texttheater "ein freund von mir den ich persönlich nicht kenne" ps3-talk.de/ps-store/72800…
matt_meeta cursed tweet twitter.com/MJ_Cruickshank…
hllizi Ich finde, der einzige akzeptable Ausgang für diesen Krieg ist einer, der mit völligem Gesichtsverlust für Putin einhergeht. Und zwar nicht im metaphorischen Sinn.
Chicken McNoggin
highfrontvowel ‘Tuning neural networks is like a supermarket putting the cheese next to the tomatoes, because it turns out somehow that way they sell more toilet paper’ twitter.com/tetraduzione/s…
roter_pander Bitte nur noch Berufe gendern, in denen Julian Frauen kennt. Danke. pic.twitter.com/Zdxiv6nVuc
sailorrooscout “All immunity is natural, because your immune system is natural.
Immunity is acquired either through infection or vaccination. Infection has more side effects, many of which are very bad and one of which is death.
Naturally, I choose to acquire my immunity through vaccination.”
RuairiFahy Seeing a lot of goths about again, which is bad news.
Goths are the harbinger of recession whether its the 2008 recession, the 1980s recession or 5th century Rome and the collapse of the empire.
They may not be the cause but they are the warning we should heed
Maurice_Conrad so manipuliert werden, dass die KI dachte es handele sich dabei um strafbare Inhalte. Faktisch kommt dazu noch eine grundsätzliche Fehlerquote von 80% hinzu. Es landen also die Bilder aus eurem Strandurlaub auf dem Tisch des BKA weil euer Handy denkt, das ist Pornographie. 8/
astefanowitsch how it started how it's going pic.twitter.com/U2JAVc2mG3
KidsWriteJokes what did the eye say to the other eye? Why are we on this person
marconeves But the same word in Spanish or English will awaken other images in the speakers' minds. A Briton will think primarily of a fairly large cup... A Spaniard might think first of the famous "café con leche". Does this mean that "coffee" is untranslatable?
marconeves Someone might now say, "Ah, but those translations, whatever they are, are never quite the same thing as the original word." Well, translation is never the same thing! This applies not only to "saudade", but to almost every word and any text.
marconeves Even in Portuguese, most uses of the word are of the basic, I-miss-you kind. I would say this is what happens with most, if not all, supposedly untranslatable words: in everyday sentences, they have straightforward translations.
marconeves Just think of the verb "to get", for example, which has many different translations, from "arranjar" ("obtain") to "compreender" ("understand"), or the word "key", which can be "tecla" (as a part of a keyboard) or "chave" (which opens doors).
marconeves Someone might counter, "Ah, but there is no single translation of ‘saudade’, at least in English." True, there isn't, but that happens with many words, from the most banal to the most complex. The Portuguese word "café" doesn't have a single English translation either.
marconeves That is precisely the job of translators, who are more creative than people usually believe — and very much used to dealing with problems, even if the problem is a word that everyone says has no translation.
marconeves The word "saudade" will be translated in different ways depending on the sentence. You may even need to write several words to translate what, in Portuguese, is said using only "saudade".
marconeves To understand why it is a mistake to say that "saudade" has no translation, we must remember that translators do not work with isolated words: they translate sentences, paragraphs, texts...
matt_meeta Influential paper explaining ethnic conflict with game theory: The category of ethnicity allows people competing for finite political goods to build and maintain relatively small but winning political coalitions. web.stanford.edu/group/fearon-r… pic.twitter.com/dBb6yL8upT
greg00r Würde man sich dazu entschließen, kein technisches Gerät mehr wegzuwerfen, wäre man in ca. 20–30 Jahren jemand mit einer großen Sammlung alter Technik.
HannaEngelmeier Thread ↕️ twitter.com/brthe_muhlff/s…
LeoWattenberg It finally happened. I saw "GIFs with sound" as a category on an image sharing website.
SPIEGELCaptions Küchenhelfer aus Ghana: Der Parteispitze den Kampf erklärt
tulpengenieter BIG NEWS!
now introducing STABLEBULBS, a new way to ensure the market remains sound! each bulb is pinned to the guilder in value
how? trust me bro, i know what i'm doing. absolutely no due diligence required! pic.twitter.com/XJHoyiib1E
derwahremawa Ich finde es faszinierend, mit welcher Hartnäckigkeit linke Theoretiker*innen bis heute über Occupy reden, als hätte das für irgendeinen normalen Menschen mehr als einige Wochen lang Relevanz gehabt. Es ist, als würde die Musikwissenschaft seit 10 Jahren über Gangnam Style reden.
whoisJoshBossie @wwwtxt any updates
WesleyLowery the mistake made by too much of polite, elite society (and media) is to treat white supremacists as individual crazies with backwater views. White supremacy is a coherent (if baseless) ideology, with deliberate tactics. What happened today was predictable and will happen again
50% done with Über Menschen, by Juli Zeh: "Die Übereinstimmung von Selbstbild und Wirkli... goodreads.com/user_status/sh…