texttheater @Johannes42 In 15 von 17 Bundesländern vertreten pic.twitter.com/SA8MS2P1HF
@Johannes42 In 15 von 17 Bundesländern vertreten pic.twitter.com/SA8MS2P1HF
Thanks and congratulations to my awesome co-authors Laura Kallmeyer, Jakub Waszczuk, @kilinguistics, Tatiana Bladier, and @Simon_Petitjean!
Our paper "Improving Low-resource RRG Parsing with Cross-lingual Self-training" won the Naver / Line Grand Challenge Award (≈ best theme paper award) @coling2022! aclanthology.org/2022.coling-1.…
aalinger was sind die HACKS und die KNIFFS im BEZUG auf KÜRBISSUPP
NoContextBrits German TV reporting on UK politics. pic.twitter.com/DQMG0QWeAb
aclanthology •@overleaf has a very nice feature for keeping your BibTeX file up-to-date with the Anthology. It's three easy steps.
jessgrieser Stealable thing I am liking:
Starting office hours appointments on zoom always felt odd, and so about a year and a half ago I decided I needed a stock opener. I picked "What am I helping you with today?" which has some nice presuppositions that match my teaching philosophy.
VictoriaCoren In future decades, it will be a great quiz fact that Liz Truss spoke at the Queen’s funeral.
RoyiRassin New work! :D
We show evidence that DALL-E 2, in stark contrast to humans, does not respect the constraint that each word has a single role in its visual interpretation.
Work with @ravfogel and @yoav.
BlackboxNLP @ #emnlp2022
Below, "a person is hearing a bat" pic.twitter.com/llhDluElBz
RichertCartoons Immer noch Wut.
Und hannesrichert.de pic.twitter.com/BMtKfeRBDG
Cassandraglynn They enjoyed being able to include friends, other important adults, etc. This also helped us to co-construct the vocab. It was affirming. So, definitely willing to die on this hill. 4/4
EmmaSManning today's news is reminding me of one of my favorite nlp errors ever (tragically it was fixed years ago, making it much harder to learn liz truss's height in picometers) pic.twitter.com/MqZetWax3a
gossminn Woke up to the exciting news this morning that we won the AACL Best Paper Award! 🥳🥳🥳 (w/ @saragemelli_ , Chiara Zanchi, @tommaso_caselli & @MalvinaNissim @GroNlp) I'm super honoured and looking forward to the conference very much!
📰 arxiv.org/abs/2209.12030 twitter.com/elgreco_winter…
kilinguistics that it would never happen. I do not understand this practice and am deeply uncomfortable with it. Like, why would you ask someone to say "Hi" to someone for them. Can't they pick up a phone? Send a text? Seriously, what is wrong with people? 2/
kilinguistics I have a confession to make. I generally find it almost impossible to lie. But. Every single time someone asked me to say "Hi" to someone else from them, and I responded with "I will," that was a flat-out lie. I knew the moment I said it 1/
@GabrielBerlin Hittet sicher unterschiedlich, je nach dem, wie man heißt
labenzticker Dümde, die: Verschönerungselement an Autospiegeln, Schulrucksäcken etc., z.B. Plüschwürfel, Babyschuhe, Diddlmäuse, Babynuckel, Reflektorkatzen, kleine Kruzifixe... labenz.neutsch.org/D%C3%BCmde
neutsch_org knutschen – knootsch – knöötsche – geknootschen neutsch.org/Starke_Verben/K
Dervine7 can’t remember who but someone on here responded to the Feynman “philosophy of science is as useful to scientists as ornithology is to birds” quote with “ornithology would be quite useful to birds if they understood it” and it’s stuck in my head ever since
fandorinmusic Finde ich völlig in Ordnung, Eltern können, wenn sie Zwergenaufstand machen wollen, den Kindern jederzeit eine Tube Mett mitgeben. twitter.com/MDRAktuell/sta…
loresjoberg I will never make fun of Star Trek technobabble again. pic.twitter.com/nkZLkvX285