emilymbender In that time, I've seen countless computer scientists make that assertion, but never on the basis of any actual research to back it up. It's always in the form of justifying what they are interested in doing anyway: applying machine learning to the problem.
emilymbender Second, "computer scientists realized" suggests that computer scientists somehow came across or established the truth of that proposition. By why would computer scientists have the relevant expertise to do that work? (As a general rule, they don't.)
emilymbender So this means that the author of that sentence is presupposing that it is true that "human languages are too complex to be effectively represented by hand-crafted rules" ... and not providing any evidence for that statement.
emilymbender First off, the verb "realized" is factive, in the sense that it introduces a presupposition of the truth of its complement. (For a more nuanced classification of verbs along these lines, see: de Marneffe et al 2019 ojs.ub.uni-konstanz.de/sub/index.php/… )
emilymbender Ran across this phrase in some science journalism this morning: "Computer scientists soon realized that human languages were too complex to be effectively represented by hand-crafted rules." and I have some **thoughts**.
Cr1ss0v @ofahle1 @texttheater @ruhrunibochum Herbst- und Frühlingssemester vermeiden auch das unschöne „SS“ bzw „Sose“.
Vorlesungszeiten 7+1 frei*+7 Wochen
HS: KW 37–51 (Mitte September bis Ende Dezember)
FS: KW 10–24 (Anfang März bis Mitte Juni)
suzanne_GL Kaartje waar ik blij van word. Heel blij!
Slapend reizen, en wakker worden waar je wil zijn. 💚🚄 #meertreinenmindervliegen pic.twitter.com/WFAYqOLG48
ofahle1 #Semesterzeiten. Virologen bestätigen Probleme mit Viren in nächsten Wintern, da könnten nun die Semesterzeiten geändert werden. Sep-Dez und März-Juni. Vorteile: weniger Viren, Schulferien kompatibel mit Semesterferien und internat. Kalender. @ruhrunibochum kann das diskutieren.
lissageangels The balls are going straight. pic.twitter.com/WfZf6FKLMo
TriciaLockwood the thing about an email is that it creates another email
highfrontvowel DFG funding doctoral students for only 3 years be like ‘PhD Any% speedrun (glitchless)’
@AU_de @hauckundbauer Was sagt @Chaosfux dazu?
wayfu wieso heißt es FDP und nicht Eigentumsrechte
Fischblog Nach unbefriedigenden Versuchen mit diversen Arten von Pflastern bin ich übrigens zur bewährten Technik zurückgekehrt. pic.twitter.com/lb4dRE3spi
gscl_org The call for shared tasks, workshops, and tutorial proposals for KONVENS 2022 (which will take place in Potsdam) is out! twitter.com/konvens2022/st…
@ScHuehnerkrisp Jepp, been there.
adelealexandr thrilled to announce a paper acceptance! i've accepted this paper will not get written
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