Enterprise interior design 🤩🤤
thecommiemommy „Man gönnt sich ja sonst nichts!“
Ich, während ich mir zum wiederholten mal etwas gönne.
86% done with Über Menschen, by Juli Zeh: "Gewitter werden angekündigt und finden nicht ... goodreads.com/user_status/sh…

jorendorff Learned the most amazing thing about Ruby yesterday. The String#reverse method doesn't do anything when you use it on strings **that are pictures of fish** pic.twitter.com/kxdmckH1A1
the_maki Der stets überenthusiasmierte Käseverkäufer wünschte mir heute zum Abschied "noch einen SEHR sehr geilen Nachmittag" und jetzt habe ich die große Sorge, ihn enttäuscht zu haben, weil mein Nachmittag dann einfach nur okay war.
Den Rewe-Lieferservice-Warenkorb in der Hoffnung auf eine frĂĽhere Lieferung (da niedrigerer Mindestbestellwert) bei Picnic spiegeln (woran es scheitert: nichts ist bei Picnic jemals verfĂĽgbar)
cercerilla Type systems are an accessibility tool for programming with ADHD.

TaxLawProf There is a lot to process with this new parental verification on my child’s iPad. pic.twitter.com/OKw7fXDuXc
derwahremawa Abteile sind das Schlimmste. Psycho-Folterkammern des gegenseitigen Anschweigens und Aneinandervorbeistarrens, was schon im 19. Jh. ständig bemängelt wurde. Zudem verlängern sie den Fahrgastwechsel und kosten Platz. Weg mit ihnen. twitter.com/Tagesspiegel/s…
TaliaRinger Like the most important problem to me is that genocide is still a thing. Why am I a computer science professor? Well, I like computer science, and I know how to solve problems in my community, while I have no idea how to stop genocide. I'd really love to, though
TaliaRinger It'd be really nice if people could work on problems they feel equipped to handle without rationalizing to themselves why those problems must also be the most important ones
TaliaRinger "Climate change will not kill us all, it will only make people's lives miserable and kill a lot of us. Therefore we should all spend our money and time addressing a science fiction future in which machines are superintelligent and capable of acting deceptively" um
highfrontvowel Haat het als je een discussie over ethiek probeert te voeren en iemand haalt de wet erbij
matt_meeta yes i would like to install the samsung printer driver installation software i need to install the samsung easy printer manager, the samsung printer driver, the samsung document creator and the other samsung printer driver
derwahremawa Geheimtipp. Hilft, wenn sonst nichts hilft. twitter.com/v_i_o_l_a/stat…
random_walker Instead of talking categories, let's talk capabilities. The conversation should be about what these tools can and should be used for, and how we can mitigate and manage the risks.
random_walker Debating whether today's AI tools are truly intelligent is about as useful as debating whether a drone is a bird. If you define a bird to be anything of a certain size that flies, then sure. But it's also obvious that drones can't do most of the other things that birds can do.
rahmstorf Genau! 👇 twitter.com/treibhauspost/…
skyglowberlin It's 2024, and a writer is about to email a draft of the script for "The Bourne Hegemony" to her producer when the power to her building cuts off. It turns out that her idea is too close to a secret government program, and now she's on the run... twitter.com/skyglowberlin/…
omerNLP morphology people - come see if your models can deal with short sentences!
language model people - come see if your models can deal with morphology!
the data is out and there's also a google group twitter.com/mrl2022_emnlp/…
vehicular language/vernacular language
neutsch_org bezuschussen – beoss zisch – beösse zisch – zischbeossen neutsch.org/Starke_Verben/B
yungschelling22 Ich liebe die Vorstellung, wie Prof. Dr. Bolz und mit perfekten Teint morgens an der Siebträgemaschine herummontiert, als ihn plötzlich ein Gedanke durchs Mark fährt. Er fischt das Handy aus seinem Satinbademantel, öffnet die Twitter-App und tippt sein Aperçu. Er kanns noch.
StevenBird "Low resource language" covers three distinct cases: standardised vs local vs contact language. Each offers distinct opportunities for NLP. If we remove the Eurocentric blinders, we may find that speech communities have all kinds of linguistic resources! aclanthology.org/2022.acl-long.…
78% done with Über Menschen, by Juli Zeh: "Mit großer Sorgfalt entfernt er alles, was ni... goodreads.com/user_status/sh…

Ich trinke meinen Kaffee schwarz-gebĂĽrstet pic.twitter.com/pn09iKN6zL