redleadviper Nan Wood Graham and Dr. Byron McKeeby pictured in 1942 recreating their original poses for the iconic ‘American Gothic’. She was the painter’s sister, and he was their dentist.
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On page 446 of 784 of Habe ich denn allein gejubelt? Eine Jugend im Nati, by Eva Sternhe...…
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43% done with Sie hat Bock, by Katja Lewina: "Ignorieren, Weggehen, Nicht-mehr-auf-Nachr...…
astefanowitsch Indem man für den Anglizismus des Jahres abstimmt, schützt man nicht nur sich selbst (davor, dass das falsche Wort gewinnt), sondern auch die anderen. Solidarität, Leute! #anglizismus2021 #StayHomeAndVote #AllesInDasVote #LauterbachMussVoten…
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gwenckatz Thus, books like The Boy in the Striped Pajamas are not an age-appropriate equivalent way to teach the Holocaust, but a false construction of history.
This ends the first part of the thread. But there's more...
complingy A fun construction: "You have no idea the amount of pressure I'm under." If forced to analyze it with standard syntactic relations, I guess "have" has two direct objects? (Cf.: "You cannot fathom the amount of pressure I'm under.")
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Kinky Boots – Unser Dorf obszöner werden #deutschezusatztitel
WORDLE🇩🇪 363 3/6
by @DeWordle