The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @texttheater ever

October 23rd, 2022

#275 1/6 (100%)

via Twitter for Android

alicedembowsky i am begging you to please be aware of folk etymologies. if you hear an etymology that sounds too cute to be true, it probably was made up by someone who randomly thought of it and decided it was probably true. etymologies tend to come from words, not charming folk stories

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 1:28 PM, Oct 23rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

WendyMolyneux Fat is not a behavior or a feeling, it is a category of person, and fat people deserve the same respect and protection as other categories. Saying that fat people would become thin if they just ate differently or exercised has been disproven over and over again. Wake up.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:33 PM, Oct 23rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

patrickwiral @marillenschnaps wikiliebs

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:29 PM, Oct 23rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

wortgeburt Augenwichserei. ( via @moggadodde )

via YoruFukurou (retweeted on 12:10 PM, Oct 23rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

jasminevdon literally just learned that they did not nail Jesus' forehead to the top of the cross. my catholic friend is like "did you think they put a single 2 foot nail through the skull and brain?" and, completely unironically..... yes. i thought that was why you all were so pissed still

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:16 AM, Oct 23rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

RottenInDenmark Incredible excerpt from Freakonomics.
Do people with Black-sounding names get rejected for job interviews due to racism?
Or is it simply that employers think people with Black names are poor, uneducated and unreliable? 🤔🤔🤔

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:00 AM, Oct 23rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

@BluesRice Hä, wie kommst du denn zu der Einschätzung?

via Twitter for Android in reply to BluesRice

GalaxyKate declaring a new term:
A Bach Faucet is a situation where a generative system makes an endless supply of some content at or above the quality of some culturally-valued original, but the endless supply of it makes it no longer rare, and thus less valuable

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 4:36 AM, Oct 23rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

MisterABK It was one of those hotels that charge by the hour. You know the kind I mean.

Nap hotels.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 4:33 AM, Oct 23rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

jmhenner I don’t have strong thoughts about swift either way. I haven’t updated my musical tastes since 2003 which is the last time I had enough time and energy to concentrate on making a song sound different to other songs to my brain.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:29 AM, Oct 23rd, 2022 via Twitter for Android)