängen?«
»Das? Das ist ein Christmas-Pudding, eine Spezialität aus - «
»Dit ist mir
ScHuehnerkrisp Verkehrsminister Wiss
mann ing
1993 2021
"I do not like X", aber als habituelles Präsens auf soziale Medien bezogen
*deklamiert* F! S! SCH! CH! CH!
formschub Ich habe inzwischen meine Kontakte so weit reduziert, dass mich jemand besuchen kommen muss, damit ich alleine in der Wohnung bin.
extra3 Alle 11 Minuten verliebt sich ein Liberaler in sich selbst. #Valentinstag #Valentines
visevic Thank you, South Africa! 🙏 🇿🇦
HannavonKaese Ralph erzählt in der #SendungmitderMaus, wie sie @DieMaus auf ein @WDR-Hochhaus projiziert haben. Gabs erst die Idee zu dieser Projektion oder erst den Wunsch eine Sachgeschichte über Beamer zu drehen?
ojahnn Suddenly remembering the time I spent a few days with a US family as a teenager and got introduced to the outlandish concept of "driving to the ice cream place". Ice cream should be a purely ambulatory pleasure (or maybe a snack for breaks on bike or inline skating tours)
perseveresther elternsein quasi spiegel mit extremer verspätung
johl The current edit war on English Wikipedia whether Olaf Scholz is "chancellor elect" or "chancellor-designate" (two positions that don't exist) is hilarious in its eventual pointlessness.
carlosgr_nlp @complingy @ani_nenkova @TaliaRinger Any meaningful criterion is subjective. But that's actually fine, we are humans, we are diverse, we don't all find the same things interesting, and science benefits from that variety. Which is why I don't like the idea of centralized sticky reviews.
BuckRivera REWE
Es legt die Lotion in den Korb
Wer nannte es Reitbeteiligung und nicht Pferdehälfte
KidsWriteJokes the person that is telling the joke. did you see that skunk.
the person who you are telling the joke to. I thout it was a butt.
you. whats the difrence.
complingy @mmbollmann @ani_nenkova @TaliaRinger Program committees can prioritize diversity of the program while keeping the overall acceptance rate low. That is, being on an underexplored topic could be considered an asset for a paper. (I don't have a sense of whether this is currently being done well at our conferences.)
mmbollmann @complingy @ani_nenkova @TaliaRinger I don't think there's a fair way to do this while acceptance rates matter. Excluding papers based on acceptance rates is inherently unfair. If anything, I'd like to see a broad variety of topics represented in a conference program, but that's also not fair to individual authors.
complingy @mmbollmann @ani_nenkova @TaliaRinger Right, the word "importance" by itself is subjective/vague. My point is that under the current system where acceptance rates matter, we need a way to prioritize some technically sound papers over others. We do have novelty and thoroughness, but those can't be the only heuristics.
cstross Which vaccine side-effect do I want to experience?