Grumpfdalm Instagram wollte heute ein paar Dinge von mir wissen und ich hab' irgendwie.. Laune.
NanoRaptor Triangular USB connectors were soon abandoned after some users complained of needing to rotate them up to six times before successful insertion.
NanoRaptor The Power Macintosh G3 Sphere was roundly criticised after customers complained about how easily they rolled off badly-levelled desks. Apple's response was to offer users a limited edition, stylish, but slightly concave desk.
engl. eerie
dt. öhricht
Who called it military decoration and not warbling
Fachärztezentrum – das FÄZT!
arumshisky I've come to believe we should not have hybrid conferences, it is impossible to do well with the current technology. We should still have videos for every paper, that part is good. But instead of the hybrid format, we should pick one conference a year to be fully virtual. 6/7
emilymbender And work that frames the problem as one that could be "solved" at the level of training or programming a system "if only" we had human agreement on ethical systems is worse than useless b/c it distracts from the actual problems.
emilymbender Discourses around "teaching machines to be ethical" are frankly just a distraction, and one grounded in fantastical ideas about "AGI".
JoeLongBalls if this shit pops up in your town your rent is about to triple…
MachinePix Coupling Alstom Citadis trams of the Kassel RegioTram.
Oh wait.
There's an invisible byte in there.
Now it works:
>>> fix_and_explain('ââ\x82¬Â¦')
ExplainedText(text='…', explanation=[('encode', 'latin-1'), ('decode', 'utf-8'), ('encode', 'sloppy-windows-1252'), ('decode', 'utf-8')])
MisterABK Every year, I stand on a stage at the British Library and introduce extremely cool narrative designers, game developers and writers. Could it be YOUR name I mispronounce? Apply before Sunday!…
MySQL/mysqldump mangled my UTF8 so bad even ftfy can't fix it.
How does … become ââ¬Â¦ ???
hauckundbauer In der U-Bahn übt ein Mädchen für „The Voice Kids“ und ich hab mich als Erster umgedreht.
acn128 Gut, daß ich eh z.Zt. nicht mit ser Bahn fahre, das ist doch alles ein Trauerspiel...…
juliustens Für die interessierten 9-Euro-Ticket-Nutzer:innen: hat jetzt eine Filter-Option, um nur Züge des Nah- und Regionalverkehrs* anzuzeigen (sieht aus zeitlichen Gründen nicht super hübsch aus, aber ist vllt. besser als nichts 😁).
derwahremawa Der Online-Spiegel hatte schon mal Schwierigkeiten mit dem Unterschied zwischen Planetarium und Observatorium, heute zeigt sich, dass das Wort »Bildhauer« dort auch nicht mehr zum Wortschatz gehört
anna_pryslopska Question about emojis and punctuation: if you insert an emoji at the end of a clause or between sentences, do you still use punctuation marks (, . ; : ! ? etc.)?
MisterABK A few people are sharing this for reasons unknown to me. And I remembered (with delight) that someone unsubscribed to my YT channel because I wasn't taking cancel culture seriously enough.…
SMTWde @_stk @pajowu @rinhia Aaahahaha 🤣🤣
Der hat noch mehr... sehr schön!…
texttheater TRAGIC TRIKE: Obdachloser abgehalfterter Ex-Stripper zieht auf obskurem Gefährt durch die Lande.
ryandcotterell There was an interesting statistic reported in the @aclmeeting discussion on reviewing. The screenshot is below.
The slide suggests that there is an average improvement in the average reviewers’ score of .5. That’s a lot! But is it what the numbers actually show?