frachtschaden Die Schotten hatten einen König namens "Robert the Bruce", aber Deutschland nie einen namens bspw. "Werner der Günter".
adveisner My Fair Lady: Amazing book, lyrics, and score ... and the role of a lifetime for me. You understand, I ONLY get to play the romantic lead when it specifically calls for a pompous 50-year-old linguistics professor. 🤓📚🔡
asayeed this is terrifying…
@ojahnn What rabbit hole did you crawl into there, and why? :D

GoodGermanWords #Friede #Freude #Eierkuchen - Peace, Joy, and Eggcake - is a slightly passive-agressive version of "sweetness and light".
"It's funny - after Opa's fourth wife allowed the grandkids to sell her house, it was suddenly Peace, Joy, and Eggcake in the Zwergsteiger clan."
monaeltahawy I would like all those political scientists who studied & dissected women of the Muslim Brotherhood, how they uphold & enable a system vs their interests, to similarly study & dissect these white Christian women voters in US.They helped elect a sexual predator to White House, etc