fff_duesseldorf Nicht mehr lange bis zum 20. September 🥳. Kommt um 11 zum Corneliusplatz und bringt alle mit, die ihr kennt! 💚🌍
#FridaysForFuture #AlleFürsKlima @FridayForFuture pic.twitter.com/9VK4iM175J
I love everything about that "junction" and the guy's chosen resting place. twitter.com/RealTimeWWII/s…
„Staats- und Regierungschef*innen : #Climate Emergency – #AllinforClimateAction #FridaysforFuture #Klimakrise #Klimastreik #Klimaschutz #VoteforClimate” - Jetzt unterschreiben! chng.it/VwfzjYCB via @ChangeGER
FR31H31T Die Bürger haben entschieden: Das Jugendwort des Jahres 2019 ist "Jugendwort McJugendwortface"
latentexistence Hello, yes, I am "hooked on prescription drugs" because I like such frivoulous things as "being able to get out of bed" and "not being in pain 24 hours a day"
My illness is not going away just because of your moral panic about meds.
A Bing Streetside car, as photographed by a Google Street View car 9-eyes.com/post/187558615… #kunst #feedly
tpoi Just use this simple heuristic: if it's slow and the computer goes WOOOOOOOOSH, the bottleneck is the CPU; if it's slow and the mouse stop moving, the bottleneck is the memory. twitter.com/ChelseaParlett…
texttheater Dieses eine Lied von den Black Eyed Peas heißt "Meet Me Halfway", in meinen Kopf hält es sich aber hartnäckig als "Equal Goes It Loose".
38% done with Currency, by Neal Stephenson: "A concentration of dust bunnies and feather... goodreads.com/user_status/sh…
Good things are happening but in the wrong order